Sunday, November 29, 2009


Personalities have always been interesting to me. Myers-Briggs and similar profiles are fascinating. I’m pretty sure my mother passed this interest along to me. Some of those assessment tools are more accurate and helpful than others, but they fascinate me nonetheless. One particular aspect of personality I’ve been thinking about lately relates to focus and activity . . .

Some people are created to focus. They can spend countless hours working on, studying, and driving toward a specific goal.

Other people are ADD. I personally think the term “ADD” is sickeningly overused, but for this discussion, we all understand the terminology enough to move on . . . ADD folks can’t stick to a single idea or task for any length of time without taking a break, being distracted by a noise, or whatever rabbit that can be chased.

Over the years, I personally have found that my ability to focus on a task is directly related to the amount of stuff I have to do. For some people, being busy means ADD to the extreme, where you flitter from task to task and never really get anything done.

This is not the way I roll. If I have a lot on my plate, I can focus and knock out task after task . . . especially as deadlines loom. The more I have to do, the more I focus and get things done.  In college, I took 19 and 20 quarter-hours a few times, and got the best grades those quarters, with the exception of the 4.0 my last quarter . . .

This year has been hard. I have a ton of little things to do, but very few “real” deadlines. I have had a real hard time focusing. Right now, I need to buckle down and get my brain wrapped back around the Architecture Registration Examination information so I can retake the last section on December 9.  I’m having a hard time picking up a book to read, let alone study.

Sometime in the next few days I will probably be starting a job selling wireless phones. It’s not going to make us rich. Probably won’t even keep us from dipping into savings. But it will be productive and get us off unemployment. I’ve been asking myself how I am going to get anything else done if I have to work 40+ hours a week in retail during the Holiday season . . . but to be honest, it will probably be great for me. I’m probably going to get a lot more done. Right now, I feel lazy, and probably am. I’m looking forward to genuine, productive activity, not matter how strange or menial.

How about you? How does workload relate to your ability to focus?


Devotions for Living: <em>The Lesson of the Learning</em>

The Lesson of the Learning

“It is good for me that I have been afflicted;
that I might learn thy statutes.”
- Psalm 119:71-

Have you come to the place where this scripture is true in your life? Not many would choose affliction and this verse does not state that a choice was made to be afflicted.

It is a reflection. It is an epiphany that one chooses to say or to know after a bout of chastening or refining from God. We know that God loves us, that God wants the best of all things for us, and that God is ever working to arrange our lives so that we are more like Him.

Sometimes this causes us pain and sorrow.

No one likes the chastening of the Lord. Not many will ask for it. Still, after we have been chastened or gone through a time of refining, of purifying, we come through wiser and stronger for it.

When we can say as Job did “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him: but I will maintain mine own ways before Him.” This is a mark of maturity in a believer. Discarding the entire world’s wisdom and at times thinking that God has abandoned us and still holding fast to Him.

Remember the result of Job’s trials.

“So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning”
- Job 42:12-


Introducing the next generation of the CarbonCopyPro

CarbonCopyPro, as we know strives in providing the best of the best education and knowledge on internet marketing. The trainings and webinars that CCPro offers, cannot only be utilized in promoting CarbonCopyPro, but also other businesses that one may already have or plan to own in the future. Knowledge is never a waste, it can be applied today or in the future, but it will be useful in order to succeed.

CarbonCopyPro celebrated the completion of its two years in the marketing industry at the Paris hotel, Las Vegas on Nov. 19th, 2009. This was the largest Master Marketing event in the pro community with over 1400 members representing about 22 countries around the world and 27 states in North America. Along with some great awards, there were awesome prizes like a 2009 7 Series BMW, 15″ and 17″MacBook PRO’s, and a $10,000 Luxury European Rail Tour presented to the “rising stars” of pro community.

 As the top online marketing education company continues to grow in over 160 countries around the world, the co-founders of CarbonCopyPro, Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson reveals the next generation of the CarbonCopyPro in its 4th Master Marketing event. As they proudly presented the CarbonCopyPro 3.0, the new generation of the Business in the Box was unveiled introducing BlackBox along with the brand new InsideOut II. This new generation of the CarbonCopyPro is filled with all new tools and resources featuring new marketing strategies that can only take an entrepreneur UP on his/her’ ladder of success.

With the launch of new generation of CarbonCopyPro, it is certain that CCPro is not going to stay on top to accomplish its mission of “100 Millionaires by 2012.”


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Kad ārā līst...

Šodien ārā tāds apmācies, auksts… fuj, nepatīk man tāds laiks. Vakar darbā gan gāja jautri. Vispirms jau mani netīšām nolēja ar ūdeni, kas izšļācās no caurules, pa kuru iet kartupeļi, līdz ar to visa grīda bija vienos pusvārītos kartupeļos, es pilnībā slapja, viena lietuviete, kas stāvēja kopā ar mani, tāda pati. :D Labi bij tas, ka līdz darba beigām bija palicis pavisam nedaudz, tikai kādas 4 stundas, kur pa vidu bija vēl breiks. Katrā gadījumā, labi, ka mums tur ir silts iekšā, savādāk es būtu nosalusi, jo jau tā, kad uzpūta nedaudz vējš, uzmetās zosāda, viss halāts slapjš – diez ko patīkami nebija. Vēl Raivis salauza nazi. Baigi ālējās, durstīja kartupeļos un, vienam iedūris, sita šo pret līnijas malu. Sitiens jau laikam izrādījās baigi stiprais, jo kartupelis ar visu naža galu pārlidoja pāri līnijai un nokrita uz grīdas, bet Raivis palika stāvot ar pusi no naža. :D Pēc tam šis skatījās uz līniju, kur naža gals palicis, atnāca pie manis un prasa, ko lai tagad dara. Es šim saku, ka viņam nu būs pi*da. Šis saka, kāpēc nez. Es saku, ka nezinu gan, kāpēc, bet viņam būs pi*da. Un viss ko viņš darīja – sāka smieties ar tādiem veselīgiem smiekliem, ka tie pielipa arī man – tā nu mēs tur abi stāvējām un smējāmies bez maz vai vēderus turēdami. :D Bij labs. :D Viņš izskatās tik mīlīgi, kad smejas. Ahhh. Pēc tam tikai es iedomājos, ka tas naža gals varēja man acī iedurties, lidojot pāri līnijai, bet Raivis teica, ka tas lidojis ar visu kartupeli, tā ka, paldies Dievam. Esmu joprojām ar abām acīm. :D Vakar vēl supervaizers mani izglāba no kārtējās strādāšanas kopā ar mūsu darba briesmoni. [viņam ir kropļaina viena sejas puse, viena acs ir tā labi uz āru izlīdusi un skatās uz vienu pusi, kamēr otra, kas ir normāla, skatās uz otru, vēl viņš ir baigi kaitinošs, runā visādas stulbības. Vienu dienu viņš Evitai pateica, ka mēs ar Raivi esam kā mazi bērni, kas ņemas pa gultu un paši nesaprot, kas tur īsti jādara, ka mēs viens bez otra ne mirkli nevaram utt. Tā vien gribējās viņam pa otru aci iebelzt, maita tāds]

Vakar Olga tomēr neaizskaitīja naudu par manu kompi, jo mēs nezinājām, kāds tur saņēmēja reģistrācijas numurs ir. No vienas puses labi, ka tā, jo man pietrūka 20 Ls, lai būtu visi 150 Ls, tā ka, šodien aizgāju un aizsūtīju vēl £35, ceru, ka 20 Ls tur sanāks. Bišķīt vēlāk jāzvana uz to Londonu, lai Olga varētu saņemt naudu un 1dien pārskaitīt. Jāsagaida atbilde no tā veča, kas ņemās ar tiem visiem parādiem, lai atsūta visus tos datus, kas nepieciešami, lai caur Internetbanku pārskaitītu naudu.

Stīnas blogā [click] šodien lasīju pēdējo ievietoto rakstu, un tur viņa bija ielikusi vienu riktīgi jauku video. Ielikšu to arī šeit, jo nu tik mīļu video sen nebiju redzējusi.

Tagad iesim pie viena džeka, lai šā meiča nogriež Raivim matus. Kad atnākšu, uzrakstīšu vēl kaut ko. ;) Par New Moon un varbūt vēl kaut ko. ;)



Double Woot


Guess what I did? I got a job! What is my job you ask? Well it’s blogging of course! One of my uni tutors forwarded our class an email about a website called Alltern8 which was looking to employ people to blog and write articles for their website. Me being the blogging type I decided to apply, using my Killing Floor review as an example writing piece. Something in there must have impressed them, because I got the job! You can check out my first ever post for the site by clicking here.

Blogging counts as a job?! OH SNAP!!

Good times my bru, good times. Not much else has happened recently, although I did sign onto the lease on tuesday to live with Chris and the others next year, something so unfathomably awesome that God himself can’t even begin to understand it.

Short post today, I’m heading out into town to do some Christmas non-shopping (non-shopping is where I don’t buy anything, just earmark things to get for people when I do have money).


222. Portfolio

How to build a portfolio:

  • When starting out, do some work for free to get experience.
  • Record important information, such as the dates of the job, parties involved, and your hours worked.
  • List the project’s goals, show before and afters, and list your accomplishments during the project.
  • Get recommendations from those you worked with.

Keep all this on file, and branch into two versions: one that has every detail of every project and another with just the summary and your accomplishments.

When applying for a position, you will need to tailor your portfolio to the job description. It’s worth it.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Oh! Hold my hand.

I haven’t quite had the time to figure out how this piece of fantastic machinery works, (ie. pages, ie. where to put my poetry and prose versus everyday ramblings), but I will soon, and mark my words, once I figure it out it will be fucking epic.

