Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moral Coherence is a Premise, Not a Theory

Forgive me if these thoughts seem poorly thought out.  They undoubtedly are.


Brueggemann has forced qb into a tight corner, and the only tactic that seems to hold any promise of extricating qb from the corner is to entertain the idea that the satan’s primary way of corrupting God’s creation was not in introducing sin per se, but in undermining any notion that the world is morally coherent – that is, that moral outcomes and moral behavior are predictably correlated.  Stay with me on this one; it ends up squarely at Calvary, as it ought.


We forget that moral coherence is not a theory that has been established by more fundamental premises, sound reasoning, and empirical data.  It is itself a premise, a given, a presupposition; it is one of the places we start reasoning.  But is there any obvious reason we should expect that consequences (e. g., prosperity, suffering, etc.) should be directly and predictably related to moral choices?  In fact, the book of Job ruthlessly mocks such silliness.  The Psalms of lament take up the derision, too, as does the prophet Jonah.


We have to read between the lines of Genesis 4 to come up with a satisfactory explanation for God’s discretionary rejection of Cain’s offering:  if Abel was said to have brought his first fruits and his fat portions, God’s rejection of Cain’s offering must imply that Cain’s offering was substandard in some way.  But by the time we reach chapter 4, humankind has already fallen.  God’s creation, beautiful as it is, is intrinsically sinful and weak.  Adam and Eve are already banished from the garden.

Is it possible that the garden represents far more than just the idyllic vision of a world without carnality?  What if it goes much deeper, to represent the naive vision of a world that is morally coherent?  And what if God at that piont begins to grapple with what it means to be the creator and ruler of a morally incoherent universe, one where sinners prosper and the upright suffer mightily?  What if that is what is meant when the biblical writers speak (e. g., Romans 1) of the world having been given over to the adversary, the satan?  When God’s good world, which begins by assigning punishments that correlate with sinful behavior, is corrupted by the perversion of human desire (freedom), can we say that God must now determine how to retain his sovereignty over a morally incoherent variation on his intended design?

And can we say that Calvary – incarnation – is this God’s final solution to such an intractable puzzle?

Can God be God if his creation does not reliably reward holiness and punish sin?  That is the question of Job, and Job’s four friends seem to offer up little more than warmed-over evangelical, pseudoCalvinist pap:  yes, only the wicked suffer, so if you’re suffering, you must be guilty of something that perhaps even YOU do not know about.


Brueggemann insists on an ancient reading of Job and the Old Testament in which the dominant setting is the lawcourt…and in which very often the complaint being brought is implicitly a charge against God himself for allowing injustice to befall an essentially blameless – and powerless – subject.  It is a daring proposal.  But its resolution is even more daring, because the defendant – YHWH himself – is also the judge.  Despite that profound conflict of interest, God declares the plaintiff to have been in the right, to have spoken truly.


It’s easy to fall into the tired, old groove of making excuses for God to make our simplistic, systematic theologies make sense to us and of us.  But what if the big scandal of Job is that he saw through the easy answers and concluded that, in fact, the world that God created is not morally coherent, that the innocent do suffer, that suffering is not a reliable predictor or indicator of sinfulness, and that “blessing” is just another way of hyperspiritualizing and distorting the more complicated reality:  sometimes the wicked actually do pretty well!


I said we end up at Calvary, and I meant it.  The NT writers make much of the fact that Jesus was blameless and perfect, and yet he suffered greatly at the hands of the Jewish elites and their Roman imperial patrons.  It is a story of a man sent by God to embody and express the moral incoherence of this corrupted world, to take that incoherence as the deepest reality that must be acknowledged so that it can be overcome.


The only answers available to us in a morally incoherent world are themselves senseless.  The first, as we have seen, is incarnation.  No simple declaration will do; no system of First Principles is adequate to make moral sense of this world.  The second is closely related:  forgiveness, which is the photographic negative of injustice and therefore also the antidote to it.

Like I said, these are not fully formed thoughts.  But I had to get them down on paper before I lose them.



Saturday, February 27, 2010

Opportunity in Indian Air Force - Apply Before 8th March, 2010




Indian Airforce – Applications are Invited from Male and Female Indian Citizens for 129 GDOC (Men) / 22 SSC (Men) / 38 SSC (Women) Courses.


Click here for Advertisement


Click here for Application


Last date for receipt of filled in applications is 08 March 2010.





Arunanand T A,

CEC 2010 CS.



Where did the money go?

I checked my checking account today and noticed I didn’t have as much as I thought I did. It worried me.
On other fronts I have been doing better these days. I’ve been exercising for a few days and I’ve been optimistic about the future thanks to Gurumayi and some new singers I’ve discovered, Deva Premal and Jaya Lakshmi.
I attended Mahashivaratri earlier this month, the night of Shiva when every repetition of his name is a thousand times more important than ordinarily. Considering that his name is like Ram’s, whose name need be repeated only once to wash away all sins, I can’t imagine the value chanting on Mahashivaratri is.
I enjoyed going to the center that I have attended in years. Is that what one does with a center, attend it? I ‘m not sure. It may not give you exactly what you think you want.
I invested some money in the stock market and that turned out to be a mistake. Everything is down except Apple and I only have 5 shares of it.
Anyway, I don’t have the money I thought I did in the bank account and it doesn’t look like that job I optimistically hoped for is panning out. There was a job cleaning a parking lot that looked a little good but I’m nearly 57 years old and I thought that might be kind of tough. Is that OK? Can I think things may be too tough for me?
And it doesn’t look like I have anymore gift givers in my family, like mom was. I’m a great hindrance to the whole family. I’m like the ONE that hasn’t made it. The irony is that it was loving the ONE that helped put me here. I wanted to follow the Guru. I wanted to meditate. This upset both the traditional get a job workaholics as well as the rock and roll drug addicts that I sometimes called my friends.
My friends were all able to get jobs. They were able to graduate college. They didn’t do anything stupid like skip classes in their first quarter at the University. I skipped and I failed. I failed GYM. I have heard some people ask how can somebody fail gym. Well, just miss more than 3 classes and you fail.
I had a 1.2 GPA in my first quarter. Hey but I was a wild and woolly radical. REVOLUTION!!! but a peaceful one. I wasn’t violently inclined.
I’m thinking a job would be like a miracle for me and I am not believing in miracles. The more you believe the more you are ridiculed for believing because miracles don’t happen, or aren’t happening.
At one time in my life I might have thought a girl friend and sex were miracles, but I came across them, thought they weren’t as often and as special as I would have liked. I mean the friend often and the sex special.
So, just a little worried now and I didn’t want to put it on Facebook. I just joined Weight Watchers and I have learned about triggers that make us eat. I guess seeing that you have a few thousand less than you thought you did in your bank account could be one of those triggers.
There was such a nice girl in the health food store, Mother Earth Market, tonight.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lunch @ Office.............

