[Via http://blood4.wordpress.com]
[Via http://blood4.wordpress.com]
It’s that time of year. The time when everyone looks back on the year that was. The good, the bad and all the rest.
I’ve started this post a few times and never been very happy with how it turned out. Looking back on 2009, I’ve come to the conclusion that 2009 mostly blew.
Personally, for me, the year was pretty good, more highs than lows, and overall better than 2008. However, when I’ve looked back at the big news stories, movies, music, etc. of 2009, I’ve realized how much this year just stank to high heaven. We had some miserable lows, and a few dizzying highs. But, the lows greatly outnumbered the highs.
I looked long and hard for good music in 2009, and came up mostly empty-handed. A handful of decent releases, but nothing earth-shattering or anything that was anything more than a blip on my radar.
Movies fared slightly better, but still nowhere near what 2008 was, movie wise. Star Trek and Harry Potter ruled, Transformers found a way to ruin a movie about giant robots beating the crap out of each other, Watchmen left many people scratching there heads, New Moon was enjoyable. All in all, mostly just a so-so year, nowhere near the epicness of The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Indiana Jones (fuck you, it’s good and a worthy part of the saga, but that’s another rant) and everything else from 2008.
For me, 2009 was a year of continuing what started good in the later part of 2008. I still work at the same job, which is better than the 4 jobs I had in 2008. Finances have improved over the clusterfuck that was 2008. I got addicted to Facebook, Twitter, ignored MySpace, started a blog, car blew up, bought a new car, buried 1 cat who was a member of our family, adopted 2 new kittens who have fast become a part of our family, traveled, saw much, experienced much more, loved, laughed, lost, gained, spent, saved, lost friends, gained friends, rediscovered old friends, moved into a full fledged staff position with Shevacon, then nearly fucked it all up with my big mouth and short temper, and Star Wars continued to rule every facet of my life.
Star Wars continues to be everywhere for me. I trooped 8 different events with the 501st, got to meet Seth Green and Matt Senriech, be interviewed by Fangoria online (even though they didn’t use it), have dinner with Jeremy Bulloch (aka Boba Fett) twice, got my picture in the Star Wars Insider, may or may not have been on TV, marched in freezing rain, sweated my ass off in 100 plus heat, finally finished the Hell Bucket, raised money for charity, made thousands of kids smile (and only a few cry), saw the inner child of many adults come out and shine for a few moments. Clone Wars continues to amaze with each episode. Celebration 5 was announced after months of rumours and speculation and plans are already in the works for Jenn and I to attend the biggest Star wars party of the year.
It’s hard to believe that we are on the cusp of 2010. For so long, 2010 was the FUTURE!! Like it was an episode of the Jetsons or something. We still don’t have flying cars or food in pill form, but so much has changed in our daily lives since 1999, which was surprisingly only 10 years ago. It’s hard to believe that 10 years ago, we were all worried about Y2K and all that nonsense. Add in the fact that I turned 30 this year and it just boggles my mind, it’s so hard to believe. I still mostly feel the same that I did in my teens. I don’t feel 30 on the verge of entering 2010. It just seems very surreal. I have high hopes for 2010, and I see many good things on the horizon.
Here’s to the future.
[Via http://murray1134.wordpress.com]
So I just finished this game. That has to be a record for me recently, I’ve completed two fully fledged games within roughly four days. Albeit they are relatively short (CoD:MW2 and GoW2), but still, usually my attention for any game wilts before the end, unless it’s something really special, especially since I’m usually more of a multiplayer gamer. The only other “recent” occasion that I can think that this happened was with the Orange Box, when I would have completed Half Life 2: Episode 2 and Portal within close intervals of each other.
Anyway, back to the subject. Modern Warfare 2. What can I say, it’s great, one of my favourite FPS games since my post-HL2 higher standards. It may not play with puzzles and physics like HL2, but it’s epic production, beautiful, immersive presentation and clever game mechanics fit the bill nicely for it to stand out. It also has one of the most hollywood-style epic endings of any war game, or any game, that I’ve played for a long while. The plot is a little love-hate, I honestly had trouble understanding the twists and turns, like many other people, but it is pretty good and is better than a generic war plot, which it could so easily have been.
All in all, I have to say this is well worth a purchase, and in my opinion, is an improvement over the still very good Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
On a different note, I hope you all have good, fun new year celebrations, this will likely be my last post of 2009 so, from me this is a somewhat sad goodbye to the noughties, my era of schooling, growing up, friendship, happiness and juvenile lack of worry, and a gloomy hello to the “tens”, and my unfortunate, unwilling adulthood. It’s essentially the last piece to fall until everything I’ve clung onto from that era is no longer part of my life.
[Via http://kolddoom.wordpress.com]
I’ve been approached by many colleagues, friends and family over the years with the same dilemma. Occasionally you will find what you “signed up for” and what is delivered are sometimes not the same…whether it’s a store purchase, relationship, or job. Maybe you find yourself a few days or a few weeks into a new job, feeling disillusioned. Do you jump ship? Do you keep quiet and keep looking in this economy? Perhaps you should consider a more direct approach.
1) Were your expectations realistic? Did you do your homework during the interview phase? It is unfortunate that sometimes you will find the role you are working in and the role you interviewed for, aren’t the same position. How can you get a better picture of the position before you start?
2) So, you did your homework and the job is still NOTHING what you thought it would be. Have you considered professionally meeting with your manager over the differences in what you believed the job to be versus what it has turned out to be?
3) So, you’ve done your homework. You’ve been candid and approached your manager with your concerns. You’ve been patient and put your full effort into the on-boarding and training process and you are still stuck in a position that resembles nothing close to the one you accepted. Either “grin and bear it” professionally, or resign professionally. It is a small-world and you would be surprised who can make or break future hiring or promotion decisions for you in the future. Calling off on unexcused absences after just starting a position, only make you look unprofessional. Use this experience to build your skills, grow your ability to work with diverse situations and people, and learn what you could have done/asked differently.
[Via http://awomansworkblog.wordpress.com]
John 1:1, 2, & 14 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.”
A couple of months ago I posted the question on Facebook, “Is the God of the Old Testament the same God of the New Testament?” While the majority said He was, there were those few that felt otherwise. I’d like to say I was shocked by the response of those that thought otherwise however, my shock factor had already been reached while sitting in Bib Faith class.
My professor stood at the front of the class and posed this very question. I sat there and listened to students’ state that He was not the same God and my mouth became a bug catcher, open wide with chin resting on floor. My professor then said these words, “How could He be the same God? The God of the Old Testament is all about vengeance and destruction – an eye for an eye – while the God of the New Testament is all about love – turn the other cheek – God must have softened His heart over the years.” My leg began bouncing up and down, as I was clearly annoyed with this concept. Hebrews 13:8 clearly states, “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” What kind of professors do they have teaching this Bible class?
What I didn’t realize about my professor until a few weeks later, after I interrogated him on his version of scripture on a totally different topic, was that this is not what he believed it was merely his way of getting us to think about what it is that we believe and why. Thank God! After my interrogation of him, all annoyances vanished and a respect of what he was trying to do was reached. By far, my favorite class of the semester, but I’m getting off topic…
Go’el: next of kin, and hence, redeemer. Owing to the solidarity of the family and the clan in ancient Israel, any duty, which a man could not perform by himself, had to be taken up by his next of kin. Any rights possessed by a man that lapsed through his inability to perform his duties attached to such rights, could be and should be resumed by the next of kin. This applied especially to parcels of land which any Israelite found it necessary to sell. This his go’el, or kinsmen, had to redeem. In the book of Ruth the next of kin was called upon to purchase a parcel of land formerly belonging to Elimelech. It would appear from the same example that another duty of the go’el was to raise offspring for his kinsman if he happened to die without any. This would seem to be an extension of the principle of the Levirate Marriage; hence, the procedure of “halizah” was gone through in the case of Naomi’s go’el, just as if he had been her brother-in-law. Another duty of the go’el was to redeem his kinsman from slavery if sold to a stranger. As the go’el has his duties, so he had his privileges and compensation. The whole conception of the go’el was based on the solidarity of the interests of the tribe and the nation with those of the national God, and accordingly the notion of the go’el became spiritualized as applied to the relations between God and Israel. God was regarded as the go’el of Israel, and as having redeemed them from the bondage of Egypt. God is the redeemer.
Throughout the entire Bible, you will find what is known as “The Cycle of Retribution”. This is where the following happens:
1) the people sin
2) God punishes the people
3) the people cry out
4) God raises up a judge
5) the judge dies and the people sin, again
In an exegesis class, How to Interpret the Bible, I took last year, I learned that the Bible came into being as a result of God’s desire to communicate with human beings. God longed for relationships. Eve and also Adam chose to disobey God’s command to them, but in spite of this rebellion against God, He still wanted to communicate with them in the Garden of Eden and called out to them when they were hiding: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). God is in pursuit of us. He punished them but He did not abandon them.