Other than my general lack of any technological know-how, life continues on ever so swiftly.  Last night I got home from work at a later hour than usual, but it was a goooooood Wednesday!  I’ve been thinking of keeping a tip vs. paycheck journal, but so far haven’t found a smart place for it.  Now I’m thinking to make an excel spreadsheet about it… do some comparisons at the end of a 3 month-ish period and see how much money I actually earn.  But, like I said, last night was fantastic.  It was reminiscent of some of the first nights I worked at King Eddies, with more than 100$ in tips coming my way at the end of it, despite me begging for mercy.  The thing is, if you’re busy – you’re happy.  No waitress is going to be happy sitting with the same customers for the entire night – you’re just going to get frustrated even if the person(s) is(are) your best friend(s).  But if you have a legit stream of newcomers that you semi-know and can entertain the fuck out of? You are your own best friend.  You are the queen of the butterflies, flitting from table to table with your gorgeous smile and anticipating beers and presenting wines from behind your back like magician’s tricks, much to the awe and congratulations of the patrons (ie. audience).  You are everywhere at once, you are working the room and you know you are damn good at it.  Everybody loves you, and the table at the back from Alberta, full of hockey players and moms, that is getting rowdy singing Rasputin at the top of their arms?  They give you hugs every time they see you with another rye and coke, or rye and diet or vodka water lime (mostly because you remember each person’s specific drinks, and partly because you’re russian and they’re hockey players).   They sing, they laugh, the ask you whether your nipples are pierced, and then they leave in a giant flurry of stumbling tall men, in cabs too small to their hotel across the street.  You are now satisfied – they are happily drunk, they are coming back for more, and they tip like madmen!

What’s better then that?  A close second would be getting more than 8 hours of sleep for me, since these guys kept me at work till about 2:15 last night, and I wake up at 7 on Thursdays.  But it was worth it – I’ll sleep on the bus and dream about dancing 20$ bills on the way to my retardedly early English class.

I hear the best writers lived in bars… except the thing is I don’t think they worked there, but .. er… drank there.. so really the best writers should be my regular customers… except they’re not.  But I will be from listening to all of their ridiculous drunk stories time and time again.  I will be.

Time to go dry my hair.  And eat something.

Ciao. Arina.


Be Thankful

I am thankful for a lot. I don’t have a permanent job but I know it’s coming because I know who my source is. I am thankful for my life because it is grand and I wouldn’t want any one else’s. I am thankful because I have a relationship with God that no one can come between. I am thankful for my family and all of their support. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. I am thankful for the education I’ve received and the degrees I have at this age. I am thankful. I am thankful. I am thankful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving you all!



Happy Thanksgiving





Job 22

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:

2 “Can a man be of benefit to God?
Can even a wise man benefit him?

3 What pleasure would it give the Almighty if you were righteous?
What would he gain if your ways were blameless?

4 “Is it for your piety that he rebukes you
and brings charges against you?

5 Is not your wickedness great?
Are not your sins endless?

6 You demanded security from your brothers for no reason;
you stripped men of their clothing, leaving them naked.

7 You gave no water to the weary
and you withheld food from the hungry,

8 though you were a powerful man, owning land—
an honored man, living on it.

9 And you sent widows away empty-handed
and broke the strength of the fatherless.

10 That is why snares are all around you,
why sudden peril terrifies you,

11 why it is so dark you cannot see,
and why a flood of water covers you.

12 “Is not God in the heights of heaven?
And see how lofty are the highest stars!

13 Yet you say, ‘What does God know?
Does he judge through such darkness?

14 Thick clouds veil him, so he does not see us
as he goes about in the vaulted heavens.’

15 Will you keep to the old path
that evil men have trod?

16 They were carried off before their time,
their foundations washed away by a flood.

17 They said to God, ‘Leave us alone!
What can the Almighty do to us?’

18 Yet it was he who filled their houses with good things,
so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked.

19 “The righteous see their ruin and rejoice;
the innocent mock them, saying,

20 ‘Surely our foes are destroyed,
and fire devours their wealth.’

21 “Submit to God and be at peace with him;
in this way prosperity will come to you.

22 Accept instruction from his mouth
and lay up his words in your heart.

23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored:
If you remove wickedness far from your tent

24 and assign your nuggets to the dust,
your gold of Ophir to the rocks in the ravines,

25 then the Almighty will be your gold,
the choicest silver for you.

26 Surely then you will find delight in the Almighty
and will lift up your face to God.

27 You will pray to him, and he will hear you,
and you will fulfill your vows.

28 What you decide on will be done,
and light will shine on your ways.

29 When men are brought low and you say, ‘Lift them up!’
then he will save the downcast.

30 He will deliver even one who is not innocent,
who will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands.”


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

thank god for perspective

As you may have guessed from recent posts, I deal with issues that arise at my work.  Fixing problems, resolving grievances, whatever you want to call it.  I guess I’m Ms Fixit, which is fine by me.

Contrary to what you may think, I actually do enjoy my job.  I get asked a lot, ‘How on earth can you do this job all day?!’  There are two answers to this.  I usually give the first, as it’s more friendly:

1. If somebody comes to me with a problem, it’s not just me listening to you about the problem; I have the authority (most of the time) to go ahead and do whatever is needful to fix it for you.  Therefore, I’m not just a listener; I can actually change things for the better.  This makes people happy (or at least, happier than they were).

Nice response, isn’t it? Friendly.  I am here to fix YOUR problems, oh yes.  Ms Fixit, that’s me.

Answer number 2 is less customer-focused, but it’s also the truth:

2.  Listening to your problems makes mine look like peanuts in comparison.  Sure, I have a debilitating mental illness that will probably be chronic, and a mother who is less than perfect.  But I’m not crying over a thoughtless Secret Santa gift.  This job reminds me again and again that I do have a sense of humour, and perhaps more importantly, a sense of perspective.  I also get fairly continual reinforcement that my social skills are reasonably okay.  Of course, this could be something to do with the issues that people bring to me to sort out, and that these people typically have the socialisation of a dandruff-covered rodent.

I am genuinely concerned about people’s welfare.  Even the most trivial of issues means something to the person who brought it to me, otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered.  But I also get plenty of laughs from it, and a healthy sense of what really matters.


Times Herald write-up on the new job appointment...

The Times Herald has a write-up on the new job appointment in Dearborn Heights. I for one am in courage that Mr. Amen wants to do something on Warren Ave I have waited for 5 years to see something get done on that street, I was hoping that we could have something in that area like they have in Royal Oak. Was so disappointed when nothing got done, I wish Mr. Amen all the best for this project, and look forward to having many restaurants, coffee shops, Ice cream parlors, and more on that street. Some little shops would be great could be the hot spot of Dearborn Heights good luck, and hope it works out.


An Engineer's Letter...

I found this letter quite amusing not because of the funny language but thining of the guy who wrote it. If only our mother India produces such engineer’s no wonder why the infrastructure is expired before inaugration. Why the IT companies hire the mass on alms and giving us a hard time.

So much can be written on the hidden plight of all engineer’s found embedded in this letter but that will just go against the spirit of letter. Sometimes explaination steal the sweetness and soul of matter which is better the way it is in brief. So without wasting my time on blabbering more and more like out forefront leaders I directly present to you:

An Engineer’s Letter   

Jai Hind


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rome Frost

Rome Frost has been invited and accepted to contribute to this blog. So pay attention, if you see     by: romeamerica instead of by: wesshock  ; now you know who’s writing much. I’m not sure how much he’ll be writing cause he has a job now at some seedy New Hampshire bar that will be taking up a lot of his time, plus I would imagine he’s planning his life out and trying to get back down to DC where everyone wants him to be.

In any case, I’m not sure how many people have passed by this blog – but feel free to read Rome’s stuff – I’m sure it’ll be hilarious and insightful.

On one last note – If anyone else would like to contribute and/or wrote something that fits the carefree format of this and doesn’t want to hassle with creating their own space to put it up, I’d be happy to post it so you have a link for it and a place to direct people.

That’s all for today, thanks and just one quick video special for Romie – he’ll get it.


better and better

Sunday November 22, 2009 12:58 pm

sitting in the café again, and by the way the owners are named John and Magda.  didn’t get to write last night, because sara and i went out for drinks at this amazing piwnice (beer pub) half a block up from this café.  got a little drunk, because i didn’t eat that much and hadn’t had that much to eat.  oops, i mean, haven’t had that much to drink recently.  the pub is in the basement of a building near the arch that leads out of old town.  heavy wood, axes on the walls, science fiction books on the shelves, like a clubhouse, for people who all know each other.  the bartender is heavily bearded and flirty as hell.  he made gin and tonics and pina coladas for sara, who is not a big beer drinker, and we talked about the heavy heavy things we left behind.

yesterday was a whole lot of time in the café, and then i talked to that guy about the job.  skype somehow did not register my subscription, so it hung up on him after a minute.  i still don’t know what the fuck went wrong, but i had to buy more skype credit, on top of the subscription that i paid for, that should have been there.  grrr.  still, it’s ok.  i have to contact them and figure out what the fuck.

but, ever have one of those interviews where it seems like the person really did not look at anything you sent them?  where they ask things that they should know, from just a glance at the CV you put hours of hard work into??  it was one of those.  and, really, after all of that, he just wants to meet in person after all.  i will be heading down to the area by the end of the week, anyway.  so he is still on my job radar, even though i really don’t think i want to teach his crazy method.


and the training is not paid.

still, it would be fucking nice to have a free house, with internet, right away.

feel like we are in a kind of limbo.  i would like to maybe do some sightseeing, or walk around a little today.  spend so much time applying to jobs that the days are flying by.  all day long inside, on the internet.  tired tired tired.