Today the first meal of day for me was a bowl, full of various fruits; banana, apple, grapes, pineapple, papaya, muskmelon, watermelon and sapota. It was not only tasty but also rich in nutrition.

By the time I started working on the assigned task it was lunch time.

I left for lunch with my colleagues. I filled my plate with chapatti, fried potato, some curry (I still don’t know the name of that curry! :( ) and curd. White rice and fried rice were also available in the buffet but I choose not to take any of it. Food items were arranged in an attractive way, tempting enough to make us fill our platters till the brims.

Ah! Now the time to taste it, First I tried my taste buds on fried potato and chapatti. (Please allow me to go into the details of the so called ‘Tasty food’) Chapatti was half-baked and the fry was half cooked. Curry as I have already mentioned was giving me that ‘Hide and seek’ look. What is left? Yeah! Curd!! It was sour and stale in taste.  

My brain started looking for reasons of food being so ‘delicious’. There are a few I could think of:

1. Our employer does not want us to sleep in the noon. Even though, he is very much aware of the power of noon nap. Siesta is something which does not exist in his dictionary. Oh! Very clever he is! You see. :P

2. ‘The healthier the diet, the worse it would taste’. It sounds like a new mantra of health conscious corporate world. The only point to note down here is that only employers believe in this. Any employee? ;)

3. If in case the office food is sumptuous and tasty (It can never happen! Let us just assume!), employees will focus more on food and less on work. It sounds preachy….uhhh!

4. Employees crave for ‘Good’ food. But employers are very well familiar with the old adage that says that ‘Good is the biggest enemy of the best’. Wait! I don’t want the ‘best’, I would happily settle down with ‘Good’.

Apart from the above raisons d’ĂȘtre, I can not think of more. Though the future of my office cafeteria looks bleak, I still hope for the best.


P.S.: If you come across any such motive of employers, please do share it with me. I will include that also in the above list. :)



The start of Lent kicked off my church’s plan to read together through the Bible in a year.  It’s been great to have random conversations with friends about the readings, knowing that we’re all studying the same thing.

The plan started with Psalm 119, but then moved into the book of Job.  Job is a man who went through more suffering than most of us could begin to bear.  I have so many thoughts and questions surrounding these passages, but it’s also been surprisingly encouraging to read.  (Hopefully I’ll share more in-depth thoughts along these lines, but I’ll save those for a future post.)

To further participate in the reading plan, my photo group this semester has a standing assignment to create a photo that reflects what we are getting out of each week’s reading. And this week for me has centered around sorrow – seeing Job experience it, being reminded of my own experiences with it, and thinking through causes and effects of it.

I could see the shot I wanted in my mind, so I set up what lighting I could find around my house and shot self portraits to capture that sense of sorrow.  It took about an hour and countless times back and forth between playing photographer and subject, but in the end I was happy to have pushed through resistance.  Here are two of my favorite resulting images.  Do they speak sorrow to you?


The Art of writing Resume

Write simple and good resumes.

Make it as easy as possible for the eyes of your future employer to spot the good stuff.  Expect them to filter the information they are looking for.  It will be easy to attract the future employee if you write the most important stuff in simple and a bulleted fashion; Don’t write too much as if this is your life history .

Include key terms

Increasingly, resumes are scanned by computer software for key terms applicable to the job. This is especially true of resumes submitted in soft copy, whether to a recruiting site or directly to a prospective employer. These systems filter out your resume if that don’t contain the right words. Make sure the key terms are in your resume somewhere – and that they’re spelled right.

Quantify Achievements

Statements with Measurable achievements attract the employer to call you for interviews. For example:

Instead of this:
I am a talented  in software code  and can write good code such as java, c++,.net etc

I’m good in managing people.

Try this:
Using Java and .net I created a interfaces between Courier service and our in house software applications at my college or my company.

I convinced the department heads of manufacturing to send their employees for soft skills training

Which of the above sounds like the better deal to you? Showcase what you can bring to your prospective company.

Edit you resume to fit to the job

Keep your resume to one or two pages. Keep everything important both on the first page and up high. Don’t give them a chance to skip your most important selling points.

If there’s anything that deviates from the job you are looking for remove it from the resume.


You should make sure no spelling mistakes no bad grammar. Take help from a friend or coach or a person who is good in English. It also helps them to advice if you have written a proper resume.

Things to Avoid in a resume

1. Spelling mistakes and Grammatical Errors

2. Lack of Specific skills that highlight you are fit for the job.

3. Sending one standard resume to all kinds of jobs

4. Highlighting Duties Instead of Accomplishments

5. Writing Long resumes or writing too little.

6. A Bad Objective

Employers do read your resume’s objective statement, but too often they plow through vague pufferies like, “Seeking a challenging position that offers professional growth.” Give employers something specific and, more importantly, something that focuses on their needs as well as your own. Example: “A challenging entry-level marketing position that allows me to contribute my skills and experience in fund-raising for nonprofits.”

7. No Action Verbs

Avoid using phrases like “responsible for.” Instead, use action verbs: “Resolved user questions as part of an IT help desk serving 4,000 students and staff.”