If God is in pursuit of us, longs for relationship with us, then why is it that He would be so “mean” to mankind? Let’s start from the beginning, hitting a few key stories, shall we…
Genesis 6 tells us the story of the flood. In this story, we’re told that God saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that He grieved that He had made man and thus He wiped mankind, whom He had created, from the face of the earth. Wow! How many times can we say, in our life, that we have destroyed something we created because we no longer found it good? I mean just the other day I disposed of my banana pudding because it was no longer good. While this concept is not the same as destroying mankind, it holds some weight… I created it, it was good, it rotted, and thus it had to be destroyed. What, still not a valid point? Okay, okay…
How about the story of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram? Not familiar with this one? In Numbers 16, it tells us the story of how these men rose up against Moses along with 250 Israelites who were well-known community leaders who had been appointed members of the council. They had been given power and set apart to do God’s work at the tabernacle and to minister but they became greedy and arrogant, wanting to take the priesthood too. Moses said to them that they would know that God had sent him if the ground upon which they were standing opens and swallows them, everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave for contempt. Thus God did. He opened up the earth, swallowed them, along with their households, and closed the ground over them. Holy-moly! Now I have never been able to make the ground open, swallow up someone that has risen against me, and close over them but oh how I’d love to see that happen. Open Sesame, Close Sesame! What, not violent enough for you? Okay, okay…
It cannot get any more violent than killing men, women, and children. In Joshua 6, we learn of the story of Jericho. Jericho had become a city of wicked idolaters, corrupt in morals – as the public harlotry of Rahab showed – and so wicked that they had filled the cup of iniquity and had become ripe for judgment. Thus, God ordered that the city and all that were in it to be destroyed – men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep, and donkeys. I can see where it would be hard pressed to view God as loving in this scene however, did He not spare Rahab’s life and those that belonged to her because she helped hide the spies sent in by Joshua on God’s orders?
How about the story of Samson in the book of Judges? Of all the things Samson could ask God for, he asked Him for wisdom. God gave Samson wisdom and in return asked him to keep His commands. Samson of course felt that the rules did not apply to him and thus God punished him by allowing him to be turned over to the hands of the enemy. Even in the end, Samson was not looking for redemption from God; he was looking for revenge on those that had taken his eyes. He asked God to grant him strength one more time for this revenge and allow him to die with his enemy, of which God granted. God allowed Samson to die?
What about Job? If I were to ask you who tested Job most likely your answer would be Satan. However if you look closely in chapter 2 is states that the angels had come to present themselves before God and Satan also came. God asked him where he had come from and Satan told him roaming the earth, going back and forth in it. God then asks Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?” Satan tells God that Job only serves Him because he is prosperous but if all were taken from him, he would curse God. And then God says, “Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.” So Satan afflicted Job with painful sores and took all the he had from him. What? God allowed this to happen to Job? Even in the last chapter, it states that all who had known Job came to his house afterward and comforted him over all the trouble God had brought upon him. You seriously mean to tell me that God allows all my ailments, roadblocks, and my idea of hell on earth?
Yes, I can see why there are those that would say the God of the Old Testament is mean and vengeful and not loving which makes Him not the same God of the New Testament, indeed. However, this is the way I see it…
It is the cycle of retribution. A parent loving their child/ren. God is in pursuit of us. He longs to have a relationship with us. He is a jealous God and One to be feared. However, He is a loving God. He spared Noah and his family. He blessed Noah and made a covenant with him. Noah had become wicked. He spared the entire community in Numbers 16 at the request of Moses. He spared Rehab and all that belonged to her in spite of her being a prostitute. He granted Samson his last request in spite of it being for his own self-honor and not that of God’s. He blessed Job for not cursing Him, giving him twice as much as he had in the beginning… gave him more in the latter part of his life than the first. God takes care of His children by protecting them and keeping them from the evil one. As with any good parent, He holds us accountable for our actions and we are disciplined accordingly. This God of the Old Testament loved us so much that He sent us His son who changed things for us.
God could not look upon sin without judgment. Therefore, only the priest, even if brought by the common people, were allowed to offer up offerings and sacrifices in the Old Testament. Leviticus tells us of 5 different types of sacrifices offered:
1) “whole burnt offerings” – to worship God, show devotion to God, and to ask for God’s forgiveness; the entire object is burnt
2) “grain offerings” – to worship God by giving thanks; to recognize that God is the giver of blessings and provides good things
3) “peace offerings” or “well-being offerings” – to worship God and ask for God’s blessing; some of the meat is kept and eaten
4) “sin offerings” – to ask God’s forgiveness; to make amends for specific unintentional sins; to become clean after becoming ritually unclean
5) “guilt offerings” – to make up for cheating the Lord or unintentionally destroying something that belonged to the Lord; to make up for robbing or cheating another person
The tabernacle was considered the Holy Place however within the tabernacle was an inner room called the Holy of Holies or the Most Holy Place. It was God’s special dwelling place in the midst of His people. A thick curtain separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place. This curtain, known as a “veil”, was made of fine linen and blue, purple, and scarlet yarn. The word “veil” in Hebrew means a screen, divider or separator that hides. What was this curtain hiding? Essentially, it was shielding a holy God from sinful man. Only the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies and only once a year, on the Day of Atonement (Hebrews 9:7). This veil was a barrier between man and God, showing man that the holiness of God could not be trifled with. God’s eyes are too pure to look on evil and He can tolerate no sin (Habakkuk 1:13). This barrier, this veil, was to make sure that man could not carelessly and irreverently enter into God’s awesome presence. Even the high priest had to make some meticulous preparations: He had to wash himself, put on special clothing, bring burning incense to let the smoke cover his eyes from direct view of God, and bring blood with him to make atonement for sins. (I’ve even heard it said that they would tie a rope around them in case they had not prepared accordingly as God would kill them and they would have to be drugged out. Whether that is true or not, I am uncertain.)
However, Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross changed that. When He died, the curtain in the Jerusalem temple was torn in half, from the top to the bottom. As the veil was torn, the Holy of Holies was exposed. God’s presence was now accessible to all. (Hebrews 6:19-20) His death has atoned our sins and made us right before God. When Jesus cried out “It is finished!” on the cross, He was indeed proclaiming that God’s redemptive plan was now complete. The ultimate offering had been sacrificed. That, my friend, is the greatest gift, the gift of love, which God could ever give.
He is the same loving God that protected His children, kept His promises, provided mercy, pursuing relationships in the Old Testament, as He is in the New Testament. He was, He is, and He always will be… the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Revelations 1:8)
There is a song that I remember us often singing in church when I was younger; “oh how He loves you and me / Oh how He loves you and me / He gave His life / What more could He give / Oh how He loves you and me.” How can the God of the Old Testament be any different than the God of the New Testament, He gave us His son so that He can have a personal relationship with us and not through a high priest. He is our Go’el! He has paid our debt; He has become our bridegroom; He has broken the chains and freed me from slavery; He is indeed my redeemer, my Go’el!
Copyrighted by reflectionsbypj 2009/12/29
[Via http://pennyshire.wordpress.com]
Employers signal an increase in their plans to hire in the new year, according to CareerBuilder’s 2010 Job Forecast revealed today (Dec. 29). While employers continue to closely monitor the progress of recovery for the U.S. economy, they are beginning to consider hiring strategies designed to preserve the health and growth of their businesses for the future. | Hiring schemes
Go to newly designed My Techbox Online for more tech news.
[Via http://mytechbox.wordpress.com]
In collaboration with Jan Gorodkin at the Faculty for Life Sciences at University of Copenhagen, I will be starting up a project related to non-coding RNAs and their interactions with mRNAs. We have secured funding for the project and thus now searching for the right person to fill the following position:
Post doc in RNA Bioinformatics and systems biology
Department of Basic Animal and Veterinary Sciences wishes to appoint a post doc within RNA bioinformatics and systems biology from February 1st, 2010 or soon thereafter. The appointment is for three years.
Job description
Within the last few years non-coding RNAs have shown to be essential molecular players and in the mammalian genome there is room for a huge number of ncRNAs. Furthermore, in silico predicts hundreds of thousands structured RNAs in the genome. In the project ncRNAs will be correlated with protein coding genes with respect to putative physical interactions and possible co-expression patterns. RNA-RNA interactions will be applied to protein-coding genes and in the context of resources of gene interactions (STITCH) further interactions of small molecules will be made. In addition literature mining will be applied as an additional approach seeking information of interaction. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Lars Juhl Jensen at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen.
Qualification requirements
The following requirements should be fulfilled:
Experience with (development of) computational methods for RNA bioinformatics and/or literature mining is an advantage.