on the way home last night, things were kind of a blur and so i thought we might have been hallucinating when sara yelled that she saw a kitten in front of this house.  tiny grey kitten, just running around in front of this house, so close to the road.  i picked it up and tried to put it on the other side of the fence, but it sort of twisted in my arms and fell, and i was trying to figure out if it was ok, leaning far over the fence, when it just came running out of a hole in the fence a couple of feet from where i was looking for it.  tiny tiny kitten.  superfast, like a bunny.  we didn’t know what to do, and the people in the house must have been freaking out a little that there were drunken english-speakers yelling on their front walk, so we had to bid it goodbye and walk on.

today we tried to see if it was still around, without crossing the street or getting too close to the house at all.  sara has an adorable way of saying “KiTT EN,” very annunciated TTs, while my TTs disappear in what is the slight bit of an accent that i guess i have (KiH EN).  there was no sight of the kitten.  maybe we imagined it after all.

i never got to write about the train ride, really.  there was too much going on.  maybe later.  think i have to finish sending out resumes to the rest of the list of polish schools.  that way it will be done and i can feel, if only vaguely, like i accomplished something.

everything is better and getting better and better.



so today it is...

it’s national suicide survivors day, or something with words like that.

i have to confess, i have never gotten far enough to actually attempt suicide.  it makes me feel like a failure, as though i’m not serious & rather than having real pain & problems, i’m just whiny.  i do often want to die, but i also know it isn’t normal to feel that way & the bad moods like the good moods will pass.  of course after they pass someone always comes around to piss me off & make me wish i had a gun so i could shoot myself in front of them.  that’ll teach ‘em.  but i digress. (that’s the kind of trick you only get to use once you know.)

i started “practice cutting” this year, cutting at my wrists working on being able to cut deep enough to bleed out.  i managed to draw a little blood once, but most of the time i just broke some skin.  i’ve cut myself worse by accident plenty of times.  i don’t know why it is so hard.  i know it sounds silly & awful, but i feel like ppl don’t take what i go through serious because i have never attempted suicide.  when you go see someone it is always one of the first things they ask.  so when you say no, they want to know why & you’ve been categorized.

i really don’t know what i want.  i just know that i over think everything & constantly change my mind.  i’ve always been more of a planner than a doer.  i spend a great deal of time googling suicide methods, reading about suicide, thinking about how i would do it, & learning from ppl who have tried & failed/been stopped.  when i do try it, i am firmly committed to doing it right the first time, which means no chance to change my mind.  i don’t want it to come off as a half assed attempt & cry for attention.  i don’t want to live with permanent damage, like brain damage if i drink/take something (that would be the worst) or nerve damage from cutting myself.

it’s also hard when your mood/outlook changes every 15mins.  but i don’t know.  i can’t shake the idea that i’m a failure because i don’t just do it.  it’s why i keep thinking i need to set a date & just go for it.  i have had a tentative time line in mind for if somethings don’t change & start coming together i’m just going to do it.  i want to get through the holidays because i don’t want to make them a sad time for ppl who will miss me.  & i know some ppl will.

i know better than to think nobody loves me & my life is so bad.  i have & have had a lot of less than happy things in my life, but who hasn’t?  i have a lot of ppl in my life who love & care about me.  but i think knowing all that stuff makes it worse.  it does make it harder to go through with it & just feel like a whiny idiot.  but it also makes the way i feel worse because i know there is no real reason for me to feel this way.  which makes the problem tougher.  especially since it is harder for ppl to understand the way i feel.  because while i have had bad things happen in my life, there is no great, widely understandable tragedy to point to for why i feel this way.  i think it will be better when i get away from here too.

e. is basically an emotional void.  except for when he whines about the fact that he has no friends.  i tell him he has me, but that’s not really true any more.  i’m just here till i can get out.  dear god i need a job>_<  even hardee’s won’t hire me.  that really sucks.  this place sucks for me & i need to move on.  i’m looking elsewhere & i’m feeling hopeful.  a friend of mine works in my field & where she is at is always hiring.  of course that’s because it kinda sucks, but she recently got a transfer & is liking it better.  but it will be something to get me away from here.  he doesn’t get the way i feel & within a year of my mother’s death was already bored with me being sad about it.  she was dead & it was time to get over it.  gee, wonder why he doesn’t have any friends.  he doesn’t like anyone/anything he can’t understand and control.

there’s j, but honestly he is more of a paid lapdog.  he is paid to cook and clean and that’s all he does, & he only does what he is told to do.  it’s kind of weird.  if he is told to do the dishes, he does the dishes.  he doesn’t clean out the sink or wipe down the counters.  when he cooks, he doesn’t clean the stove or counters behind himself.  he seems to do just what he is told & no more.  he plays whatever game e. is into at the moment & watches whatever e. wants to watch on tv & goes & does whatever e. wants to do.  outside of choosing what to cook, i haven’t known him to do much of this own thing.  but he was like that with this ex.  it always annoyed me & is why i never liked him.  i can’t respect ppl like that, the mindless.

i’ve considered moving home, but at this point i’d end up living in the apts where my mother died & i don’t want to do that.  none of my family has room for me.  plus, it’s a factory town & even those have mostly closed down.  but you never know.  i would like to.  but i’d have to get a job out of town, & for me it just makes sense if i’m going to get a job in a town, i’m going to move to that town.  i don’t know.  maybe i’m weird.  i don’t really want to live there, but i would like to be closer to my family.

wow, i’ve written over a thousand words.  if only i could put that toward my word count:~)

i’ll try to write about wednesday tomorrow.  i didn’t even intend to write this, but was reading k.’s post & just wanted to say why i feel like a failure today & it just took off from there.  now i’m going to go try & write a sassy conversation between two cats.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

All I ever Wanted

My last day at my internship was unlike any other day I have spent at Cablevision News. When I stepped into the control room on Wednesday morning, after driving twenty minutes down the red light-infested Route 9, I was told that four people had called in sick. As a result of this, I was actually given work to do.

Time seemed to fly by as I edited stories and set up the CG list, which is a computer that creates the names and titles of interviewed people that one can see on the nightly news. I found my last day to be fast-paced and stressful, and I liked it. I enjoyed having things to do in order to fill out my day instead of staring at the clock and waiting it to be five.

Not only were there fewer employees working on this day, but the teleprompter was not functioning, which was occupying the rest of the people working there. This left the other intern and myself to carry on the duties of the studio in order to get ready for the nightly news. I was given jobs to do on my own and I felt actually needed in a place where my presence has been constantly pushed into the background.

I wish that every day that I interned at Cablevision News was as fun and exciting as this one. At the end of the day, I almost felt remorse, since I would not be returning on Monday morning; well, almost. Especially after I was congratulated by my supervisor for stepping up to the plate and personally applauded by the entire news team.

As I walked out of the studio after a long, hard working day, I turned around and took one last look at the Cablevision building. It was in that instant that I recalled all the times I spent leaving this place aggravated, annoyed, and with thoughts of quitting. But I did not quit, I finished my internship and learned a few things from my experience.

I have learned that I need a job with a definite schedule and actual tasks to do. My internship has ultimately taught me that this job is not for me and solidifies my choice in becoming an English teacher. In a shocking turn of events, my internship has given me all I ever wanted; to know that I am making the right choice. So, thank you Cablevision News, for making me realize what I didn’t want and allowing me to see what I did want.

What have you learned from your internships?


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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Heart Stopping



I`ll keep this first part brief since I don’t think many of you are wrestling fans but I went to see the WWE on Sunday and OMG!!!!!!! It was amazing!

My seats weren’t as good this time as I was stuck in the middle of a row and that meant I could shoot to the ringside as quick but nothing was coming between me and my wrestlers so with a bit of pushing I made it there!


C M Punk and Christian

Look how close I got! Ladies, are you starting to see why I like wrestling so much? 3 1/2 hours of hot muscley men, whats not to like?  

This is the one I REALLY wanted to see though: 

The Deadman himself  

I have watched wrestling since I was little, I grew up watching this man on tv, he is my childhood idol and to actually see him in REAL life was a dream come true.


I was so close to him, he came over to the barrier where I was at as well,  at that point I think my heart stopped!

Anyhow it was a great night overall and I cant wait to go again sometime. Being there made me think about what I am missing out on in life, I`m missing out on having fun. Every day to me is just the same boring ritual and I can’t seem to bring myself to ever let go and have fun, I dont smile anymore, I dont have any interest in anything, I dont look forward to anything, overall I’ve lost the ability to enjoy life.

I feel like I am constantly stuck in the middle, stuck between two people, wanting one thing, feeling another. It’s like with my ed I am not recovered but I`m not desperately ill like I used to be, I can still exist and live a reasonable life as I am, I can work and I can function. Part of me wants to get better and be normal again but then part of me wants to get thinner and sicker. I took a  photo of myself at the wrestling and I just can’t look at it, all I do is look at my face and think my cheeks are to fat and I begin to remember how I had razor sharp cheekbones when I was thinner.

I want to meet someone and have that fairytale romance and fall madly in love and get married but then part of me gets scared at the thought of that, part of me is terrified of getting close to someone. I dont think I`d ever be able to let go and loosen up enough to let someone in, to just let go and have fun with someone, have a proper relationship, I feel so rigid and like an ice queen.

I want to enjoy life and have a job that I love and live in a country I love and do things I enjoy but then part of me worries about the practicalities of life, I need a job with job security so I should go to university and do the logical choice of being a Radiographer. Then I begin to worry even further, I dont want to go to uni, I`m terrified of the thought, of being all alone again with no friends because I just cant make friends, of not fearing I had made the wrong choice and was forever stuck in this career now. Fearing that I`ll be trapped and wont get to achieve me dreams of moving abroad.