8. Leaving Off Important Information

9. Have a single font size in your resume.

10. Incorrect Contact Information

   If you give a wrong email Id, or Phone no that you don’t use now you know what will happen Right?



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Job 22-23

He sees me

“I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I turn to the south, but I cannot find him. But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent. For I have stayed in God’s paths; I have followed his ways and not turned aside.“ – Job 23:9-11 NLT

Let’s face it. We can’t always understand what God is doing. His ways are sometimes mysterious and even frustrating. Like Job, we look for Him, but can’t seem to find Him anywhere. It is as if He is hidden from our sight. But Job makes a profound statement that should bring us assurance and comfort: “He knows where I am going.” One commentator says that this phrase could be translated, “He knows where to look for me.” Either way, it reveals the idea that God knows exactly what is going on in my life. He hasn’t lost sight of me for one moment. He doesn’t get distracted and turn His back on me, only to turn around and find Himself shocked at some unexpected change in my circumstances. No, God knows right where I am. In fact, He knows right where I’m going. He has a plan for my life and that plan includes what I am going through at the moment – even if it is something I don’t particularly enjoy or understand.

Job continues to claim his innocence. He declares that he has remained faithful to God and has treasured His words. But then Job states, “Nevertheless, his mind concerning me remains unchanged, and who can turn him from his purposes? Whatever he wants to do, he does. So he will do for me all he has planned. He controls my destiny” (Job 23:13-14 NLT). Job seems to understand that this is not all about his guilt or innocence. It is about the sovereign will of God for his life. God controls his destiny. What He has set out to do, He will do. Nothing Job does will change that. You can detect a little frustration in Job’s statement, and I don’t blame him. I have been there more often than I would care to admit. I have found myself frustrated by God’s plan for my life. Like Job, I know God is in control, and so I get frustrated that He can’t come up with a better scenario for my life than the one He has chosen. Sure, I know I contribute to my own problems by bad decisions and outright sin, but sometimes it just seems like things get all screwed up and I didn’t particularly do anything to “deserve” it. But that’s when I have to remind myself that God’s ways are perfect. And His love for me is perfect. He has my best in store for me. I am His child. He is my Father. And I can trust Him.

There are going to be days of darkness. Difficulties will come. Job knew that. In fact, he was in the middle of it. “Darkness is all around me; thick, impenetrable darkness is everywhere” (Job 23:17 NLT). He couldn’t see his hand in front of his face. He couldn’t see his God either. But he knew that God was in control. That was his hope in the midst of his hopelessness. And it should be ours as well. Our God is both powerful and merciful. And He sees us. Not only that, He loves us, and we are safely in His plan for us – no matter how the circumstances may appear.

Father, Your plan for me is perfect, but sometimes it is so hard to see, let alone understand. I feel like you are not there sometimes. I feel like I can’t find you. But You remind me that You can always see me. You never take Your eyes off of me. You hold me in the palm of Your hand. You love me and are looking out for me. Help me see You in the midst of my trials. Help me trust You in the middle of my scariest moments. I know you don’t have to explain Your ways to me, but help me to trust them. Amen.

Ken Miller
Grow Pastor & Minister to Men


Job Vacancy: HSE MANAGER at PT. Hanjung (Exp: March 20, 2010)

Job Vacancy • HSE MANAGER at PT. Hanjung Indonesia, location in Lampung City


Requirements :

Experience min 5 Years, suitable trained and competent as HSE supervisor
or justify of 10 years’ work experience in HSE position (M G)
3 Years experience in HSE supervisor or have minimum 5 years’ work experience
and able to speak English (S P)
1 Years experience in HSE officer and have ability to communicate effective in spoken language of workforce (S T)
3 years’ minimun experience in HSE departement, 1 years’ in traineer (T R)
Able to speak English
Max.45 years and have good health,
State the expected Salary
Able to be placement in Lampung – South Sumatera
Put Code Position on the top left side of envelope

Please send application include CV

Jl. Raya Soekarno Hatta Km.11,5 Panjang Bandar Lampung 35242

Informasi lowongan Kerja/Karir Terbaru Tahun 2010:
  • Kumpulan Beasiswa Februari/ Maret / April 2010 (Update Terus !!!)
  • Kumpulan Lowongan Kerja Februari / Maret / April 2010 (Update Terus !!!)

Informasi Kerja 2010: Januari, Februari, Maret, April. Good Luck! Hope You Success…


Ugh... Truck Day

I hate working on Truck Days. When we get shipment in, the assholes that pack it put the biggest/heaviest boxes (i.e. grills, 50lb. planters, etc.) at the back of the truck and by the time we have hundreds of boxes already piled up in the backroom, we have no room to carry the big boxes, much less store them. Ugh. I am just not looking forward to tomorrow.

Last week we had over 500 boxes, which is a good bit for our store. I’m hoping we don’t have a lot tomorrow, but we have a sale coming up next week, so I’m assuming it will be quite a bit instead.

And I know I’m young and all, but I always hurt myself on Truck Days. I either hurt my back lifting heavy objects, cut myself with the boxcutters, or slice my finger open on cardboard. It’s just not a good day. And since I’m young and able, I definitely have to work these days.

There’s only girls that work at the store, so there’s usually 4 of us working the truck: 2 in the truck taking the boxes down and putting them on the belt, my manager scans each box in, and then it’s up to me to pick them up and put them in their correct spots. Only there isn’t a designated area for each spot (example: housewares, bedding, lawn and garden, crystal, pets, kid toys, electronics, gadgets, etc, etc etc….) and I always forget where I put what and get in trouble for fucking the boxes up. Because after box 200, I have trouble remembering where I’ve already put what.

I just needed to vent for a second. Sorry.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Never Stop Trying

Trials are common portion of ones living. It is usually viewed as a memorable and demanding experience once your viewpoint is right. Would you think of the complicated trial you might encounter? For many, it may be a failure to do very best in the examination, economic crisis or losing job which usually results to lower self-esteem and self-value. Perhaps, for a few it's a dangerous car accident, sickness of one of the relative or even loss. Whatever may it's, at the least some of those even touched us or our family in one way or another.