The post doc is also required to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
For details on how to apply, please refer to the official job announcement.
[Via http://larsjuhljensen.wordpress.com]
Job title: Marketing & Administrative Assistant
Company information:
Name: Goodwin Commercial Properties
Location: Dallas, TX
Job Details:
Job title: Marketing & Administrative Assistant
Location: Dallas, TX
Position Summary Responsible for proposing and assisting the firm in developing and implementing selected marketing initiatives. The Marketing Administrator will coordinate marketing efforts with President and other staff members. Job Responsibilities: Client Communications Design and develop marketing materials, e.g. corporate brochure, newsletters, articling brochure, personal group profiles, website, etc. Develop and integrate marketing activities across service areas, e.g. logo, templates for request for proposals, powerpoint, etc. Develop and maintain the firm?s website; keep site content fresh and updated in coordination with the outside webmaster Monitor production of marketing materials to ensure consistency and appropriateness Public Relations / Advertising Develop and implement the firm?s public relations program, to include internal and external publications (e.g. newsletters, client alerts, greeting cards, etc.) that enhance public awareness of the firm Develop and implement the firm?s advertising program – design and place advertisements; negotiate contracts with media; work with design agencies on advertising campaigns Evaluate and implement firm participation in sponsorships and community programs Business Development Coordinate, review, edit and design responses to Request for Proposals Oversee planning and execution of client seminars, speaking engagements, special events, panel participation and other ad marketing efforts Internet and marketing research Article clippings of interest for future business Real Estate packages for clients for site rides. Administrative Maintain oversight of the firm?s marketing database ? Constant Contact or another site Prepare annual marketing budget and approve and monitor marketing-related expenses Assist in coordinating local ICSC events throughout Texas Send out mass mailers to prospective Retailers, Buyers, etc. Microsoft Outlook, Excel, ACT or other contact database, Powerpoint, other graphic applications. Update social media, blogs, etc. Job Qualifications: ? formal marketing education and graphic design software such as Publisher, Quark or Photoshop ? experience in commercial real estate environment ? excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills ? understand needs and expectations of clients ? ability to adapt to and work within the firm?s culture ? highly organized and ability to work independently ? able to manage multiple projects while prioritizing work assignments ? working knowledge of word processing, desktop publishing, presentation software, database management and spreadsheet applications ? internet research ? knowledge of website marketing
[Via http://marketingjobsdallas.wordpress.com]
I’ve only been working in an office envirement for about 7 months and just started working at a law firm. My job is pretty chill managing the social media part of the online community the firm has set up.
One day when I was sitting in the office I got thinking. In these tough times how many people are still jobless. 16 million jobs lost. That’s a record. What I realized was: Theres no such thing as job security. For real, if you think about it.. There really isn’t.
If you work in a department store or something that might not be the case. Big names like Macy’s, Old Navy, Kohls they always need people to exploit with low pay and alot of work. Better then no work. When you work in a department store theres really no point in impressing your managers. Seriously unless you feel like your job is in danger.. Just do your job requirements and you don’t really need to go further then that. Come on, your really not going to get a raise for a while.. And even if you are it’ll be a couple cents.
It’s different in the office. That’s where the whole ‘no job security’ thing happens. I’m sure it always hasn’t been like this. If you work in an office and have coworkers there always might be competition. But anyways, that’s no biggie. Unlike a department store maybe going to extra mile and doing something extra helps (you keep your job for a while or increases the chances of you getting a raise.)
The main subject is: Job security. A person close to me is a manager of the Washington branch of a CPA and auditing firm based in New York. Most of her the companies business has shifted all to New York. There was a big thing a couple months ago about job security.. But it’s been good and it’s not really a problem anymore.
Trying to impress your boss isn’t really a bad thing. I think. Just don’t go down the route of inappropriate measures. Do extra.
And have a weekly task list that of goals at work you wish to complete.
Just my two cents.
[Via http://therandomguy.wordpress.com]
Job Type: Full Time
Location: Civic Centre, City Of Mississauga, ON, CANADA;
Job Category: Marketing
Industry: Government
Year(s) of Experience: 3
Number Of Positions: 1
Date Posted: Dec 22, 2009
Mississauga is Canada’s sixth largest city with a population of more than 700,000. With well-established infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities, the City is considered to be an employer of choice, delivering quality municipal programs and services to its citizens. Mississauga is a dynamic, diverse and progressive municipality, known for its economic strength and for being Canada’s safest city.
requires a
Job Specifications:
Post secondary education in Marketing, Web Design, Information Technology, Graphic Arts, or Communications along with a minimum of 3 years progressive experience in the development and management of a large corporate Web site or equivalent combination of appropriate education and experience. Experience in all aspects of the web development lifecycle including: analysis, specification building, design and development, coding, QA testing, promotion and maintenance. Proficient in web design and development software including advanced experience using Dreamweaver, Photoshop, ImageReady and Flash. Must be highly skilled in hand coding HTML, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets and Action script. Demonstrated proficiency in user interface design principles and standard web design and development methodologies. Demonstrated proficiency in the development and integration of dynamic content such as Flash, video and audio content within web sites. Experience and proficiency in the development of dynamic multi-media presentations using PowerPoint, Flash and Apple Keynote. Experience with Content Management Systems (creating and deploying content). E-marketing tactical experience, including creative development that supports a broader marketing plan. Excellent oral and written communication skills. A task-orientated approach to projects and the ability to perform duties requiring independent judgment, analytical skills and initiative. Demonstrated commitment to professional development, including a track record of remaining current with emerging web technologies. Ability to work well under pressure and within strict deadlines. Strong problem solving skills and attention to detail.
Primary Responsibilities:
Under the direction of the Manager, Corporate Marketing and Promotions, the successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating and completing assigned Web page maintenance tasks and supporting the design and implementation of various web development and multi-media projects. Completion of these duties will require, but not be limited to creating, managing and integrating web pages into eCity and Inside Mississauga. Supporting the development and integration of multi-media content such as flash and video on to City Web pages. Developing and implementing dynamic and user-focused web content (both internal and external) for Communications division supported projects. Providing support and consultation to the Communications Team with implementing web-based projects. Partnering with Creative Services to develop dynamic multi-media presentations utilizing PowerPoint, Flash and Apple Keynote for high-profile and strategically important initiatives. Prioritizing and responding to web page maintenance requests from Communications staff based on defined priorities and workload demands. Partnering with Creative Services and Information Technology to advise, build and execute web site development plans based on project needs and goals. Participating in section and divisional work teams and projects as required. Assisting with the ongoing evaluation of web sites and other web services by producing quantitative performance measures. Maintaining an awareness of current trends and technology in related fields. Performing other related duties as assigned.
Salary range: $50,947 – $67,929
A Criminal Record Search will be required of the successful candidate, at their own expense, to verify the absence of a criminal record for which a pardon has not been granted.
We thank all who apply, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. All personal information is collected under the authority of the municipal Act. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Please note that once you have submitted your resume an on-line a questionnaire will appear on screen and must be completed in order to be considered for this position.
Click here to apply.
[Via http://gerarddolan.wordpress.com]
Aujourd’hui Jeudi 24 Decembre 2009, la vieille de Noel, je dois travailler mais de chez moi. Un peu de repis quand meme… Enfait je ne travaille pas haha je commate sur mes sites comme d’habitude.
Hier j’ai parle avec une fille qui est stagiaire chez JYPE USA sur Google Talk (je l’avais depuis longtemps dans mes contacts lol). On a fait connaissance vite fait vu qu’on etait toutes les 2 au boulot. Elle s’occupe de la fan page des Wonder Girls et de tout qui s’en suit et je lui ai demande si elle voulait devenir aussi Admin dans mon groupe de WG mais comme elle a desactive son compte… lol mais elle va me tenir au courant quand elle va revenir. Elle est super sympa
Bref a part ca j’en ai marre du boulot… je ne sens meme pas l’ambiance de Noel, j’ai meme pas vu Noel venir tellement je suis une no life en ce moment… tout dois etre boucle a la fin de l’annee et c’est pas gagne !! VDM.
Je viens de m’acheter Windows 7 pour 35 euros.
Offre promotionelle pour les etudiants jusqu’au 3 Janvier !
Joyeux Noel et mangez bien ce soir !!
[Via http://hapticmotion.wordpress.com]
MyWorkButterfly.com announces its partnership with Facebook’s Circle of Moms application. You can now find us in the Working Moms group within Circle of Moms, dispensing the resourceful advice we provide at MyWorkButterfly. We are now able to share our content, as well as empower and inspire more moms than ever before. If you are on Facebook, and we assume that you are, check out the Circle of Moms/Working Moms Facebook application and add us to your circle!