Sometimes I think that maybe I think to much?

Sunday was a chaotic day with trying to get things ready for the week and trying to get ready for the show, so I didnt have much time and needed something quick for dinner. Much to my delight last week I stumbled upon some Veg Pots!!!!!!!! Only problem being the shop I got them in is ages away but anyhow I got to try a new flavour for me:

The Mexican Sweet Potato Chilli: This was a spicy veg pot with brown rice, jalapeno peppers, potato, sweet potato, a whole range of beans and lots of other stuff mixed in!

As usual Innocent Veg Pots never fail, this was just delicious! It was pretty spicy compared to their other ranges but then I`m not very good with spicy food so others might not think so. I love how each pot is just packed full with veggies and beans , the only down side is they are all pretty low in protein content so I had a grilled chicken breast with this as well to bump that up. It seems like such a simple recipe, I wish I could re create it because they really are so good!

Well I`m away now to watch some I`m a celeb and see some celebs get tortured in the jungle, night all!

November 18, 2009

My friend Kristen has been trying to land me a gig at her current company for a while now. The problem is that the company is almost exclusively an interactive agency and I have very little experience there.

However, she seems to have made some headway and asked me to compile a PDF portfolio of my very best work. I definitely wanted to include my recent work from BBDO since it’s current, interactive and pretty cool. Thus most of today was spent on putting together a new mini-portfolio to send out by end of day.

I also couldn’t take it anymore so bought a stack of moving boxes and started packing up. My room is in such a state of disarray, it’s killing me. It occurs to me that much of what I have to pack are just books and design magazine. Heavy design magazines. It’s amazing how much a pile of books weigh, so I can’t stuff the boxes full. Thus I have a bunch of boxes half full of books and then I’m tossing whatever random stuff I can with them. And the boxes are still heavy. Good thing I’m planning to hire movers. They will not be fans of me.

But I’m thinking that once I get all my books packed up, there wont be much left. Furniture is confined to what I have in my bedroom and it’s not much. DVDs, too many CDs, art supplies, and clothes. That’s my life.

I’m feeling very uninspired with cooking right now. Money has led me to just rely on my cheap, easy dishes, but after a whole summer of eating the same thing, I’m just bored. My last trip to the grocery store came up mostly empty handed as far as dinner ingredients. I need some new recipes.

Daily Panic Level: A bit higher
Financial Outlook: C’mon BBDO, c’mooooooon
Job Scorecard (Interviews – Freelance Work – Freelance Busts): 8 – 4 – 28
Last Night’s Meal: Beef chow mein, takeout

A full-time, professional fun-maker

Dream job alert: being a full-time, professional fun-maker.  The Fun Theory is an initiative of Volkswagen, and the following sums up the purpose of their website:

This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.

Check out this short video showing the genius of how adding fun to function can have a huge effect on behavior:


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stop. Pause. R�sum�.

Question: other than fiddling one’s expenses and having a deep mistrust of change, what do hundreds of my colleagues and I have in common with a large proportion of Labour MPs? Answer: we will all be looking for new jobs sooner rather than later.

My bosses – sorry, ‘senior colleagues’ – have concluded, possibly through a series of high-level meetings and complex drinking games, that decimation is the best way to save money during the recession. They are making redundant 10% of the workforce; specifically those who actually make the company profitable – and it is at least still making a profit, unlike many of its competitors. Jolly clever, I’m sure they believe, but doomed to failure.

Not that I care what the long term effect on the company is as, having become more disillusioned and increasingly lazy with every passing month, I decided to volunteer for the chop. The consequence of this brave/foolhardy (delete as appropriate) decision, however, is the terrifying prospect of having to make a curriculum vitae.

I will admit that having been employed without a break for more than 20 years, albeit by two different (yet depressingly similar) employers, keeping my CV up to date has been just below holidaying in Helmand or being Gary Glitter’s agent on my list of ‘50 Things To Do Before I Diet’ [sic]. The last CV I authored – right after I left school – was compiled so long ago that instead of printing it I had to have it written by a monk onto vellum. Unfortunately I suspect that most prospective employers are going to be more interested in the experience, technical expertise and interpersonal skills I have gained throughout my employment, rather than the B grades I gained in Maths and Geology. Unless of course they are looking for mathematician geologists, in which case a B probably isn’t going to be quite good enough.

An unimpressive CV wasn’t a problem when I applied for my first job – a sales assistant in a sports shop. “No need for a CV, mate.” He was an Australian living the dream. “Can you tell the difference between a footy and a golf bat?” Nor, indeed, for my second job as a carpet fitter; “Can you carry carpet and make casual racist or homophobic comments?” It’s a shame they hadn’t asked if I was allergic to underlay or I could have saved myself four weeks of uncontrollable itching.

Regrettably, my achievements and accomplishments since I left school are not particularly noteworthy either. I haven’t been the CEO of my own global company, I have never backpacked across south-east Asia during a gap year, and nor did I quite make it as far as university (damn that Geology B! And I suspect I could have made a fair stab at it too, had a mad knifeman not had a fair stab at me during my final term at school). I’ve never even seen an episode Hollyoaks. In short, there’s barely enough to fill half a sheet of Basildon Bond’s finest A4.

So, what am I going to do? Well, I’m going to do what everybody else has always done and make it up. Now all I have to do it find a job that requires someone with an Olympic Gold Medal in Archery, three Academy Award nominations for Best Best Boy and a PhD in propulsion technologies. It’s not exactly rocket science.

Or I could just claim to be the man who was in charge of a large multinational and sacked all its best staff. But no-one would want that on their résumé, would they?

Soni - romanul lui Andrei Ruse ( R.A )

Ca să mă ţin de cuvânt, azi vă voi vorbi despre Soni, romanul lui Andrei Ruse. ( aka R.A , haha, eu mă semnez A.R )

Am aflat de el în urmă cu vreo jumătate de an, în vremea în care – împreună cu Nico – hoinăream din blog în blog după ceva romane bune. Eu habar nu aveam ce caut, dar pt mine tot ce conta era să văd ce citeşte blogosfera noastră.

Şi uite aşa, am ajuns şi pe un blog, dar nu orice blog, ci unul al unei cărţi. „Uite, mă, ce interesant, o carte are blog aici, la noi, în Romania” ne-am zis una alteia şi am început să citim câte ceva despre roman.

Titlu mare „ Soni ” . . . probabil că mulţi dintre voi v-aţi gândit la celebra marcă de electronice ,nu ?! cam aşa am făcut şi eu iniţial, dar m-am lămurit mai apoi că m-am înşelat atunci când am văzut coperta cărţii :

Faină fată, a ?! frumuseţea sânilor săi a ieşit în evidenţă . . . evident, reacţie ce nu a întârziat să apară atunci când le-am arătat-o lui Olimpiu ( cartea mea stă de vreo 2 săptămâni la el, dar chiar dacă mi-e dor să povestesc cu el şi-s tare curioasă să văd dacă a citit-o şi ce părere are, nu-l întreb nimic, no ! sunt supărată!) şi lui Ciupa. Ulterior, ambii au găsit o idee tare năstruşnică şi anume aceea că mie mi-ar sta al dracu’ de bine tunsă, la fel ca Soni : cheala. Na, poftim, Men . . .

A,stai,c-am sărit anumite etape importante. Uf,ce obosită sunt !

2 secunde s-o dreg niţel.

Aşaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . .

După ce am prins firul povestirii de pe blogul mai sus amintit, atât eu , cât şi Nico am găsit că trebuie neapărat să ne cumpărăm şi noi cartea. Asta a fost aşa, ca o idee doar . . . până acum vreo 2 luni când am mers la Iulius Mall cu Ciupa şi cu Bobo  şi . . . acolo era EA, singură pe raft, ultima din „familia” ei. Da, am găsit ultimul exemplar al lotului respectiv,parcă m-aştepta tocmai pe mine şi-atunci am ştiut că TREBUIE s-o am, chit c-am cerut bani împrumut pt a o putea aduce acasă, dar nu-mi pare rău deloc

Cititul, ca de obicei, a avut un ritm alert, ăsta fiind avantajul exersării acestui „sport”. Aş fi terminat-o mai repede daca nu intervenea una-alta, dar aşa a mers cam în vreo 2 zile şi jumătate. Na, bine, că eu , spre finalul cărţii, am tot lungit-o pt că nu voiam să se termine, mi-aş fi dorit să tot amân acea ultimă foaie dar, din păcate, n-a prea fost posibil .

Prima coală era mâzgălită cam aşa :

„ era ca şi cum ceva foarte scârbos s-ar fi plimbat prin corpul meu. un fel de vierme, târându-se mai întâi prin craniu, şerpuind chinuit între creier şi os, apoi adulmecând pe ceafă, pe spate, până spre coapse, ocolind numai puţin vaginul. îmi doream să iasă pe-acolo, oricât ar fi durut. dar el îţi continua drumul fără să dea doi bani pe fantezia mea, lăsând dâre cleioase printre organe, luând-o pe piciorul drept şi înapoi, prin faţă, pe sub abdomen, rotindu-se în jurul tuturor organelor şi a intestinelor, pe sub sâni, excitându-mi sfârcurile, prin gât după aceea, pe sub gingii şi înapoi la creier ” (10)

V-a şocat, aşa, niţel ?! Ei bine, asta-i ideea, într-o manieră mai ciudată, ca să nu zic pornografică, aşa se face introducerea.

„ mă cheamă Sonia, am 26 de ani , cancer la stomac şi încă jumătate de an de trăit” -> ăsta-i viermele de mai sus de care ea ne povesteşte că-i răvăşea interiorul.