My brother and his family by twnklmoon

At this time during time, one could never hope to live a prolonged life as a result of standard of living that we now have, rather one would expect a much happier life. In a closer point of view, average family at the moment pointed out that many are unhappy, lonely, disgruntled and in hunger. A few are so discouraged with the living they're in; that they have offered up and didn't remember the meaning of hope.

That's the reason most children nowadays think it is so easy to desire big of what the want to be and also to carry out when they grow up. Yet since time flies, these kids would little by little realize that life’s trials causes their dreams to break into pieces. Let-downs, discontentment and aggression would cover up the vibrant and colorful dreams of their early days.

Indeed, we have no control over some instances and things that occur to us in our routine lives, may it be unsatisfactory or a satisfied one. We do have selections, both to live in injure and discomfort or to persist and move on with life. Moreover, everyone believes that there's a much Greater Force which leads us to a much better and a brighter future as we let it go with the past and reside in the current.

Disappointments will never depart us, it'll always cross our routes in the future however despite that we are able to even now decide to enjoy every day as it arrives and not to obsess with the stuff that we never can change. Since we modify our perspective in life, we also needs to think about the existence of the Greater Force which has the power to alter the situation that we are in. And with that, wish re-ignites once again for all of us to be able to begin fantasizing once again. The positive outlook, delight and a nice visualization will take us via hardship since we look ahead and not quit again.


Don't Ever Stop Trying

Tests are regular part of ones life. It is usually considered as a memorable and hard knowledge when your perspective is correct. Can you think of the most difficult test you may experience? For many, it might be failing to do very best in the test, financial crisis or loss of job which often results to low self-respect and self-value. Probably, for some it's a fatal car accident, health problems of one of the loved one or maybe loss. Whatever may it be, at least a few of those even touched us or our family in this way and that.

the family bed by -Angela

At this time over time, one would by no means expect to live a prolonged life due to the way of life that we now have, instead one would assume a very much happier life. Within a closer viewpoint, standard family at the instant discovered that many are unhappy, lonely, angry and in hunger. Some are so frustrated with the life they're in; which they have offered up and forgot the meaning of hope.

That's the reason most young children these days think it is so easy to wish big of what the want to be and also to do once they mature. Yet since time marches on, these young children would bit by bit understand that life’s trials causes their dreams to break into pieces. Frustrations, disappointments and bitterness would cover up the vibrant and colorful goals of their early days.

In fact, we have no control above some circumstances and issues that occur to us in our day to day lives, may it be unsatisfactory or a satisfied one. We will have options, either to live in injure and agony or to persist and go on with life. In addition, everyone knows that there's a much Greater Force which leads us to a much better and a happier future since we let go with the past and reside in the current.

Disappointments will never leave us, it will always cross our paths in the future however regardless of that we can even now decide to take pleasure in each day since it comes and not to obsess with the stuff that we never can modify. Since we amend our viewpoint in life, we also needs to think about the existence of the Greater Force that has the power to change the specific situation that we're in. And with that, wish re-ignites once again for us to be capable of begin fantasizing once again. The expectations, joy along with a favorable dream will take us via difficult times since we look forward and not give up once again.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

9-5 blues

Seeing as no one reads this, I don’t feel so bad for never posting.

At the moment, I’m really just using this blog to procrastinate. I have no deep thoughts, I have no agenda right now. This will most likely just be a poorly written rant session about the stuff I usually write about in here.

So– here’s how things are currently:  So-And-So left for a far away land, and I’m very much okay with this because I’m genuinely happy for S0-And-So.

I have also been accepted to divinity school. Iliff School of Theology. Denver, CO, here I come! Maybe– still waiting on the others.

My current job has really made me second guess my calling. My introverted nature that has been very much brought to the forefront by this position has made me wonder if ministry may not be the right route for me. However: When I started this current job, I was nervous. I was never completely sure if this was what I should do for the year or not. My intuitions were spot-on. I’m making it through, it’s a good experience, but my GOD, was this not the right route for me…

Despite these past 7 months making me second guess myself and my future, ultimately I have no real apprehension about going to divinity school. It has not been something my anxiety has been able to take over or control. And so, this leaves me confident that my calling from my God is true and good, and this is my path in life.

I look forward to this personal struggle being the subject of a sermon some day.

Until that day, I will get through the last 5 months of this job, I will read and read and read, I will finish The Wire and then begin The Sopranos, and then I will begin my journey to ordained ministry.


10 Resume Red Flags

provided by

Searching for a job is not always easy, no matter what state the economy is in. And when you’re on the hunt, your best weapon is your resume. This document must emphasize the best of your experience, education and skills and sell you to your future employer. It’s a lot to ask, but it is possible to get your CV into fighting shape. Don’t let your effort go to waste by having these glaring red flags on your resume.

1. It’s Covered in Glitter — Literally.

Yes, it has been done. In an effort to make your resume stand out, you may find that it gets thrown out. Less extreme attempts such as including image files or using non-traditional symbols or fonts should also be avoided. While it may be a nice break for a recruiter reading through hundreds of Times New Roman documents, you run the risk of the fonts or images not loading properly. And you can bet that busy recruiter isn’t going to contact you for a simplified copy.

2. There Are References.

Listing your references on the resume is a definite no-no. References should always appear on a separate page, and should only be produced when asked for. Also, be sure to delete the “References: Available Upon Request” line. It’s understood that you will, so save some space and your potential employer’s time.

3. It’s Written in Full Sentences.

The headhunter has likely received dozens if not hundreds of applications — help them out! Your resume should be short and sweet and bulleted. You aren’t writing a novel, you are trying to catch a skimming employer’s eye and prove you are worth a second look — and an interview.

4. There Are No Numbers.

One of the worst things you can do on a resume is be vague. Don’t just list your accomplishments in a general way — have the quantitative data to back it up. If you exceeded a goal, by how much did you exceed it? If you created and distributed company performance reports, how many did you do? Adding numbers concretizes your accomplishments and paints a better picture of what you actually did.