Come January, as we mark our one-year anniversary, we are proud to bring our Butterfly members a series of live teleseminars. You will be able to sign up (limited enrollment) for a group of live phone calls with our experts. Nationally known Psychotherapist Dr. Robi Ludwig will kick-off the calls addressing and providing solutions for work/life stress, guilt, relationships struggles and self-image, to name a few. Please take our poll to let us know what call time works best for you.
With just a few days to go until Christmas, we thought we’d highlight a holiday-related Butterfly blog of the week submitted by B’fly members and husband/wife duo, Maureen and Michael Starr:
“Here we are full force into the “Holiday Season”, and so busy preparing to celebrate with family and friends. This can be a hectic time of year as we add so many additional projects and tasks to our over loaded days. I’d like to take a minute and share some suggestions for remaining safe while you are out shopping in preparation for your Holiday celebration.
-First and foremost, awareness is key! You must stay aware of all this is going on around you!
-Always have a charged and easily accessible cell phone; make sure it’s not buried at the bottom of your bag. You never know when you may need to reach it quickly.
-Avoid becoming distracted. Large noisy groups, someone asking for help or directions; you must make a conscious effort to remain alert and in tune with what is going on around you. Not so easy when we are with our children, I know. When you are consistently aware of your surroundings you can make the right choices to maintain your safety. You must become proactive as opposed to reactive.
-Don’t leave your pocketbook unattended. May seem to be an obvious suggestion, but I was in “ToysRus” recently and a woman left her bag in the shopping cart while she went to look at games. She wasn’t that far away but, it would have been very easy for someone to slip their hand into her bag and grab her wallet. It happens all the time!
-If possible shop with a friend. In addition to having a valuable second opinion, “safety in numbers” is a genuine deterrent.
-Choose your parking spots carefully. Remain as close to the entrance of a building as possible. Choose a spot that is under a light and remember where you parked your car. When you exit a store you DO NOT need to be searching a dark parking lot for your vehicle. If you feel uneasy ask security to escort you. Better safe, than sorry!
-Don’t overload yourself with packages. Consolidate. Make several trips to the car if necessary through out your shopping trip and have your keys in hand and ready. Don’t spend time organizing your packages in the trunk. Get them and yourself safely in the car quickly and LOCK the doors. Don’t wait for the auto lock to kick in when you start to drive.
-Make sure someone is aware of your schedule and where you will be. My wife was out shopping today and called me to say she would be home in 30 minutes. After an hour I checked in with her just to make sure she was ok. Fortunately she was fine, just engrossed in “the holiday shopping experience.”
I hope you will find these suggestions helpful and maybe they will make you think twice about your safety before you venture out. My goal is helping people maintain their safety and security.
There is No Protection…without Self Protection. Stay safe and enjoy the season,” says Maureen and Michael. We echo their sentiments!
Mother, Wife and Worker
Follow Us @ButterflyMoms
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[Via http://bradinathan.wordpress.com]
Whether you are a student looking for that first time or summer job or a long time veteran looking for a change of pace, this JOB SEARCH JARGON should help you get on your way…
We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors.
Work 55 hours; get paid for 37.5.
Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want you to do.
You whine, you’re fired.
We expect that you will want to flip hamburgers until you are 70.
Management won’t answer questions
Some time each night and some time each weekend
Anyone in the office can boss you around.
We have a lot of turnover.
We’re not going to supply you with leads; there’s no base salary; you’ll wait 30 days for your first commission check.
We don’t pay enough to expect that you’ll dress up; well, a couple of the real daring guys wear earrings.
If we’re in trouble, you’ll go on TV and get us out of it.
You’ll need it to replace three people who just left.
You’re walking into a company in perpetual chaos.
[Via http://havecoffeewiththat.wordpress.com]
When it comes to career paths, INFJs have a vast array of options. Though they are the rarest of the Myers Briggs introverted personality types, they are often gifted and capable of excelling in whatever they set out to accomplish. Despite their wide range of interests and abilities, some INFJs may experience difficulty winnowing down their choices with regard to careers, jobs, or college majors. This article is meant to assist these introverts in their quest for a vocation that is well-suited to their values, skills, interests, and abilities.
Like their INTJ counterparts, INFJs may land in several different interest domains on the Strong / Holland Inventory. However, of the six RIASEC domains (i.e., Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional), INFJs are most likely to display interests in the Social and Artistic realms. It is important to realize that while those of the Social domain exhibit interests in people, it is unnecessary to be an extrovert to enjoy these types of careers.
Among the most popular careers, jobs, and majors for Social INFJs are those in religion / ministry, teaching / education, mental health counseling, and medicine / healthcare. They may enjoy work as priests, ministers, pastors, nuns, monks, theologians, rabbis, or other types of religious workers. With regard to teaching, INFJs may be found at all levels, from elementary up to the university (along with INTJs, they are commonly found in academia). This personality type may be found teaching the full spectrum of subjects, although many INFJs shy away from mathematics and business. This personality type is also frequently encountered in healthcare. INFJs may be physicians of all sorts (e.g., family practice, internal medicine, psychiatry, ophthalmology, pathology, neurology). They may also choose to study pharmacy, dietetics / nutrition, nursing, audiology, optometry, physical, occupational, or speech therapy. Those with a holistic bent may, like their INFP counterparts, gravitate toward alternative medicine, choosing to study homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, yoga, massage, or acupuncture.
INFJs also frequently possess artistic interests. They often make excellent novelists, poets, and creative writers, but may also do well with visual arts and design. Or, if they are not great artists themselves, they may choose to study art history or become art / museum curators. Many INFJs possess exquisite, refined tastes and feel the need to somehow situate themselves in the midst of the arts and culture. They often relish classical music, operas, orchestras, Broadway productions, and other forms of high culture.
Perhaps to the surprise of other personality types, INFJs often show equivalent aptitudes in the sciences as their thinking counterparts. These individuals may possess Investigative interests that may range from the physical sciences (chemistry, geology, astronomy, physics) to the social sciences (history, economics, psychology, sociology, geography, anthropology, archeology, political science, etc.). Investigative-Artistic INFJs may also opt to study philosophy, critical theory, the humanities / liberal arts, theology, law, and languages. Of all types, INFJs are among the best-suited for library sciences.
INFJs with a relatively mild preference for intuition may enjoy “Conventional” jobs and careers. This may involve working with data and a variety of administrative / clerical tasks. When combined with Social interests, they often enjoy work in human resources, personnel, and management. For INFJs with Realistic and Enterprising interests, refer to the lists below for common career choices.
• Computer science, software design, systems analyst
• Urban planning
• Dental hygienist, medical assistant, laboratory technician
• Engineering
• Physicist, chemist, astronomer
• Architect
• Archeologist
• Veterinarian, veterinary medicine
• Forestry, parks and recreation
• Environmental scientist, geologist, geographer
• Biologist, neuroscientist
• Lawyer, attorney
• Economist
• Philosopher, theologian
• Health sciences, public health
• Sociologist, political scientist, historian
• Information / library scientist, librarian
• Researcher or research assistant
• Critic, art, film
• Physician, doctor: neurologist, psychiatrist, pathologist, internist, ophthalmologist, radiologist
• Non-fiction writer
• Pharmacist
• Playwright, dramatist
• Curator
• Dancer
• Graphic / website designer
• Musician
• Interior designer
• Photography, photographer
• Painter / sculptor
• Novelist, poet, editor, creative writer
• Actor
• Film producer / director
• College professor
• Therapist, occupational, physical, respiratory
• Optometrist, audiologist, speech language pathologist
• Dietician
• Life coach
• Health educator
• Nurse, nurse practitioner
• Osteopath, chiropractor, homeopath, naturopath
• Psychologist, clinical, counseling
• Social worker, counselor
• Teacher (all varieties)
• Priest, pastor, rabbi, monk, nun, minister
• Consultant
• Marketing / advertising
• Entrepreneur
• Manager / executive
• Organizational psychologist
• Administrator, school principal, superintendent
• Human resources
• Technical writer, proofreader
Explore the personality type profiles: INTJ INTP INFJ INFP
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*Many INFJ careers may also work well for Enneagram Fours (4w3, 4w5), Ones (1w9, 1w2), Sixes (6w5), and possibly some Fives (5w6, 5w4).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://personalityjunkie.com.
[Via http://personalityjunkie.com]
As you power down your desktop at work for yet another year and your thoughts drift to happy times around the dinner table celebrating Christmas with family and friends remember in these modern times, even compared to just 20 years ago, many people remained at work to keep the wheels of commerce turning. Police and emergency services staff, utility services workers, hospitality and supermarket shelf stackers to name but a few!
But historically, seasonal Christmas labour was far worse than just stocking shelves.