După o relaţie de 3 ani închiată nu tocmai în realţii amiabile, cu un job obositor care nu-i făcea deloc plăcere, colac peste pupăză, află că suferă de o boală gravă şi anume de cancer la stomac, pam paaaam !

Ce frumoasă-i viaţa, nu ? ! Să-i mufezi una fix în bot,nu alta.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuun, acum mă văd nevoită de a mă retrage la somn pt un scurt interval de timp , însă revin cu continuarea poveştii după odihna pe care o aştept încă de ieri noapte

I’ll be back

Blurbs I

            I’m going to do these from time to time.  They’re just blurbs; small stories, musings or quotes that can’t really make up their own post by themselves.  Well, I mean, they could, but that would be ripping off the five people who actually read this thing.  So without further ado…

-       One time I told my friend about what I do for a living, which is described pretty well here on this blog.  He responded that I was the quintessential LA Film Kid.  I’m still trying to decide if I should take offense to this or not.

-       If you’re a producer and you treat your crew like crap, they won’t like you very much.  If you don’t know if you treat your crew like crap, think about how much you yell.  If it’s “a lot” then you treat them poorly, at least in their eyes.  So then if something bad happens and you throw a hissy fit, or if something bad happens to you, the crew will actively root against you and laugh at your misery.  I’ve seen this happen repeatedly.    And if you cry it’s like solid gold for everyone.  Just saying.

-       Some friends of mine were on a set once where for some odd reason the sprinklers that were supposed to be shut off weren’t shut off.  Once they went off they caused puddles and hit lights.  One of the lights went off in the process and due to reasons I don’t understand (for I wasn’t there) the water became electrified, popping and cracking.  Since security in the area did not know how to shut off the lights the fire department was called, causing even more chaos.  This was made worse because it was at a school.  There is no moral of the story here, except that sprinklers and electricity are bad news and electrified water is about as dangerous as it gets.  Seriously, you just stay away from that shit.

-       Many film school teachers are actually great big film snobs.  Most are the friendly type of snob that will actually try to help your film tastes, for better or worse, to rise to their standards in the nicest way possible.  Yes, that’s right, there are actually nice bearable film snobs in the world.  Sometimes they are the obnoxious annoying asshole snobs you want to punch in the face.  I had a teacher I didn’t like at one point who was one of these people.  After putting up with him for months he accidentally admitted his favorite movie might be the animated Transformers movie, at which point he paused and then said “I should have admitted that.”  This did two things: It humanized him slightly and made it so all his other film snob bullshit could easily be excused for being hypocritical.  Optimus Prime wins again!  God I love Transformers.  And remember, Optimus Prime died for your sins.

-       I like working at places that have a good sense of humor about everything, especially what they do.  The place I worked at most recently was staffed full of great people that knew how to do their jobs.  I wish I could go back.  My biggest shock while working there was the fact that they had a dog walking around the office.  When I asked about the dog they responded that the dog was the President of the company.  I was taken aback before I realized that the office had actually tagged the name “President” to the front of the dog’s actual name, Rusty.  So the dog was officially, as far as the office was concerned, “President Rusty.”  They even had a picture of the dog on the staff picture wall with the picture labeled “President. Of the Company.”  The actual owner of the company thought this greatly amusing.  I knew right then I’d like working there.

Film Quote of the Day – “I think they thought ‘we’re both screenwriters, they’re both from the east coast and they are both white.  Fuck it, they HAVE to get along.” – A guy guessing on their school’s logic on why his roommate and him were actually roommates in the first place.  He probably wasn’t far off.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Q&A: On the Sons of Gods

From the about page comes this question:

Here is something I ignored when I translated Job and I don’t think I should have. In chapter 1 we get the b’nei ha-elohim. In chapter 38 we get the b’nei elohim without the definite article. I am thinking that the first should be the children (or sons) of the gods or of the mighty, and the second the children of God? This is without looking up Tur Sinai and all the other references I used that are since back in the library — so I ask you instead (thanks).

Don’t thank me yet, since calling this “Q&A” might be a stretch. I don’t have much of an answer.

The difference between ha-elohim and elohim seems like it has to be important, but I’ve yet to find a satisfactory explanation of the two. I do know that the simplistic approach of using “the” in English for ha- here doesn’t work. These may be dialectal variants, they might be the same thing, or they might differ in ways we haven’t figured out yet.

In general I think it’s a good idea to use different English for different Hebrew, but in this case, I don’t think we have that option. “Children of the gods” versus “children of God” is likely to be wrong, as is “children of the mighty.”

Though both ha-elohim and elohim are common, we find b’nei ha-elohim only in Genesis 6 and twice in Job, and b’nei elohim only in Job 38:7.

So an important related question is who these god children are. The Jewish Study Bible (which I highly recommend) has this to say:

[Job 1:]6. The divine beings presented themselves before the Lord: Similar meetings of the Lord enthroned on His heavenly throne and all the heavenly host standing before Him on either side are reported by the prophet Micah son of Imlah in 1 Kings 22.19-23, by the prophet Isaiah in Isa. ch 6, and in Ps. 82 and Dan. 7.9-10. The members of the heavenly court, here and in Ps. 82 called divine beings (here lit. “sons of the gods”; in Ps. 82.2 lit. “gods”) are called in 1 Kings ch 22 “the heavenly host”; in Job 4.18 they are called “servants” and “angels”; in 15:15 they are called “holy ones” and “the heavens,” while in 25:5 they are identified with the moon and stars, who, with the sun, are called “the whole heavenly host” in Deut. 4.19. Typically, these divine beings, though they have great power, may not act independently of God. [My emphasis.]

The LXX translates “angels of the God” in Job 1 and 2, and “my angels” in Job 38.

With all of this in mind, I think both phrases refer to the same group. (Maybe the b’nai here is like the word b’nai in b’nai yisrael, and these are the Lordites.)

At any rate, my suggestion is to pick a phrase that’s likely to be accurate, capitalize it, and hope for the best.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Factors that could cost you a job/interview

Did you know that some interviewers make a decision if you have got the job or not, even before you sit down?  There are many things to consider, but here are a few of my top tips to make sure you make the most of the opportunity.
  • Being unprepared for the interview – you should always prepare thoroughly before any interview (this will also make you feel more confident at the interview).
  • Poor/limp handshake – always a bit of a no-no. Practice on a friend or relative before the interview.
  • Saying unfavourable things about previous employers – the employer will be wondering what you will say about them when you leave their employment.
  • Not being able to communicate clearly and effectively.  Practice your answers so that you are not Um-ing or Er-ing all the time.
  • Being aggressive or acting in a superior way – nobody likes this so please don’t do it.
  • Making excuses for failings.

That gives you a few things to think about.

Good luck – please let me know how you got on with your interview.

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Job 11

1 Then Zophar the Naamathite replied:

2 “Are all these words to go unanswered?
Is this talker to be vindicated?

3 Will your idle talk reduce men to silence?
Will no one rebuke you when you mock?

4 You say to God, ‘My beliefs are flawless
and I am pure in your sight.’

5 Oh, how I wish that God would speak,
that he would open his lips against you

6 and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom,
for true wisdom has two sides.
Know this: God has even forgotten some of your sin.

7 “Can you fathom the mysteries of God?
Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?

8 They are higher than the heavens—what can you do?
They are deeper than the depths of the grave [a] —what can you know?

9 Their measure is longer than the earth
and wider than the sea.

10 “If he comes along and confines you in prison
and convenes a court, who can oppose him?

11 Surely he recognizes deceitful men;
and when he sees evil, does he not take note?

12 But a witless man can no more become wise
than a wild donkey’s colt can be born a man. [b]

13 “Yet if you devote your heart to him
and stretch out your hands to him,

14 if you put away the sin that is in your hand
and allow no evil to dwell in your tent,

15 then you will lift up your face without shame;
you will stand firm and without fear.

16 You will surely forget your trouble,
recalling it only as waters gone by.

17 Life will be brighter than noonday,
and darkness will become like morning.

18 You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety.

19 You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid,
and many will court your favor.

20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail,
and escape will elude them;
their hope will become a dying gasp.”

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Caregiver Wages for the Live-In Caregiver Program - Nanny Salary

Nanny and live in caregiver salaries

Region Prevailing Wage Maximum Hours Room & Board Vacation Alberta $9.62 per hour 44 hours per weekMust pay for 44 hours per week $77.54 per week$336 per month 2 weeks or 4% British
Columbia $8.00 per hour 40 hours week $75 per week$325 per month 2 weeks or 4% Manitoba $9.30 per hour 8 hours per day or 40 hours per weekHours worked beyond standard hours are considered overtime and compensated at 150% of the regular wage rate Maximum combined deductions: $50 per week or $200 per monthMeals not taken cannot be deductedDeductions cannot lower minimum wage by more than $1.00 for each meal and $7.00 per week for room 2 weeks or 4% New Brunswick $8.00 per hour$8.25 per hour as of September 1st, 2009 44 hours per week Allowed but wages cannot be below provincial minimum wages n/a Newfoundland and Labrador $8.50 per hour$9.00 per hour as of July 1st, 2009 40 hours per week “Reasonable” rental charges for room 2 weeks or 4% Nova Scotia $8.60 per hour No provisionsOvertime to be paid after 48 hours of work $65 per week 2 week or 4% Ontario $10.00 per hour 48 hours per week $369.42 per month 2 weeks or 4% Prince Edward Island $8.20 per hour$8.40 per hour as of October 1st, 2009 48 hours per week $45 per weekMeals not taken cannot be deducted 2 weeks or 4% Quebec $9.00 per hour 40 hours per week no deduction allowed for room and board 2 weeks or 4% Saskatchewan $10.00 per hour 40 hours per week $250 per month 3 weeks or 3/52 (appro-ximately 6%) Northwest Territories $10.16 per hour 44 hours per week $420 per month n/a Nunavut $10.16 per hour 44 hours per week $420 per month n/a Yukon $8.89 per hour 44 hours per week $152 per month 2 weeks or 4%


Nanny Salary 
Nanny salaries vary by geography, hours, experience and education of the nanny and local nanny placement agencies are the best resource for local job conditions.