Also, make sure you are answering the “how” question. If you completed five projects this year instead of the expected four, how did you do it?

5. It Includes the Words “Duties” or “Responsibilities.”

When you are writing your current or former job description, focus on your accomplishments, not what you had to do. As an alternative to “duties” or “responsibilities,” flip your tasks into achievements. For example, instead of being “responsible for the sales team,” consider “directed the sales team to beat their repeat client objective by 10%” — remember that number thing!

6. It Lists an Objective.

For the most part, objectives sound insincere and, worse, can limit your options. Let your cover letter do the talking when it comes to why you want that particular job. And remember, each cover letter and resume should be individually tailored to a specific job posting — not just a specific field. Taking an interest in the specifics of the job makes you look professional and focused and not like you are mass-emailing anyone who might hire you. Desperation is no more attractive toan employer than it is to a date.

7. It Contains Spelling or Grammatical Errors.

We all know to avoid this one. It makes you look sloppy and negates the part of your resume that proudly describes you as “detail-oriented.” The best thing you can do for a resume is send it to a professional resume service or a professional editor. If you are a student, your career center likely offers free resume counseling or at least free information to help you fine tune your CV before sending it out. At the very least, have a friend look it over and check for basic language errors — spell check just doesn’t cut it.

8. It Lists an Unprofessional Email Address.

In a world where email is free, and most of us have multiple addresses, make the effort to have a professional email address. Keep it simple — using your name is best. Just make sure you leave the for personal use. One more tip? Don’t use your current work email unless you are self-employed.

9. It Includes a Picture.

The ONLY time this is appropriate is if you are applying to be a model or an actor, and in both cases, a separate portfolio is preferable. Including a self-portrait could exclude you for not being serious and may make you appear unprofessional. Let your skills and experience speak for you.

10. It Is Too Personal.

Resumes should demonstrate how professional you are — that means the anecdote about the time you met Britney Spears is not appropriate. That being said, let your personality come through in your resume by including volunteer experience or a (very) short section about your interests.

The Bottom Line

When times are tough, getting a job is a stressful undertaking. Don’t sell yourself short. Instead, make sure your resume is the best example of you as a potential employee and before you know it, you’ll be employed once again.

by Erin Joyce
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New York Fashion Week and H&M

I’ve worked for the last 9 days straight, the last 6 of which have been at my internship. In case you’re curious, that’s a total of about 102 hours. I can only imagine though that it will all be worth it tonight. The runway show for where I intern is in a few short hours and I am so, so excited. (Stay tuned for the blog post about my adventures tonight.)

For now, I will share with you what I discovered while in between tasks at my internship. You can mix and match outfits and accessories at H&! It’s like paper dolls for the 21st century! You know you want to try. Go here.

pants outfit

dress outfit

The downside is that you can create these outfits and get all excited about them, but chances are by the time you get to the closest H&M they’ll only have one size left. And it won’t be yours.


Web Marketing Specialist (Dallas TX)

POSTED: Jan 26
Salary: 45,000.00 – 60,000.00
Location: Dallas, Texas
Employer: Monitronics
Type: Full Time – Experienced
Category: Marketing/Brand Management Preferred Education: 4 Year Degree
Employer Information
About Monitronics

Monitronics 2350 Valley View Lane Dallas, Texas 75234 Monitronics International is one of the largest, fastest growing alarm monitoring companies in the United States. Located in Dallas, the company provides nationwide security system design, installation, and alarm monitoring services to more than 800,000 residential customers and commercial clients with a staff of over 800 employees.
View all our jobs
Job Description
Monitronics 2350 Valley View Lane Dallas, Texas 75234
Monitronics International is one of the largest, fastest growing alarm monitoring companies in the United States. Located in Dallas, the company provides nationwide security system design, installation, and alarm monitoring services to more than 800,000 residential customers and commercial clients with a staff of over 800 employees. We have an excellent career opportunity for a Sr. Web Marketing Specialist in our Marketing Department. The person in the position is responsible for coordinating marketing campaigns, product marketing support and online marketing.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities:

-Coordinates marketing campaigns and maintains schedules. -Confers with internal clients to discuss design and content of campaigns -Assist with lead generation programs–referral programs, new home owner initiatives, paid search, online advertising, etc. -Assists in web content gathering, web application design and usability -Assists in frontend and user interface development -Maintains search engine index -Creates web analytics reporting -Oversees b2b ecommerce site and operations -Assists in product development, launch, branding, training, and support -Tracks and measures leads, from multiple website properties -Serves a marketing liaison to all areas of organization including IT

Additional Salary Information: Based on Experience

Experience & Qualifications Required:
-Bachelor’s degree (B. A.) from four-year college or university, preferred; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. -2+ years experience with DotNetNuke or Joomla or PHPNuke (required) -2+ years experience in ( DotNet, ASP.NET, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL )preferred -2+ years experience with internet marketing required -Experience with Adobe products -2+ years experience with Office Suite (Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) -Proofreading and copy editing skills a plus -Strong presentation skills and experience with public speaking – Candidate must be able to pass National Background Check & drug screen

Compensation and Benefits: • Competitive salary based on experience & qualifications • Excellent group health and dental plans • Annual 2 weeks paid vacation; 4 personal days; 8 paid holidays • Bilingual & Shift Differentials • Tuition Reimbursement Program • Free alarm monitoring • Discounted DART pass • Matching 401(k) plan • Long-term and Short-term disability plans • Company-paid life insurance • Cafeteria Plan

Monitronics is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we require a drug-free work environment.


Marketing Coordinator (Telecom, Dallas TX)

Company Name Source Inc.
Job Category Marketing; Telecommunications
Location Dallas, TX
Position Type Full-Time, Employee
Experience 2-5 Years Experience
Desired Education Level High School
Date Posted February 2, 2010

View Source Inc. profile and job listings

The Marketing Coordinator coordinates and implements marketing communication projects with responsibilities that include trade show/event management, internal/external campaigns, sales support tools, data base management, budgets, inventory, lead generation, track, record and report results of marketing initiatives, supports partners and channel. Support ad-hoc projects as needed. A certain degree of basic design and creativity is required with an understanding of software, i.e. Photoshop, PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Word, Excel, et al. Reports to Marketing Manager.