In Roman times the Christmas season as it was to become meant the house slave had his hands full collecting the vomit of his masters as they feasted on their Christmas lunch. In the Medieval era, ‘faggoters’ worked their fingers to the bone collecting forest sticks and binding them together in freezing weather to sell them for a pittance to fuel the Christmas fire, and boar hunters risked life and limb to track the piece de resistance of the Christmas table – a boar’s head.
The Irish and Scottish kelp collectors of Georgian times had the unenviable task of rising at 3am to collect 20 tons of seaweed before boiling it down to make one ton of soda – the magical chemical that kept the linen tablecloths snowy white underneath all that Christmas fare. And in Victorian times – an era where gas lighting was dim – some brave man had to cook up the highly flammable and dangerous chemical concoction whose phosphorescence illuminated the stage of the Christmas pantomime – the original ‘limelight’. Meanwhile, some other lucky actor had to be the back end of the Christmas pantomime’s cow…
Even worse, Victorian children as young as four worked in sweatshop conditions to create beautiful dolls which would cost more than the child’s annual wage – gifts for other rich children to find beneath the Christmas tree.
And which lucky soul got to pluck, stuff and cook hundreds of turkeys for an aristocrat’s Christmas celebrations? Or had to cut the traditional forest ‘Yule Log’ in sub-zero temperatures? Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, these are the worst Christmas jobs ever.
So just savour your Christmas break that little bit more and spread a little Christmas cheer to those who find themselves toiling away on the big day.
[1] Channel 4 UK 2007, ‘Worst Jobs in History’[Via http://samlawson.wordpress.com]
…is hard.
My new job, though a step up, is hardly one that pays a massive amount. Also, I don’t want to spend shitloads; after all, what ’s the point in being in London if you can’t have a good time cos all your money’s going on rent. It’s probably going to be a lot like it was when I was a student, and that’s no bad thing. I’m just looking for a good time, is all…
Anyway, Xmas is starting to grate on me. I love the day itself, but it hardly warrants the month before and two weeks after that it gets. Bah humbug…
[Via http://thoughtoverflow.wordpress.com]
Indeed is a comprehensive vertical meta-search engine for finding the various jobs appearing on different career site, company site, newspaper, classifieds and job boards at single location.
It has two input box, one is marked as what to describe the kind of job, title, skill, technology, company, employer etc. Another box marked as Where to specify the location.
The best of all these services are free for users.
One of the cool feature of Indeed is RSS feeds for customized jobs as per search. So it will continuously updated as and when preferred job gets crawled by Indeed.
[Via http://ursdeep.wordpress.com]
Ironic as I type this Successful by Drake, Trey Songz & Lil’ Wayne plays on . I don’t even want the cars & hoes. I NEED that money thou. Everybody tells me I should be happy about what I have already in terms of work. Work overnite, no customers, ok pay, a job in a recession. But the lack of sleep, homeless people, rude ass rich people, and bum bitch co-workers can make all the cons meaningless. My friend Lauren told me to be persistent to put my resume out there, and eventually someone will gimme that shot. And I’ve done that every weekend I dedicate one shift to jus applying until my resume press charges for abuse. But no one has even given me the benefit of a doubt. Yea I got no degree, yea I go to a CUNY school, yea I’m an african-american male from Brooklyn, yea I do things the right way and work hard for what I obtain, not kiss ass so I can obtain and gain. Why is the system like this? Why can’t you give somebody the opportunity? Why must I waste my time and life with a dead end job? Maaaan, all I ask is one shot. Gimme the ball. Let me show you how I can score and assist too. Let me dominate like MJ but help everyone like Nash. Show you the love of the game like Chris Paul and never stop like Iverson. Let me learn under your wing and teach you some of the new moves too. This is a team game and new blood can spark a team to victory. Yea ima be a rookie and make some mistakes. But after some grooming and some time, the ball will end up in my hands and watch how I hit the game winner. ALL NET.
[Via http://februarysfinest.wordpress.com]
Do you want to go with the boom in IT sector? Are you looking for an IT job? If answer to above question is yes then you are very lucky. The days are gone when the IT jobs were limited to tech companies only. Nowadays, jobs in IT thrive in almost every sector and industry or company of all sizes. From Fortune 500s to small business, jobs in IT are ringing bell. Along with the increase in job opportunities, the way of finding them has also become much easier. We should thank the technological advancements, which had made our life so easy. The development not only in the Internet, but also in IT Recruiting companies as well as IT employment agencies has played a great role in making your IT job search fruitful and quick.
If you are IT professional, seeking to grab great opportunities in this sector then some top considerations will help you. First you have to be firm on your IT career goal. This will surely help you to find IT job accordingly. You can go for “Search for IT employment” by means of IT recruiting companies or IT job search engines. Various IT employment agencies can help you to get the right kind of job.
You should remember that going at your own for finding IT job is not pretty good option, as most of the IT companies do their recruitments via reliable sources only. Most of the recruiting agencies and firms work with bigger corporations for recruiting employees for countless IT jobs in several industries. In general IT recruiting firms offer a wide array of contract IT placements ranging from temporary to permanent full time work.
Apart from information technology companies, several other promising sectors are there, where you can find Jobs in IT. Almost any industry ranging from science to finance and healthcare to government recruit IT professionals. It will not be extravagant if we say that IT has become a breath of almost every sector.
If you are searching for IT job and intend to take aid from some job search engine then Savemysystem is trustworthy solution for you. Savemysystem renders all computer repair and laptop support services at very affordable prices. We offer all kinds of job search, job hunt in every sector. Here, you can search over millions of jobs in U.K, Australia, Canada, India, France, China, Germany, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, USA, Pakistan etc. Savemysystem is the name on which you can surely rely upon.
[Via http://savemysystem.wordpress.com]
or is studying the hardest thing to do these days?
I may have mentioned once, twice or thrice (but no more than thrice!) that I may or may not have been thinking about some thoughts about wanting to decide to go to business school. Maybe. Well, around early October, I cut out all that middle crap and decided that I would begin the application process. At first, I was caught in a bind because I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to attend school part time or full time. For the longest time, part time seemed liked the only option; I really wanted to continue saving up money and building up my professional experience while getting an MBA. However, there was a moment in my life where full time seemed like my destiny. That moment was pretty brief and now I’m back to desiring the part time path.
Right now, I only have two programs in mind. However, I would like to squeeze in an info-session at one last school before I wrap up any decisions. There truly is only one program I would like to go to. It is a highly ranked Part Time program at a Top 20 B-School, so really, I can’t go wrong with that. I checked out the application for my dream school. I already filled out most of it and have outlines for all three essays. The only things missing are Recs and the GMAT. I need to have two Recommendations and one from my current manager. Seeing as I have never had the “What am I planning on doing with my life?” conversation with my boss, I’m going to have to approach this request pretty delicately. I’ve already set up a timeline that allows me ample time to freak out before asking him and provides me with a cushion to frantically find another Recommender in the event that he denies my request. I really hope that he doesn’t deny the request because 1) that would be totally awkward to work with him after the fact and 2) I would have to write an optional 4th essay explaining why I couldn’t get my current managers signature. DO NOT MAKE ME DO MORE WORK, please?
And the GMAT. The sweet-ass GMAT. That test has got me wrapped around it’s proverbial pinky finger. Actually it is only the Quant section that has got me in quite the tizzy. Verbal has always been my forte, but Math, not so much. I am sweating bullets at the thought of doing a Math problem and trust me, my book is nowhere near me. I guess this stems from me doing so-so in Math classes throughout my life. I never did really well, or really poorly; just so-so. But for this test, I want to do really well. I want to do super well, so that I can get the score I want: you know, an 800. (SIKE!) But I know I’m not doing too well when I’ve actually “learned” something from the Math Refresher section. Like, I somehow went through all those years of Math not knowing a key factor relating to isosceles right triangles. Yup, I’m totally getting off to a great start.
But I haven’t found the right swing/environment/mood to study. I started by lugging my huge study guide around with me and I would try to read on the 48 minute train ride to work. But I soon realized that I was at the will of whatever evangelical/angry homeless man/scorned woman that decided to ride the same train car as me. And once any one of those characters begins their rant, it really takes an act of God to focus on Sentence Correction question stems. I tried waking up early to study. I would go to bed at 10 and wake up at 5. Good 7 hours of sleep. But winter is the worst time to even try to play those games. Another act of God is required to open your eyes when it is that dark outside and not hit snooze 4 or 10 times. Another option I’ve considered is staying late at work to study. The bulk of the craziness that happens at work occurs between the hours of 7AM and 4:30 PM. Any time outside of those hours, the floor is as tranquil as a sleeping baby. During those hours, the baby has awoken and needs a bottle, STAT! So after 5, I would pull out my book and begin studying. Every time I have managed to do that, someone would come by and say, “Burning the midnight oil, huh?” As I mentioned above, I still haven’t had that career path convo with my boss, so I’m always at a loss for an answer and usually just end up laughing and profusely nodding my head until the interrogator has felt uncomfortable enough to move on. Yup, just building my rep as the office weirdo.