Neue Arbeit - Neues Abenteuer

Seit kurzem arbeite ich in dem Kinderladen Piraterie. Das ist auch der Grund, dass ich im Moment so selten blogge. Ich bin aber immer noch da

Auf dem Bild seht ihr mich mit meinem Eingewöhnungskind (das mit der bunten Mütze). Allerdings ist nicht Emmeline, die die eingewöhnt werden muss. Sie gewöhnt mich im Kinderladen ein. Das macht sie ganz langsam und behutsam. Danke dafür.

Emmeline und Mari

Just like that....Bakwaas !!!!

A lot hapened yesterday in Mumbai.

 I finished some work that was pending for long, after my manager gave me a final warning.                                                                                                                                   The news of the cyclone “Fyaan” coming towards Mumbai but missed it.             The match between India and Australia didn’t happened due to rain.             The worst thing is Indian team got caught partying with their pics released and News channel making breaking news out of it.

Nothing more can be said about my work, so jumping on to the second point, “Fyaan” came in the news and not in mumbai. Good for Mumbaikars, but my office didn’t called the day off as others did and that set me on fire. I was so excited to go and watch the match in the second half and thought that this cyclone couldn’t had a timing better than this. But destiny it seems is always fallible in my case. As the news of early closing of offices came, so came the news of cancellation of the match. Like this was not enough for me, my office didn’t announced the half-day holiday. “Bhagwaan jaane kitna kaam rehta hai. Andhi toofaan mein bhi kaam karna hai inko.”

I reached home in the night at around 10:00 PM and found my flat partners grinning. I instantly got the point that they got the day off. Nothing can be more frustating than seeing my buddies at rest without me and more on before me.

And also India slipped one rank below to number 3 in rating and it surely calls for a celebration and so the Indian players rocked the floor and their pics were unleashed in the morning and were rocking the news channel. Now what the hell is the problem with media. Why shouldn’t they enjoy their life. Is it all about playing and winning only? Why can’t the media for once just air the news as it is without the use of spices. I know Dal tadka is hot favourite but normal “Dal-Bhaat” should be served instead. Arrey baba, inki jeb se paise nikal ke to party ki nahi thi…ki yeh naraaz ho gaye…Saalon ko bulaay nahi honge..tabhi badhak uthe…Why would any sane person call these morons? Bulaate to aur video bhi le lete then they would have started analyzing different postures and grooving moves of players. 2-3 days ka kaam to ho jaata. In gadho ko moot bhari tanki mein dubo ke marna chahiye….(I’m sorry, language is getting degraded word by word and so are my thoughts…) Better to end this blog right here. When my sanity will return, may be I’ll write a gentlemen type blog, with good words that only gentlemen use. Lekin yeh saale kutton ko woh suit nahi karega….yeh kamine is layak….ohk sorry sorry… I’m ending now…

Keep visiting friends…Bye   Bye.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Open Tally Whacker

Ok Tally Whacker will be the name of of this guest. Tally Whacker is another word of the male private parts. This story will involve Tally Whacker, Papa Mustache, and me Shane. It was just a slow easy night at the hotel. Everything for the first time was going so well, guest weren’t complaining, even co-workers seemed to be in a good mood.

Well it’s well after midnight and i couldn’t ask for a better night. I just got laid a few hours before going to work, so i was just in cloud 69. Anyways enough of my story. Tally Whacker calls down yelling at me because his room smells like smoke. I apologized and asked him if he wanted to change rooms? The man said no, after a few more minutes of hearing Mr. Tally Whacker complaining i told him, “ok’ I’m going to go ahead and send are manager on duty right over there to talk you in person.”

So i go ahead and tell Papa Mustache to go up and speak to this guest. Well Papa goes and knocks on the door, now Tally Whacker is aware that someone will go up to his room and speak with him. Tally Whacker opens the door with nothing but his tally whacker hanging out. Now what the hell man? You know someone is going up to the room to speak to you. And yet you still chose to be in your birthday suit. Come on! Have some respect. And to make matters worst Papa just looks at this man and says “Listen sir sorry but I’ll just wait out here until you put some clothes on.”

Tally Whacker just stood there in the nude waiting for Papa to just go in and tell him something. To talk to him about the smell of smoke in the room. How do you expect to be taken seriously? After all you are in the nude. This isn’t France buddy, nude and waiting for other guys to come to your room to talk to you isn’t cool.

So this is to the Losers and the male nudist, It’s not cool waiting for another man to come talk to you and nude in your room waiting for him!!


Job 8

1Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said,

2How long wilt thou speak these things? and how long shall the words of thy mouth be like a strong wind?

3Doth God pervert judgment? or doth the Almighty pervert justice?

4If thy children have sinned against him, and he have cast them away for their transgression;

5If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes, and make thy supplication to the Almighty;

6If thou wert pure and upright; surely now he would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous.

7Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

8For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers:

9(For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:)

10Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart?

11Can the rush grow up without mire? can the flag grow without water?

12Whilst it is yet in his greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb.

13So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite’s hope shall perish:

14Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider’s web.

15He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure.

16He is green before the sun, and his branch shooteth forth in his garden.

17His roots are wrapped about the heap, and seeth the place of stones.

18If he destroy him from his place, then it shall deny him, saying, I have not seen thee.

19Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others grow.

20Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:

21Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.

22They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nought.

Stuck in a rut...

I went to coffee today with a good friend.  Words were all trapped in my head so I was a good listener.  She has been in a relationship for about 13 years with a man she no longer loves.  They are not married, have no children together so why doesn’t she break it off?  They own a vacation property together and they WORK together.  Guess we all have another reason not to have an office relationship right?  I think he’s her boss too.  Double yikes!!  I think I asked all of the right questions, I was supportive and tried to bring out the real reasons she was still staying with him.  In the end it seemed simpler to stay than to go.  Now that is depressing folks!

So why isn’t she depressed?  I was so unhappy in my first marriage I wanted out!  I didn’t care how hard it would be to have 3 kids under the age of 10 with a very low income.  After the divorce when reality kicked in was the first time I hit rock bottom.  I look at my friend and I think she is a fighter.  I’ve had times in my life where I have been a fighter….

Right now, today, the fighter is no where in sight.  The “run away as fast as you can” persona is in full charge of my thoughts.  I am running a business I care nothing about and I am going further into debt every day.  I hate it, I want to quit and find something simpler, less stressful to do.  I come close to quitting and then I’ll have a few good days and it sucks me back in again.  Oh I’ve been on, I’ve kept my ears open for other opportunities.  But I’ll be headed back there tomorrow because I’ve convinced myself that I’m in the job because it’s flexible and right now I NEED flexible.

So Yes staying where you are when you don’t want to be there is simpler sometimes.  Now “happy” is another subject altogether

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Love College, I Hate School

I’m a total college girl. I love wearing college sweatshirts, cheering at basketball (so much so that I cheer for the school I transferred from and the one I currently attend) or hockey games, partying at all times, supporting student government, loving the gym and dining halls, repping NU right here on CollegeCandy, playing on intramurals and familiarizing myself with all the fun trivia about my school. Example: Did you know that Northeastern University is really the first place that the Red Sox played? Yep, the Red Sox didn’t always play at Fenway. Back when they were the Pilgrims/Americans, they played at the Huntington Avenue Grounds, which is now part of our campus. The area is immortalized with a bronze statue of Cy Young.

Yes, I love college. Probably more than Asher Roth. The experience of being at a University is incredible, my social life is banging, my sister goes to school right around the corner at BU, and I live in the “big city” version of a college town. The Boston area is home to over twelve major universities and I’m familiar with all of them. Or at least their frat houses.

Here’s the thing though, I hate SCHOOL. Ever since I was a little girl I was constantly reprimanded for not focusing and not living up to my full potential. I’ve always tested well, but I hate sitting in a classroom. I love to read, but if someone gives me a reading assignment it’s like pulling teeth to complete it. I’m a bright girl, but I find that I do the bare minimum to skate by with a B- average.

To make it even worse, my father is in academics, my mother is a librarian, both have Master’s degrees and my honor-roll little sister racked up more college credits by taking APs her senior year than I did in my freshman year. In actual college. Basically, she cries if she gets an A- and I cheer for a B+. And most of my friends adore classes and wouldn’t dream of missing a day.

I just don’t get it.
I heart my campus, but I hate the classroom.

However, I have always been super into working. Even when I wasn’t old enough to work, I was always trying to scam people into buying my old toys or writing newsletters to my mother with “WANTED” ads asking her to hire me to clean the house, for a price. I started babysitting at a very young age and then moved into administrative work, photo technician, being a teller at a bank and then steadily working retail from age 16 until my sophomore year of college.

So, my life has taken a crazy turn. I fell in love with my 6 month-internship (Northeastern calls them co-ops) and I have an opportunity to extend my work even further, for another 12 months, to be exact. I’ve been working in the marketing department for a beauty company and I adore it. I thrive in a work environment. I’ll half-ass any project for Sociology but at work I’m on my grind, putting in the long hours and tackling projects. The company I work for inspires me and going to work makes me happy, unlike going to class.

I know I need my bachelor’s degree, but converting to a non-traditional education might be the right road for me. My school offers an online program where I can finish my bachelor’s degree away from campus. However, in doing so, I’d have to give up my senior year experience, the flexibility and the general awesomeness of school for a full-time job and online business classes, all at once.