• Coordinate tradeshows/events

• Support internal/external campaigns

• Support the development, distribution and communication of sales support tools

• Provide support to sales team for targeted marketing campaigns and other promotional activities.

• Manage customer database, marketing lists, surveys and inventory

• Maintain budgets

• Support lead generation activities

• Understand company brand guidelines and monitor correct usage

• Track, record and report results of marketing initiatives

• Proofreading and basic copywriting skills are required


• BS in business or marketing (preferred) or minimum two (2) years relevant experience

• Must be a Self starter, well-organized, responsive, capable of multi-tasking, and a decision maker

• Quark Express, Visio, Illustrator, Photoshop not required, but preferred (similar applications okay)

• Solid verbal and written communications skills required

• Computer literate, including average capability in graphical design software, Excel, Word and Powerpoint

• Candidate must be a self-starter who is highly motivated towards meeting objectives

GREAT BENEFITS AVAILABLE UPON FIRST DAY OF HIRE! Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, 401k, company-paid Vacation time, training & development, rewards and recognition, culture of fun and business casual attire!

Visit us at



Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day (Gimmick For the Masses?)

Normally I do not find myself writing about such mundane topics as this; especially Valentines Day. I normally do no care about dying flowers, cheap teddy bears and boys who claim they love me. There is way to much drama involved in dating, relationships, and yes the day everyone dreads-valentines day. So have I ever had an awesome clichĂ© V-Day? Sure I have, when I was 16 years old, of course I still believed in the sanctity of marriage then as well;  naive notion if you ask me. Nothing is sacred anymore, people are to side tracked with networking and technology. I digress.

The true pessimists say V-Day is for the retail market, nothing but another day to spend needless wads of cash on items that never last through the next major fight. The true romantics say that Valentines Day is a special day reserved just for people who love each other to show how much they mean to one another. Well if that is the case, why do we need a certain day to show love? Is society so messed up and so ADD that we actually had to reserve a day just to let our partners know how much we care? Am I the only one who sees a flaw here?

Some of us choose to be single. Women in particular want to stay mono in the world so they will have more opportunities. If we aren’t tied down we can travel and work anywhere we want without ridicule of starting a family. We can concentrate on those things in life that will make us happy and in turn will aid us when we DO decide to settle down one day. Of course, recent events tried to usher me in the opposite direction but with a swift kick to the face I remembered why I was on the single path to begin with. I wanted to concentrate on my schooling and career; simple as that. So here is my question, why should those of us who choose to do what we believe is right; staying single that is, have to be made to feel like spinsters on V-Day?

We are looked at with pity as if we have some unknown disease that’s catching. With todays standards, is being single such a bad idea? It’s not like we have to start a family at fourteen years old and have sixteen kids so we will have people to plow the fields for us. As I mentioned earlier, the sanctity of marriage no longer exists in this world, so why should Valentines Day stereotypes? Why dispose of some traditions and leave others? If we are going to abolish everything good in the world, we may as well do it right eh?

(I had to stick this in here for you true pessimists)

Anyway, that is my rant about V-Day aka ‘Single’s awareness Day’. I will leave you with this, have fun!

(This will NEVER happen…PS: You may have to watch this video on youtube as the encoding is disabled, just click play and follow link)


Saturday, February 13, 2010

A new job...

I’ve been very quiet on my blog recently, but with good reason, I think I’m now able to let you know that I have a new job!

Popular Crafts magazine comes out next month (3rd March to be exact) and I applied to be their web editor, basically looking after the website, forum, uploading articles, etc. A few weeks later I got the job and also the title of Magazine Editor- how amazing is that?!

Anyway I’ve been working 7 days a week at the minute because I started straight away and still working my other job (and also not forgetting my jewellery business as job number 3)! So struggling to blog, and also I’ve kept it quiet until I told me boss and signed the contract!

I’m very excited about this, it’s been my dream job since I learned that I wasn’t going to be able to draw for a living back when I was still at primary school. Recently I gave up hope because I didn’t want to move to London (and OH wanted to even less) and decided to pursue a career in design instead. I can’t believe my luck that I can work from home (with my doggies) and work on a title about my passion- crafts!

Anyway if you’d like to write an article, or donate a craft supplies prize in exchange for advertising in the magazine or on the website, give me a shout, and please come and join me on the forum at

Oh and buy the magazine please!


Thursday, February 11, 2010


Here are five important facts the Internal Revenue Service wants you to know about your unemployment benefits.

1. Unemployment compensation generally includes any amounts received under the unemployment compensation laws of the United States or of a specific state. It includes state unemployment insurance benefits, railroad unemployment compensation benefits and benefits paid to you by a state or the District of Columbia from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund. It does not include worker’s compensation.
2. Normally, unemployment benefits are taxable; however, under the Recovery Act, every person who receives unemployment benefits during 2009 is eligible to exclude the first $2,400 of these benefits when they file their federal tax return.
3. For a married couple, if each spouse received unemployment compensation then each is eligible to exclude the first $2,400 of benefits.
4. You should receive a Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments, which shows the total unemployment compensation paid to you in 2009 in box 1.
5. You must subtract $2,400 from the amount in box 1 of Form 1099-G to figure how much of your unemployment compensation is taxable and must be reported on your federal tax return. Do not enter less than zero

Need a Tax Professional? Call a Tax Professional. J. Renea Financial Services 404 424 4414 or email



Choices, decisions, plans, or destiny?