You know how they always say to never do work in bed? Just leave bed for sleep and you know, other stuff in bed? Well, I think my whole house has fallen victim to that. As soon as I get home, I feel like taking a shower, then plopping down on a couch to check FaceBook, read blogs, think of a blog post, maybe write one, iChat and watch tv. I sometimes look over at my GMAT book, and it coyly looks back at me, hinting that maybe, just maybe I should try to pick it up and thumb through a page or two. But just thinking about studying at home makes me cringe, so I just try to avoid it all together. So what is a gal to do? How can I study for this test so I can get that 800?
Well, for starters, I’ve signed up for a class. It starts in February and only meets on Sunday. I’m glad I picked Sunday-only sessions because I will never be in a rush to get to class and I can stay late and not have to worry about getting home too late. Another thing I’ve done is set up checkpoints for myself. Every month, I take a practice test. My next practice test is this Sunday. I didn’t do so hot on my first or second practice test, but for the past month, given all the obstacles I’ve listed above, I’ve been pretty good about studying when and where I can, so I’m hoping I can at least post a 50 point gain. Lastly, I continue to lug around that GMAT book. Even though there are crazies on the train, overly inquisitive co-workers, and just a general malaise about studying, you never know when the stars will align and I will find myself in the perfect study space.
[Via http://investingnewbie.wordpress.com]
I believe in signs, fate, moments that happen for a reason. I believe in that gut feeling and instinct that can kick in at certain times. I believe things happen in your dreams that may push your soul farther than you know. I believe in all of these things for a reason that I just can’t blog about. For now, I think all you need to know is that I believe in them.
My good friend Nic sat on the other end of the phone today in England as I choked back tears. I’m realizing more and more nothing feels right. I thought once I got a job, started doing things for myself, and moving forward, far enough to put distance between Bill and I, then it would all start feeling right. I thought I would feel some peace within myself. I keep looking for signs that I’m on the right path because I feel like I have veered so far off the yellow brick road.
Unfortunately every sign still points to him. It isn’t just the little stuff because I can live with that. It is the big ass, sparkling, light up HEY DUMBASS HE IS OVER HERE signs. I’m not even looking for them and they are thrown in my face.
After lunch the other day, in a hurry, I left my credit card behind at a restaraunt. When I returned the next day and stood waiting for a manager three ladies walked in who happened to work in the office suite next to my old one. We all spent many a days getting to know one another and sharing a few clients. They came in like vultures wanting to know where I have been and why I left without letting anyone know. Apparently they asked Bill one day where I went and he said he didn’t want to talk about it and walked away. You two were each others right arms at work and you were best friends. How could you possibly leave him and work somewhere else. He was always watching out for you. Just from that one comment I wanted to run out the door and leave my card behind. Right there in front of the whole restaraunt I about broke my last stick. How did I leave him? Why can’t you people leave me alone. I told them I didn’t leave him. He left me. Then I watched their faces scrunch up and their mouths began to hang open as they quickly put it together in their minds yet couldn’t quite figure out the best response. The only answer one of them could muster up was He was never the same after you left the company. That is why we figured he left the company too. Obviously there is much more to the story.
Yea, no shit.
As I rehashed every huge glaring sign, not just the 3 women, to Nic today she gave me a few things. Life has never been easy for you. You have had to deal with more than one person should and you tend to get the shit end of the deal. I think you are now realizing this. The only time I have seen peace in you was when you were with Bill and you do deserve that happiness. Keep working at that and perhaps the signs just mean he is there. Till then work on the rest of it.
Perhaps I just need to bend a little more. Find more signs and follow them. Adjust. This job isn’t working- I find a new one. I keep writing. I keep taking pictures. I keep doing those things that do feel right because those are the things I most certainly can not give up on. I need to stick with my gut on this not make shit up as I go. It’s ok to say I don’t get it because everyday my heart changes. I need to continue to do what feels right to me. I can’t dwell on the Bill signs. If they are meant to continue to get bigger then fine….maybe I’ll understand what the hell they mean a little better. Because sometimes it just all gets exhausting and we just need it spelled out for us.
[Via http://lovedyoumore.wordpress.com]
Îmi aduc aminte și azi prima mea scrisoare pentru bătrânelul cu barbă albă. Îmi doream globuri colorate și o păpușă pe care o văzusem în vitrina unui magazin. Nu ceream mult și garantam în schimb că am fost cuminte și am ascultat de mami și de tati.
Dacă ar fi să-ți scriu azi, dragă Moșule, mi-aș dori ca Buni să fie sănătoasă, ca mami să fie înțelegătoare și tata să găsească puțină bucurie în fiecare zi. Aș mai vrea să fiu iubită și sper că spiridușii nu m-au uitat și m-au trecut pe lista de cadouri. În schimb nu îți promit că am fost cuminte dar îți promit că am să fac și eu pe cineva să zâmbească. Și uite, îți trimit spre aprobare planul meu de sărbători.
1. Să trimit copiilor de la spitalul Marie Curie un licăr de speranță și fericire. Pentru ei și eu pot să fiu Moș Crăciun. Tot ce trebuie să fac este să trimit pe adresa Bulevardul Gheorghe Magheru, nr. 7, etaj 2, camera 241 B, București, sector 1, o jucărie, o hăinuță sau dulciuri – în limita posibilităților – și astfel sacul tău va fi mai plin. Sunt micuți și mulți suferă de boli grave. Au nevoie de medicamente și de multă iubire, iar eu vreau să-i văd zâmbind.
2. Un pom de Crăciun pentru o prietenă dragă. De mulți ani a renunțat să creadă în magia Sărbătorilor de Iarnă, iar anul acesta încerc să-i readuc zâmbetul pe buze. Nu îți spun despre cine e vorba. La cum te cunosc eu, sigur îmi strici surpriza.
3. Globulețe colorate pentru brăduțul de la job. Luni îl împodobim și vreau să fie cel mai frumos brăduț de Crăciun. Steluța din vârf eu o așez.
4. Cadouri pentru toată familia și pentru prietenii apropiați.
5. Colinde și gânduri bune pentru prieteni, vecini și oricine este bun să ne întâmpine cu veselie.
Aștept răspunsul tău cât mai curând și dacă mai ai vreo idee trimite-o cu încredere. Adresa o cunoști, iar poștașul e tot nenea drăguț și amabil de anul trecut.
Și Moșule, fii bun și nu mă uita. Mă bazez pe tine pentru fulgii mari și pufoși din seara de Ajun, pentru colinde și mirosul de cozonaci și pentru magia din preajma celor mai frumoase sărbători din an.
A ta,
[Via http://denota10.wordpress.com]
Obama touting home energy efficiency program
By Julie Pace
Associated Press Writer
President Barack Obama makes a statement on the economy, Monday, Dec. 14, 2009, in the Diplomatic Reception of the White House in Washington, after his meeting with financial services executives. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hoping to jump-start his plans for job growth, President Barack Obama is pushing Congress to pass incentives for homeowners who retrofit their homes to make them more energy-efficient.
The president planned to visit a Home Depot store in Northern Virginia on Tuesday to make the case that outfitting houses to be more energy-efficient will create jobs and save families money on their energy bills. It’s the fourth time in less than two weeks that the president will preside over a high-profile jobs event, as he calls attention to his efforts to bring down the nation’s double-digit unemployment rate.
Last week, the president proposed a new spending plan that would provide tax breaks for energy-efficient retrofits in homes. The plan also calls for small business tax cuts and new spending on highway and bridge construction. The administration hasn’t put a price tag on the plan, but it could cost more than $150 billion.
The White House hopes the appeal of the retrofitting program – which some administration officials have dubbed Cash for Caulkers – will be similar to the now-expired Cash for Clunkers program, which offered rebates for trading in used vehicles for more fuel-efficient ones. At a White House jobs summit earlier in the month, Obama told Home Depot chairman Frank Blake that home improvement companies would be key partners in this program.
Obama has also proposed expanding stimulus initiatives that promote energy efficiency and clean energy jobs. Currently, about $8 billion of the $787 billion stimulus package goes toward energy-saving investments in homes. The White House has said investments like installing insulation, sealing leaks and modernizing heating and air conditioning equipment will pay for themselves many times over.
In a memo for the president, Vice President Joe Biden said stimulus spending and other initiatives will lead to 1 million home energy-efficiency retrofits by 2012. The report also said the U.S. is on track to double renewable energy generation, including solar, wind and geothermal, in three years.