And I’m not sure what I should do. I love my job and I’m honored to be considered, but is it enough to give up my last year of college? Do I suffer through the classes to get one more year of the good life, or take this job (we all know how hard they are to come by these days) and kick-start my real life now?

I have a week to make my decision so any and all advice is welcome. Help!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Work - Cigarette Kiosk - Day 1

So, today was my first day on the Cigarette Kiosk in Tesco. I’ve already been trained on checkout, so I thought Kiosk would be pretty similar. But, I was really wrong. Theres so much more to think about; cigarettes (obviously), lottery tickets, magazines etc. And when the stupid lottery machine freezes or jams, thats when things really start to go wrong… I ended up with a back-up of about 20 customers while the machine was being fixed… Not fun.

Then, one woman tried to blame me for her loosing her change… I defiantly gave it to her – I remember. She’d managed to loosed the change and the receipt, so me and someone else had to go to Customer Services to sort it out, which took ages… So, when I got back, there was yet another huge backlog of customers all waiting for their cigarettes and lottery tickets… Crazy times…

Voyage Unique

This is where I work for as a Community Manager :

It’s a new website that select and publish the best offers on Internet.
We interact with the community and Netizens can also share their best deals (destinations, hotels or restaurants) on the website in the Buzz section.

As a Community Manager, I have to promote Voyage Unique on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. So please whoever reading this, “Become a Fan” and “Follow us”. Thanks.

I’m still learning on how it works and I need to aim people who like luxury travel so people who can actually afford it.

I’ve been thinking abput confidence this morning. Its funny how different things can affect us and different people groups either grow our cofidence or knock it a bit. When I’m with a group of young people or people I know well I can be naturally confident (maybe even a bit bolshy!) but yesterday I had a job interview and couldn’t help feeling terrified. I struggled to make any sense out of what I was saying and mumbled things that afterwards I could have hit myself for. Needless to say the job isn’t mine but it did knock me for a wee while wondering why.

At the end of the day our danger in life is placing confidence and identity in anything other than Christ. It reminds me that I do not need to depend on the opinion of others to have value and must never idolize my reputation but depend completely on God for the source of myself.

“For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth.” Psalm 71:5

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Job 7

1 “Does not man have hard service on earth? Are not his days like those of a hired man? 2 Like a slave longing for the evening shadows, or a hired man waiting eagerly for his wages, 3 so I have been allotted months of futility, and nights of misery have been assigned to me. 4 When I lie down I think, ‘How long before I get up?’ The night drags on, and I toss till dawn. 5 My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering. 6 “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they come to an end without hope.

7 Remember, O God, that my life is but a breath; my eyes will never see happiness again. 8 The eye that now sees me will see me no longer; you will look for me, but I will be no more. 9 As a cloud vanishes and is gone, so he who goes down to the grave does not return. 10 He will never come to his house again; his place will know him no more. 11 “Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. 12 Am I the sea, or the monster of the deep, that you put me under guard? 13 When I think my bed will comfort me and my couch will ease my complaint, 14 even then you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions, 15 so that I prefer strangling and death, rather than this body of mine. 16 I despise my life; I would not live forever. Let me alone; my days have no meaning.

17 “What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention, 18 that you examine him every morning and test him every moment? 19 Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant? 20 If I have sinned, what have I done to you, O watcher of men? Why have you made me your target? Have I become a burden to you? 21 Why do you not pardon my offenses and forgive my sins? For I will soon lie down in the dust; you will search for me, but I will be no more.”


An opportunity has arisen for an efficient, highly organised person to join the world’s pre-eminent radical publisher, Verso, at our offices in Soho, London. Responsibilities include marketing our humanities and social science academic titles, managing the day to day running of our busy office and assisting Verso staff. You will be balancing reception duties, marketing work and general office management as well as dealing with authors, suppliers, press and academics on a daily basis, so good communication skills and a willing attitude are essential. Experience in book publishing is preferable, though not required. Graduates welcome. Please apply by sending a CV and short covering letter by 30th November to:

Rowan Wilson, rowan AT


That is the total I have to pay for school. Or maybe it was $30.50

Why so little?

Because I got a lot of scholarships. And these aren’t even the ones I worked for. These are ones that DWU gives because their cost  is so high due to private college. (Wesleyan Fund, like I work for.) One is because I had good grades in MTI and highschool. One is because I can’t see well. And one is Pell.

After everything is added up and satisfied, I owed the school a total of $31.50, which I paid for with check.

Almost wished I had cash. I mean, seriously, how many people can say that they paid for school with cash?

Better yet, it’s suppose to get better next year, because I need a 3.0 to get a scholarship doubled. So we’ll see.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ce va motiveaza la un job?

Majoritatea dintre voi lucreaza momentan undeva şi cativa dintre voi au schimbat deja unul sau mai multe job-uri. Unii dintre voi sunteti fericiti cu job-ul actual, altii nu prea. V-ati gandit vreodată ce va motiveaza la un job?

Voi face o lista mare cu raspunsuri posibile:

  • ceea ce faci la servici (mai scrii cod, mai faci o diagrama sau scrii rapoarte)
  • flexibilitatea (vii cand poti, pleci cand ai chef)
  • beneficiile salariale (salariul, bonuri de masa, activitati sportive platite de firma, etc.)
  • colegii (atmosfera de la lucru placuta, iesit la bere serile, mers in excursii cu ei)
  • siguranta locului de munca (stii ca n-ai o grija, firma-i mare si locatia low cost; sau nu…)
  • relatia buna cu seful / sefa (te intelegi bine cu el/ea sau din contra, nu va inghititi unul pe altul)
  • locul unde lucrezi (cladirea, biroul, calculatorul, etc.)
  • faptul ca ceea ce faci va fi folosit de multi oameni (daca e open-source sau free, cu atat mai bine)
  • provocarile de la job (probleme in fiecare zi, dar seara pleci satisfacut acasa pentru ca ai mai dat de capat la o chestie)
  • faptul ca inveti multe la respectivul job (ai de la cine, ai ce)
  • sa poti sa te implici in proiecte de imbunatatire in firma (mai imbunatatesti niste script-uri, mai automatizezi ceva)

Daca am scapat ceva, let me know.

Ei bine, lista probabil ca difera de la unul la altul si de asemenea si prioritatile. Este cumva si normal. Din cate am mai studiat, sunt trei teorii mai cunoscute ale motivarii:

1. Teoria lui Marslow (“piramida nevoilor”)

Teoria spune ca comportamentul individului este determinat de trebuintele sale cele mai intense. Aceste trebuinte trebuie satisfacute pe rand, incepand de la cele de baza (nivelele inferioare), inainte sa li se poata raspunde celor superioare, aflat la varf: trebuintele fiziologice -> nevoia de siguranta -> nevoia de relationare -> nevoia de stima -> nevoia de autoimplinire.

Ca exemplu concret, daca abia ai terminat facultatea si te-ai angajat, ultima ta grija e sa fii cel mai cunoscut si stimat in departament: te intereseaza sa-ti iei salariul, sa stii ca nu esti dat afara in cateva luni; abia apoi te gandesti ca ti-ar place sa lucrezi cu niste colegi de gasca si cu care sa te intelegi bine.

2. Teoria lui Herzberg (Teoria factorilor de motivare si de igiena)

Potrivit lui Herzberg, individul are doua categorii de trebuinte, independente unele de altele, care ii determina comportamentul in moduri specifice: factorii motivationali (realizare personala, recunoasterea, responsabilitatea, avansarea, munca in sine) si factorii de igiena (politicile si administrarea companiei, salariul, relatiile interpersonale – cu seful de exemplu, conditiile de munca).

Factorii de igiena pot influenta masura in care un angajat s-ar putea simti nesatisfacut de munca sa.  Imbunatatirea calitatii acestor factori poate neutraliza sentimentul de insatisfactie al unui angajat, fara insa a-i produce, in mod necesar, satisfactie in munca. Factorii de igiena sunt conditii necesare, dar nu si suficiente ca un angajat sa se simta satisfacut de munca sa.

In concluzie, degeaba esti laudat si recunoscut in firma ca esti un angajat model si foarte valoros daca tu in fiecare zi te ciondanesti cu seful sau si salariul nu-ti permite nici macar sa-ti platesti ratele. Sau degeaba ai salariu mare si faci chestii interesante, daca lucrezi in vreun apartament si nu stii daca peste o luna va mai exista firma.

3. Teoria asteptarilor

Teoria asteptarilor este intemeiata pe ideea ca exista o bucla de feedback creata de diversi factori legati de satisfactia in munca a individului, facandu-l sa depuna si mai mult efort, care duce la performante mai bune si apoi la mai multe recompense. Astfel, un angajat care munceste mai mult se asteapta sa fie rasplatit pentru efortul sporit si in momentul in care este laudat sau recompensat cu o promovare sau crestere salariala, va fi motivat sa munceasca mai mult.

Lasand la o parte teoriile, banuiesc ca multi dintre voi s-ar astepta ca cel mai important factor motivational sa fie salariul. Din experienta va pot spune ca o marire de salariu te motiveaza maxim 6 luni, pentru ca apoi te obisnuiesti cu noile cifre si adevaratele nemultumiri apar la suprafata. Daca nu te motiveaza nimic la job (altceva decat banii), de exemplu colegii sau ceea ce faci, vei fii tot timpul nemultumit de jobul respective si poate ar fi mai bine sa-ti cauti altul.


Cateva din definitii l-am luat din cursul de Project Management de la CODECS.

Feel free to add a comment.

Recherche d'un job #1

Trouver un job, que l’on soit en France ou en Angleterre, c’est un boulot à plein temps.