Why do we seek direction so much. It seems like we worry so often about whether or not we are going in the”correct” direction. I do not mean (in the Christian/religious sense) whether or not we are doing the right thing in a situation, but rather when it comes to a choice that has no real bearing on right and wrong. A good example is what college a student goes to. If given the choice between two equally good schools of a similar cost, I have still seen people struggle over where to go. Obviously there are social/geographical things to consider. “Will I fit in?” “Am I going to be too far from home?” Many times though I see Christians studying this from a standpoint of Will. When I say will I mean the desire to be going where God would have us, not where we want to go. It seems that we believe or are at least concerned that everything we do has a specific direction that God wants us to go in. I am not totally convinced that this is actually true.

I could even extend this out into the region of dating and marriage. Does it ever really say in the Bible that God specifically had a plan for each person and who they might marry? It says he has plans for us, but that can be taken a few ways. I could have a plan for a person as it relates to how they will develop as an employee at my company, but that doesn’t mean I have a plan for what shirt they wear to work. God may have a plan that he wants us to follow, and it certainly can in individual situations mean going to a certain place, doing a certain thing, or marrying a specific person, but does he always plan those things for everyone? If God in his plan for my life has determined that he has 25 specific things for me to do, obviously with the rest of my time I would still try to serve him and honor him, but how specific does that need to be.

If I was offered a job that paid really well and a job that paid less well and could find no significant differences other than that on the outside how do I choose. Well for me, being that I enjoy having the occasional dollar to spend, would probably choose the job that paid more. For the moment lets ignore the motivation of money (ill tackle that in another post). What is going to tell me which job I should have taken? Obviously we can tell when God has something for us to do. I say obviously but I think most people understand that sometimes God does communicate with us and gives us guidance. Other times we can use scripture to tell what we should do. If one job was stealing credit card numbers and the other was stopping someone from stealing credit card numbers the choice is simple, thou shalt not steal. Life is very rarely that simple. I have been in many situations where I have to make a choice that I am not getting a specific direction on. It then requires that I make an independent decision. Assuming that I have free will (Calvinist need not apply) and that I wasn’t destined to make the choice that I made, decision making at times seems like it could be arbitrary. We have moral guidelines but we don’t get a specific step by step for life. Unless I am reading the wrong book the bible does not say go to A do B then go to C. I would hate that to be honest. What I conclude from this, and many will probably disagree, is that God leaves some choices to us. I doubt God has a plan for what shirt I wear tomorrow, not because he doesn’t care but because it wont have any impact on what happens in my life tomorrow. Now occasionally God might have something specific for me to I wear, but for the most part it sure doesn’t seem like it. He wants a degree of modesty and he clearly doesn’t want me to do anything to disgrace him, but beyond that it seems like its my choice.

This has a lot of implications in a few areas that I feel are somewhat interesting. The first is “what do I do with my life?” Obviously God cares very much what we do with our lives, but to what degree. Did he specifically plan that I would be a computer professional? For many years I wanted to be a pastor, which to many is a much more noble calling, so does that mean that I am now walking outside his will? At the time I chose to go into the computer industry I did very little consulting with God about the matter, and yet it seems to have had a great impact over the course of my life. Did God simply use what I chose and adjust his plan to work with that? I do think that God knows what we are going to do so this seems like he could have made a plan based on what he knew was going to happen. We have the ability to walk outside God’s will and to sin so it seems like perhaps God is being preemptively adaptive by making plans for us around what we choose to be. This obviously can go a bit more smoothly if we consult him and try to see parts of what his plan might be.

Another big implication on this is the whole dating/marriage thing. If we choose to date or marry someone do we need to consider if that is the person God has planned for us to marry? Obviously God needs to be an integral part of the relationship and how to conduct it, but how involved is he in whether or not we involve ourselves with a particular someone? I do think God chooses for some of us to not marry (1 Cor. 7 1-3). It makes sense then that he might plan that some of us do marry, after all we do need to procreate to survive. God occasionally will pick someone specific he wants us to marry (Hosea, entire book). Many times though it seems a decision we make wholly on our own. I think this is better for us in many ways and protects us from fooling ourselves. I have seen many relationships where people thought that “God had made them for each other” totally collapse when they realized that perhaps things might be a little difficult and that destiny wasn’t just going to fulfill itself. They were fooled into thinking this because their emotionally attachment to each other convinced them that they should be together. Many people are also attracted to this idea because it seems romantic, and yet when a teacher pairs of kids in class to work together there seems to be a totally different sentiment.

The last area this really impacts in my eyes is major purchases that we make. What house do I buy, what car do I drive, can I get that bigger TV or is that a sin. Ignoring motivation for now (greed, pride) is it wrong to buy something because I enjoy it. At the most basic level the answer is clearly no. If two sandwiches cost the same and are about equally healthy does it matter which one I buy? The answer is no. A more interesting question that I will ignore is do we have a responsibility to always try to make the healthiest choices that we can? What if the two sandwiches were different in price? One is $5 and the other is $7 but the one that cost $7 tastes much better. Is it a sin for me to buy that sandwich since I could have donated those $2 to a much more noble cause? The same applies a house or a car the same way. This is one place where I do wonder a bit about luxury, should we be indulging ourselves as much as we are. I don’t NEED cable, but I sure would like to have it. I tackle this idea later as well. For now in this thought, I assume that it is in fact OK barring any external motivators, if all else is equal, then it looks like I get to pick.

This is what I can conclude so far, and I will quote from Job 23:8-14 , “Behold I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive Him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him. But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside. I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food. But he is unchangeable, and who can turn him back? What he desires he does. For he will complete what he appoints for me, and many such things are in his mind.” What I get from this, is that we must be diligent to stay in the guidelines we do have. We must value above all else what we have learned from him. If we do this then we can be sure to be used by him and to be within his will. This probably isn’t absolutely right as I am sure I have missed something. For those interested the verse continues with a few more interesting points about the idea, but I didn’t feel a need to add them here.