© 2009 The Associated Press
[Via http://dominicstoughton.wordpress.com]
Where to make money? What should I do? What would people pay for? My programming? I’ve stayed out of that game for a long time. What about programming for graphics work? That might seem interesting, actually maybe I could do that. I’ve got to reconnect with Jamie too. But overall, I wonder what could make money. What can I offer the real world that people would actually pay money for? Do I actually, in the course of a day, really contribute anything to the world? What does my day consist of?
I eat, I work out, I read; I take, take, and take. What skills or learnings do I offer?
Being a lawyer would be an easy way to make money; they are today’s soldiers, armed with America’s battle weapons of words, the courtrooms, and such.
Being a doctor would be so difficult, yet rewarding.
Why do I fancy art? Why the creative? The world is full of them, and so much of youth is felled upon it. Can’t I try for teaching? Why does the creative have to come back and haunt me? Can I not escape it? Can’t I make money right now without having to push myself to? What can I do to do it?
[Via http://davidlee221.wordpress.com]
Today is an interesting day. This post will encompass other days of non posting with the interesting event that happened 30 mins ago. For the squeamish, overt ye eyes!
For the Job part: I have not been able to overcome the hurdle of the second part to the job processes. I’ve had Career Day and had my first interview, but that was that. And two days ago I got an email back that a company will check to see if they want to go further-
Now on a side note but still pertaining to that email I got, double check your writing! You know why?! you may have wrote the wrong company name! I was even told by the company I was writing to! AH!!! Anyways they were nice to disregard the mistake. Back to the story.
-All of the artists have been unfortunate to go any farther. We’re in a negative mood. But we understand now that companies are taking a break. They need that break with the holidays coming up. So they’ll be finally checking out people in January. Well hopefully that happens. I’m understanding that now.
Now, yesterday came along an opportunity. Halliburton is looking for something people from the school to work for them. They call it similar to making games but they aren’t fooling anyone. But they are paying well, I don’t know the exact numbers but we all can imagine so. And from this, I think I have a good fallback. That doesn’t mean I’ll settle, it just means I got a job where I can brush up on my portfolio.
On the squeamish part! I’ve been having an enlarged, swollen, oil gland under my left eyelid that has been creating an oil similar to eye gunk since 4 months ago. Not a good thing and I’ve been so wanting to have health insurance to fix it. Well, it fell out this morning when I woke up. I was rubbing my eyes removing the gunk that accumulate during sleep as usual but i found this round gunk that I thought was the usual gunk. But it was red and it felt like a tiny balloon. Than I thought, “Is this my oil gland?!” I checked in the mirror and sure is, I all I have is the divet that it produced for my upper eyelid.
Strange. Strange indeed. What could this mean? No more gunk? Maybe. We’ll see about that tonight. In the mean time, time for work!
[Via http://itsjohndo.wordpress.com]
While I was reading various manifestation blogs about money. I suddenly enlightened that when you go for money, unless your dream is money making, as in, you are the kind of person that is a money person, then you will have what we all know as a job.
When you go for what lights you up, your dream or just going for what fills you, makes you centered, that’s when it’s manifesting something more, that’s when you are in your element, that is what some call a career maybe, or just that it’s living.
I can see now that if I keep shooting for just money, I will end up with a job and probably one I don’t particularly care about and won’t last at …..Inspiration is the key here.
I also realized something else. I was saying a bunch of affirmations to myself. I noticed that some I resist and some I feel nothing about, but one I said, I noticed something different.
I Am Willing To Forgive. I Forgive Myself. I Forgive Others.
The minute I said it, in my head mind you, I felt my body relax. I felt my whole body just relax. I felt peaceful. I realized this is the right affirmation for me at this time.
Also, an open heart I’ve discovered really is about one thing , it’s about loving yourself.
[Via http://rachelsword.wordpress.com]
A little about myself I suppose. I am a 30 something wife and mother to two teenage girls. Actually, my oldest will be 16 next month and my youngest isn’t officially a teen until April. They are growing up to be young women very quickly - too quickly sometimes. It seems like I was their age just yesterday…where does time go?
I work full-time but also home school my youngest child in the evenings. My husband teaches her in the mornings, as he works 2nd shift. It is a new adventure for us and we are learning as we go…but at least we have a goal of teaching our daughter something which is not what the public school system was accomplishing at all.
I have decided to blog to express my thoughts in a public way to people I don’t really know. Facebook is great, but it isn’t a place to get too personal with thoughts, there are too many people who you don’t want knowing every detail of your life. For example, you wouldn’t want your coworker to know how she made your week horrible by complaining all day every day. You also don’t want your high school friends to know how you really feel they are insignificant at this point in your life. There are just certain things you don’t ’say’ on Facebook or MySpace.
So are there any homeschooling moms with full-time jobs outside of the home out there besides me?
[Via http://christyloo.wordpress.com]
It’s the time of the year again where you sit and ponder about yourself - future plans, ideas, achievements, and regrets. Many things I wish I did more often, other things I wish I never did at all but it’s over and done, and now I look at a fresh sheet of paper.
But just to recap the past year, 2009 – Here’s a list of list I’m proud to say I achieved:
- Completed Diploma Studies
- Had an article mentioning me in The Star Newspaper and in college newsletters
- I now have a few published editorial comments in The Star Newspapers. Here’s a list of them.
- Got a decent job as a digital planner.
- Made it to national level for ESUM - HSBC - The Star Public Speaking Competition. Will upload my speech when I get the chance to do so.
- Guest speaker in college. It was a small room filled with college freshies. I started the same way 2 years ago listening to a guy (who is now my friend), wishing I could speak like him. It only takes a thought doesn’t it?
- Survived chicken pox without looking like a monster. Ending up with chicken pox when you’re a 19-year-old who’s looking for a job, isn’t exactly a dream come true. But now I can say “Here’s prove, I’ve got scars on my face!”
- Gambled with 50 bucks and made 600 bucks!
- Started reading more books – My favorite so far is Dreams from My Father, by Barack Obama. My current book is Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell which is also an interesting read. Gladwell writes about how people become successful – He says success is not so much to do with talent or hard work, it’s is simply having the opportunity.
- Started a blog. I’ve always been writing blog ever since I heard about it, but I was never persistently updating. TalkPower would be my first proper blog that actually centered around a solid topic. I’m proud to say that it has been even cited in Business Week!
- Starting my own business – I’ve had this idea for years, I think when I was 9 years old. I’ve forever wanted to start my own creative giftshop. Well, now it’s in progress and hopefully it will be launching in 2010! Clue: It’s gonna be very saucy & cheeky *wink
- Went for a camp, played paintball – I’ve never really been an outdoor person, I’ve been told that I’m too fragile to handle these kind off activities. So this year I wanted to challenge myself and I did. Though camping and paintball isn’t much.. It’s still better than being trapped in your own room isn’t it?
- I’ve been pushing myself to go more places, and meet more people.. This year I can proudly say that I’ve traveled to a number of places in my own country (semangat cuti-cuti Malaysia!) on my own, without tagging on my parent’s tail. My list includes: P.Tioman, Kampar, Penang, Pangkor, and Melaka. Planning for bigger holidays next year!
What about you? Instead of thinking about the upcoming new year’s resolution, have you thought about what you’ve achieved in 2009? Nothing wrong with giving yourself a pat on the back – we all need it sometimes.
[Via http://talkpower.wordpress.com]
Remind me to read more Gore Vidal.
I had a job interview today. Been talking about it for quite a while here. I’ve mentioned it everywhere but in the running commentary section (which has been blank of late due to illness) everyday since I found out I had the interview. It was big for a few reasons.
One, I got the call seemingly out of the blue, after all the hours in front of this screen sending out resumes into what seemed like a black hole that sucked them in never to be heard from again, getting a call from someone out of the blue just felt good.
Two, It is the first interview I have gone on in months. To get an interview under my belt felt really good. After feeling like I’ve been spinning my wheels for all these months, it was good to feel a bit of road underneath me after all this time.
Three, I really need a job, and this particular interview offered me something that almost none of the others did. A supervisors position. Actually they called it “Facilities Manager” Which had me a hair worried that I was getting in over my head..But I’m getting ahead of myself…
So, before I go to the interview, I have to wait for a plumber to show up and fix my toilet (Crapper crapped out, hence yesterdays toilet themed blog) He says he’ll be in between 11:30 and 12:00. 12:30 shows and he’s still not around. I’m a little antsy at this point, I am only a few hours away from a big interview and I am having to cool my heels waiting for a stranger to turn off my water and make sure I have a place to piss, among other things. I am not angry…more unsettled, a lil nervous. He shows up just before 1:00pm, … and is done by 1:06pm.
SRSLY! It took him 6 minutes to fix my toilet! 6 Minutes!! Go dude!, and other such statements!