Néanmoins c’est beaucoup plus dur quand on a pas encore Internet chez soit (et oui, je suis obligé d’aller dans un Burger King qui propose une connection Wi-Fi gratuite à ses clients !).

La bonne nouvelle c’est qu’il y a plein d’offres sur Monster ou les sites spécialisés. Pour le moment j’envoi des candidatures mais je n’ai pas encore beaucoup de retour. Je pense que ça va venir puisque des agences m’appelaient en France quand je n’avais pas encore déménagé et que je candidatais déjà. C’est bon signe, ça veux dire que mon CV et mon profile les intéresse.

Hello Again

Tom: Kudos to Aaron for posting all week. I’m always interested in ways of forcing yourself to do things and I might even try something similar at some point. For now, I just thought I’d give you a little insight into what’s going on in my life/head.

This Saturday is my 18th birthday. Down here in Australia that means I will legally be able to drink, gamble and be charged as an adult. Yay! My only regret is I forgot to break a bunch of laws while I still could, but that’s ok, I’ll just have to do my wrong-doing internationally.

While I’m sure not much will actually change once I’m 18, I’m looking forward to being able to go to 18+ events like concerts. The timing is pretty good as concert season is coming up (actually, it could be a lot better. I could have turned 18 before concert season). But 18 or not, I still don’t have any money. To rectify that, I recently quit my job as a waiter at Sizzler and got myself two new jobs. The first is at the patisserie across the road from my house (so freaking convenient). The second is working for CBH, a company that handles most of the grainharvest in WA. The job is a few hours away so I’ll be staying with a friend’s family for a month. The job itself will be mostly labour but the pay is great and I’m thinking the time away will give me time to write. Or not. Either way, I get lots of money.

In other news, a hobby I’ve always meant to get into is photography. With my birthday on the way, I figured now was the perfect time and I enlisted some relatives to band together and buy me a camera. The result:

After consulting the the internet, I decided on the Nikon D40. Not only is it one of the cheapest DSLRs around, it’s apparently very begginner friendly. You can expect amateur photos to start popping up on this blog as soon as it arrives in the post.

That’s all for now but before I go, I suggest you have a read into the news of what happened to Professor David Nutt in the UK. Regardless of what your opinions are on the safety of drugs like ecstacy and cannabis, the way the government has written off his and the rest of the drug safety board’s scientific opinion in favour of a political agenda has scientists resigning like dominoes.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Discussing Weaknesses in a Job Interview

This was first published a few minutes ago on Clinical Research Forum where I write under the identity Goldeneye.

One of the most dreaded moments of any interview is when, after you have batted carefully on a difficult pitch elaborating your achievements and strengths in a painstaking manner, the interviewer gives you a strong disapproving look and throws a bouncer, “Tell me about your weaknesses”. Enterprising candidates have been known to come up with clever responses like, “Ummm….er… greatest weakness is…….that….I don’t really know about my weaknesses!” Take that!  

Imagine the horror of the interviewer when a interview went like this…

Interviewer: “Tell me about your weakness.”

Candidate: “Well…..Sir, I have got weak knees.”

Interviewer: “That’s what I’m asking you. Be specific. What’s your weakness?”

Candidate: “I told you sir. I’ve really got weak knees!”

Interviewer (quite irritated by now): “…you don’t get my point. I want you to listen to my question carefully, think over it and give me a considered reply. WHAT IS YOUR WEAKNESS? Do I make myself clear?

Candidate (thoroughly alarmed): “P..Please believe me sir. I’m telling you the truth. I h..have very weak knees. I…I can show you my weak knees if you wish sir!”

Interviewer (completely blowing his top): “What the @#$%^&! Are you a moron? You want to SHOW me your weakness? Where is it? Inside your jockeys?”

Candidate: (badly shaking by now) “I said weak knees sir….I’ve got weak knees….WEAK KNEES…see here? And…you are b..being very rude and dirty…so @#$% you and your company….huh!”

Well, jokes apart, the question of discussing one’s weaknesses is understandably one of the most critical issues of any job interview. Battle hardened candidates, who have appeared in scores of interviews vouch for the fact that it is only the relatively-new-on-the-job HR guys who put up such a pomp and show of asking about misgivings and weaknesses minutely. Experienced business managers seldom trudge into the ‘weakness’ territory. If you fit the bill otherwise, a good interviewer wouldn’t even dream of asking you this question. Nevertheless, it makes sense to prepare yourself, for you never know what’s on the interviewer’s mind.

First of all, let us try to fathom why an interviewer would want to know about your weakness(es). Assuming the interviewer too is human, it would be his or her foremost concern to find a candidate that fits the job, and not the opposite. To err is human. Most human errors arise out of inherent weaknesses, not strengths. So, it makes sense to understand that awareness of one’s weaknesses is an effective way to cut down on possible errors while at work. In business, errors translate into losses, sometimes running into billions. The recent fire at a petroleum storage terminal in Jaipur, Rajasthan (not very far from where I live), was a result of an avoidable human error. So the hiring manager is well within his limits to seek the strengths and weaknesses of those who would build his future team. Nothing wrong there.

So, what would be an appropriate reply??

Not these, for God’s sake..

1. I am a workaholic (tomorrow, you may become an alcoholic; not my problem)
2. Kindness and simplicity (er…go join Missions of Charity, that’s the place for you)
3. I cannot work in a suffocating environment where everybody plays politics (sorry, we don’t keep oxygen masks here)
4. I’m often jealous with successful people (duh…suicidal; even God can’t save you)
5. Dissatisfaction…even though others look satisfied (O! Our ideas match! Even I am thoroughly dissatisfied!)
6. I work very hard and also I study for 6 – 8 hours a day…(all work and no play makes Jack a dull CRA)
7. My emotions are my weakness (where’s the tissue paper…I feel like crying a bit….sniff…sniff)
8. I have trouble sharing responsibilities with others (and I’ll have delegating responsibility to you)
9. I burn toasts while cooking breakfast (you really need a structured course in cooking..get that first)
10. Weaknesses? I have none. (O! We forgot to tell you…we don’t have any jobs either!)

So? What is to be said?

Without going into the specifics, I can only say that honesty is still the best policy. However, that does not mean you shouldn’t be clever too. The most important thing to be kept in mind while answering this tricky question is one must show an overpowering urge to rectify the mistakes of the past and take concrete steps to turn weaknesses into relative strengths.

1. I am poor at computers, but I am learning fast. I have joined a training Institute.
2. If I’m focused on one subject, I have a habit of missing deadlines on others. But nowadays I am learning to multitask.
3. I have been too much of an optimist in the past. Optimism isn’t bad, but I’m learning to be realistic too.
4. I am told that I’m slow on occasions. But that’s because I care too much for perfection.
5. I am a bit harsh with my subordinates sometimes, but that’s because I want them to excel in their careers (claps! claps!)

These are just a few examples, and I really wish that all of you who read this article come up with appropriate answers in the comments section. I assure you it will be a lively and fruitful discussion if we debate this topic threadbare.



sabar. mencari kerja harus sabar apalagi bagi pemula, kalau tidak tak akan pernah mendapat kerja, pekerjaan adalah milik orang yang berpengalaman apapun pendidikan anda tak akan mudah mendapat kerja, gelar apapun yang anda miliki tak akan bisa anda peroleh, karena dimata pengusaha pengalaman lebih penting daripada gelar dan pendidikan. bahkan menurut soichiro honda pendiri perusahaan otomotif terbesar didunia mengatakan bahwa tiket bioskop lebih berharga ijazah sebab tiket bioskop dapat menjamin anda masuk kedalam bioskop tapi ijazah tak menjamin anda mendapat pekerjaan apapun. so apapun pendidikan yang anda jalani haruslah diimbangi dengan bekerja secara free lansh, sehingga setelah anda lulus anda dengan agak mudah mendapat kerja karena memiliki pengalaman.


I don’t know if u already heard the news, but before this big media is up I already had the stress, I had the big ‘What to do now?’, I had the panic, I saw my sad co-workers faces. I even got up, and say ‘Well, I was gonna get out anyway’. But the things is not that simple. First of all, the place is like my second home. I learn a lot there. I entered the place like a school girl and now I’m a staff. And I met warm people that makes me appreciates life more.  I know people will come and go, some of them are already got out. But what if I never found this kind of place again?

Second, what will I do outside? I have this big sign that says, ‘go that way’ and ‘got this way to be this’.

Third, is there a kind of job that to fits my dream? Several places got my dream job, but sometimes it comes with long hours working and maybe no appreciation. And there’ll be jobs that have save hours but can be slightly boring jobs. Well, nothing is perfect. I guess I know that I hate jobs that exhausting. I like things to be properly ordered and not so stressed out by deadlines.

Okay here is the test I tried in

You would be very happy in a career that utilised your level-headedness, and allowed you to work mainly on your own. You want a career that allows you to be creative, without having to be involved with lots of people. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:

(I highlight the profession I’d like to be)

University Professor
Graphic Designer
Online Content Developer
Managing Director
You like working and being alone. You like to avoid attention at all costs. You tend to keep to yourself, and not interact much with the people around you. You enjoy spending time with a few a close friends. You like to listen to others, but don’t like sharing much about yourself. You are very quiet and private.

You are very practical, and only act after thinking things through. You don’t like being forced to answer quickly. You have to evaluate the situation completely. You make decisions based on what you can verify with your senses.

You like to be deeply involved in one or two special projects. You like to be behind the scenes. You are very logical and fair. You feel you should be honest with others and protect their feelings.

You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative. You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.

You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don’t get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don’t like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.

Well at least this quiz is kind of right. That is me…. I shoudn’t be so negative.