After getting the place cleaned up and everything back in the bathroom, I clean me while the wife irons the clothes Burgundy shirt, Beige jacket, dark flowered multi colored thin tie, Black pants, black polished shoes. I put on stink water for the interview (It’s called cologne for the wife, stink water for everyone else) get everything going. It works with the just starting to grow out crew cut and the thin goatee and alleged moustache. I look sharp, don’t walk into me, you’ll cut yourself, and other such statements. I get moving (that being the secret to all life, keeping moving)
I am jittery though, so I look for a way to distract myself. Grab the phone, hit the intarwebs and read the news. Nope, does nothing for me. Read about the Acorn that absolves them of all wrongdoing, and the republicans say it’s just a liberal whitewash. I read about the Fed and Ben bernanke and how he’s gonna keep Fed rates low for a while.
No help at all. I try playing a game on the phone. Nada. I try getting into the Metallica on my headphones. That works for a minute. But only a minute.
Then I remember I have books on me, in the bag i have the resume in. The one I grab is Gore Vidal’s “The Decline And Fall Of The America Empire” which is basically just a series of talks he did at the NPC (National press club) about how destructive 20th American government, particularly defense and the National security state have been to American freedoms. This does the trick, in reverse, rather than calming me and putting me in the right frame of mind, it pushes me in the opposite direction, gets me infuriated about the people who have foisted this upon us.
Jitters give way to anger, which subsides. That creates extra confidence, something I have in abundance in the first place. I walked into that interview feeling like a million bucks. I feel like I aced it. I haven’t, like I said had an interview in a long time, but this felt good. It had a flow to it. Felt conversational in places. I was talking to these men as equals, and they spoke to me like an equal who knew what he was talking about, and with good reason. I do.
Maybe that last bit there is my hope that this work out for me coming to the fore. Maybe I want it so bad that I can taste it. I do, and I can. But fact of the matter is, until I am hired, I am still out of work.
Time to send out a few more resumes. The search isn’t over.
That’s it for me. Later!
Today’s nuggets, via wikiquote: Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests. Gore Vidal
I’m glad mushrooms are against the law, because I took them one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, “My God! I love everything.” Yeah, now if that isn’t a hazard to our country … how are we gonna keep building nuclear weapons, you know what I mean? What’s gonna happen to the arms industry when we realize that we’re all one?! Bill Hicks
[Via http://mikeytherhino.wordpress.com]
how many people this year will write, all i want for christmas is a job? sign me up. i’ll join this group. as an undergrad that’s about to go all grad on the world (more like ’state’ in all likelihood), it’s always on the top of my mind. somewhere in some research, i’m sure “finding a job” is listed as a high-stress item for kids from 1 to 92.
in my mind, it floats somewhere between ONE on a holy-cow-panic day and FOUR on a clear-blue-sky-riding-my-bike day. if all days could be the better days and people got offered jobs like coffee gets offered cream, this Christmas-season might be a little more relaxing.
[Via http://laurenkay.wordpress.com]
As promised here’s some more photos of my first JOB out in White Rock, BC. Best part is I got Aneta to partake in the festivities as much as she didn’t want to, who could resist! By the way I love the shadow in the first shot, its very carnival.
I couldn’t resist posting this up. This is what happens when you trigger the camera at the wrong moment, frickin’ priceless. Tomorrow is part III of my first JOB, it’s a good one!
The biggest news around the Titensor household for the past several weeks is a change in occupation! Tyson has officially become the Director of Finance and Operations for a boutique ski company, DPS Skis. Travari has been moved to a side project for now and may gain back momentum in the summer during the off-season for DPS (Drake Powder Skis).
Tyson has eyed DPS skis on the ski hill long before now. Purely by coincidence, a friend from business school passed along a consulting project to Tyson to be paid for in skis. Of course, he couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that! Over the summer, Tyson helped DPS with their business plan, and the working relationship ultimately evolved into hiring Tyson full time to ramp up this small company. They’re currently raising funding for growth in the ‘09-’10 season. Coming soon, DPS is offering free demos at a ski resort near you!
It’s been a fun, eye-opening, fascinating, and stressful transition for Tyson, but he’s tackled the new challenges very well. He gets to work from home and we occasionally get to host the founder/designer, Stephan Drake, when he’s passing through the Front Range. I’ve heard some great ski tales, that’s for sure!
We’re looking forward to the upcoming season with our new sticks, pure carbon beauties!
…in the sorrows of the world.
The world is a beautiful place. Every tree a jewel shining brightly in the noontime sun, every cloud a ship on a vast ocean. Every blade of grass a wonder to behold, every living breathing human a joy beyond comprehension. Don’t forget to smile. You get to experience all of these wonders every day.
If the troops can work through Christmas, so can the Senate. I like it. It’ll be hard work making the best legislation possible, good luck to them all, Democrat and Republican alike. Though they have vast differences in viewpoint, and seem in and endless ideological war of words and ideas that plays out every day in front of our very eyes, they do have one end in mind, the betterment of America.
Both sides are strong, and both sides have weaknesses, and that much is evident from watching them. I prefer the Democrats viewpoints here, but that’s just me.
Unemployment numbers surprised the hell out of everyone. The numbers were expected to drop between 150 and 160 thousand. The actual numbers only dropped 11,000. Wow. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. Let’s all hope that this means that unemployment, the lagging indicator that it has been, is finally pulling itself out of the doldrums.
I am in so much a better mood today than I was yesterday as a consequence. I wrote about why I was in such a bad mood yesterday in today’s Rhino nugget, but I can tell you without being overly repetitive that I was just having a plain bad day, and it felt like the world wanted me to explode. But rather than do that, and take out my anger in the wrong direction, I wrote yesterday’s blog. I felt better five minutes after I wrote it.
Ya wanna know what makes me even happier? My personal job prospects are looking better today than yesterday. I got a call today, this time a call actually setting up an actual job interview for Monday. And it looks to be an upgrade in pay if i get it. Nice. Wish me luck!
Mind you it still drives me nuts the way things are going in the world. The layoffs, all the other people out there suffering because of someone else’s foolishness, it hurts to watch all these people suffer needlessly. All this “looking out for #1″ that happens in the business culture in this nation, is irresponsible and destructive of the American dream. I don’t mind competitiveness. I push hard. You push hard. Those who push hardest win. I get that, but when it hurts the economy, local or otherwise, your competitiveness becomes detrimental to all of us. Business thinking of the bottom line should think of the world around them as well of themselves. All too often that fails to happen.
That’s it from here. Later!
Today’s Nuggets, by Joseph Campbell, Via Wikiquote: We have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us — the labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.
People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. That’s what it’s all finally about.
Our life evokes our character and you find out more about yourself as you go on.
When was the last time you lifted a friend up? When was the last time you uttered words of encouragement and praise? Was it today? Yesterday? Have you ever said anything positive to a relative, friend or colleague?
It’s amazing that in these last days, so many of us don’t know the power of the tongue. When I say the word “tongue,” I am not talking about the gift of language. If you can speak French, English, Creole, Spanish—that’s great but that’s not what we’re talking about today. We are talking about the words we speak. Your tongue can either make someone’s day or destroy their joy.
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. James 3:10
We were not placed on this earth to curse our brother or sister, but to help them. We are our brother’s keeper as it says in the book of Genesis. Our body is a temple for God and that means in everything that we do, say, wear, and act—it must be a positive reflection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. So what does that mean when it comes to the tongue? You should not curse.
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19
So many adults and our youth especially curse morning, noon, and night. They know no other language. There are no excuses for cursing because it is not proper language, and it is not how a man or woman of God should act. Curse words are used to express anger or frustration. Cursing is used to insult and harm one another. Cursing is negative—there is no good in it. Cursing and God and cannot co-exist. You can either choose one or the other, you cannot do both. You cannot go to church on the weekends, sing praises, read the Bible and the other six days you use foul language.
So if it’s not Christian-like to curse our brother or sister, why would it be okay to curse God? It’s not. That’s one of the biggest sin you could commit. Unfortunately, there are those who curse God and don’t even realize it. How could you feel comfortable enough to curse God the Father/Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Do you remember the story of Job? He lost everything-his family, wealth, lifestyle, livestock and despite what his “friends” said, he never cursed God. Read his story in the book of Job. He was tested and blessed because of his faith and trust in God. He didn’t curse God. He is an example that we should all follow.
Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people. Exodus 22:28
When things don’t go your way, don’t curse—PRAISE. When people upset you, don’t curse—PRAY. When you just don’t know what to do anymore, don’t curse-PRAISE then PRAY.
The world is struggling with illness, debt, joblessness, death, and confusion. Now is not the time to use your tongue to destroy but rejoice. Now is the time to help and not abandon. We must stand for God and use our voices-our tongues to preach to the world of Jesus’ Second coming. The time is short. How will you use the power of your tongue?
***This was supposed to be preached over the radio several months agao, but the opportunity never returned. This message must reach the masses one way or another. I hope you were blessed.