To wrap up this first true post I should clarify many things which I should have said before. I am simply getting my thoughts out about different things. It is key to keep in mind that thought doesn’t always equal a core belief. Just because I post an idea on something doesn’t mean that I think I am right or that I have a good solution, I am just getting what is going on in my mind out, so I can perhaps start to find a conclusion. I may wind up not even agreeing with what I post in the long run, ill try to clarify as I can, but prepare for disappointment on that front. However God has gifted us all with the ability to ask kind questions, so feel free to ask away if you see something that is wrong in your eyes.


they echo me in circles

remember how i said i was going to start
my “lose 30lbs in 30 days” last saturday?
well i unintentionally lied
mostly because my evil parents bought me
and amazing chocolate cake from olive garden
the night of my birthday
and i have had a piece of it every night since then

and remember how yesterday
i was so excited cuz my work pants seemed baggy?
well apparently my stomach
took that as a green light
to pig out today
i ate a chicken caesar wrap with mac n cheese at work
then two pieces of pizza at groundswell
and just now a pack of ramen noodles
with a piece of the chocolate cake for dessert
oink oink oink

so i will be trying to start over next monday
and maybe i’ll be successful this time
this week is going to be about getting my boxes ridden
i’m going to have to keep a couple tho
cuz my room is no where near enough to contain it all
no matter what my mother says

groundswell is always awkward for me
i don’t know anyone there really
and where the kids are concerned
i don’t have any interest in knowing them
because i’m a year away from passing my teens
and i just don’t feel like trying to act younger
to make a couple of friends
that i’ll only see once or twice a month

tonight garret was supposed to lead
but he canceled last minute
due to a cold
and brandon who replaced him
is still getting over a cold
and tonight while i was waiting for my ride
my throat suddenly had a stabbing pain
and i’ve been a littly phlegm-y
the last couple of days
i can NOT get sick

you wanna know something
randomly weird??
my hoodie has 3 bottom parts
of snappers on the side of the zipper
but no tops
so nothing to snap in to
why are they there?

i got to meet an NFL football player today
apparently he owns our restaurant
can’t remember his last name
or the team he’s on
but i still met an NFL football player
and poor bettis was sooooo nervous
but everything went well as i told him it would
i’m opening tomorrow
which makes me sleepy to think about

the checklist:
put soda fountains together
start first two batches of tea
(if whoever opens the kitchen
remembers to turn on the tea urns)
put down rubber mats
put down carpet mats
put down high chairs
put down dining chairs
put together lemonade machine
fill up flatware soap tub
fill up sanitizer bucket
start second batch of two teas
put out lemon slices
check sugar caddies
wipe down dirty tables
sweeten tea
turn on lights
open doors


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Job 1-3

Praise in the Midst of Pain

“He said, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be stripped of everything when I die. The LORD gave me everything I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” – Job 1:21 NLT

We’ve all had seasons of pain in our lives. We’ve all experienced a time when we have had to face extreme disappointment, unexplained suffering, or devastating loss. And in those times of trouble, we are always tempted to question God regarding His love, power, faithfulness, or at times, even His existence. So the story of Job is one with which we can relate. Here is a man who had it all: Wealth, material possessions, a lovely family, and a vibrant relationship with his God. Then tragedy strikes. Not once, but four times. In a series of catastrophic events, Job loses everything. All of his livestock are stolen or destroyed. In a matter of hours, his net worth drops like a rock. He is broke. On top of that, he receives news that every one of his children are killed in a freak accident. All ten of them. Job’s world was rocked. His life would never be the same. And everything he knew about his God was about to be challenged. Understandably, he sinks into a depression, even cursing the day he was born. “At last Job spoke, and he cursed the day of his birth. He said: ‘Cursed be the day of my birth, and cursed be the night when I was conceived. Let that day be turned to darkness. Let it be lost even to God on high, and let it be shrouded in darkness. Yes, let the darkness and utter gloom claim it for its own. Let a black cloud overshadow it, and let the darkness terrify it’” (Job 3:1-5 NLT).

Job even seemed to be ready to die. “Oh, why should light be given to the weary, and life to those in misery? They long for death, and it won’t come. They search for death more eagerly than for hidden treasure” (Job 3:20-21 NLT). Yet in the midst of all his pain and darkness, Job cursed the day of his birth, but NOT HIS GOD – even when his wife suggested he do just that (Job 2:9). No, Job did not turn against God, in spite of his personal loss and physical suffering. At the loss of all his possessions and his children Job exclaimed, “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be stripped of everything when I die. The LORD gave me everything I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” (Job 1:21 NLT). He was able to praise God even in the midst of it all. In fact, God testified that Job “still holds firmly to his integrity” (Job 2:3 NET). Even when  he found himself covered with sores from head to foot, he responded, “Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” (Job 2:10 NLT). Through it all, Job held on to his integrity and His God. He understood something about the character of his God. He knew that God was good. He knew that God must have a purpose behind all that had happened. It didn’t make it any less painful or any easier to accept. In fact, Job would spend the next days wrestling with his concept of God. He would be challenged by his well-meaning friends. Job’s suffering was going to reveal a lot about himself and a lot about his God. Job would wrestle with concepts regarding God’s sovereignty and His love. Job would have to come to grips with whether God could be trusted. As his suffering continues, Job will go from resting in God to blaming God. He will even accuse God of wronging him (Job 19:6-7). But God never blasts him for his doubt or punishes him for his hasty words. Instead, He comforts Job, and eventually restores him. All throughout this story, we see a picture of a faithful, loving God who is active behind the scenes. He is aware of our suffering and has a plan for them. He is not caught off guard or found asleep at His post. He is fully aware and He cares. Suffering is a part of life lived in a fallen world. Will we allow it to change our perception about God, or learn to see Him in the midst of it? “We take the good days from God–why not also the bad days?” (Job 2:10 MSG).

Shall I take from Your hand Your blessings
Yet not welcome any pain
Shall I thank You for days of sunshine
Yet grumble in days of rain
Shall I love You in times of plenty
Then leave You in days of drought
Shall I trust when I reap a harvest
But when winter winds blow, then doubt

Oh let Your will be done in me
In Your love I will abide
Oh I long for nothing else as long
As You are glorified

Are You good only when I prosper
And true only when I’m filled
Are You King only when I’m carefree
And God only when I’m well
You are good when I’m poor and needy
You are true when I’m parched and dry
You still reign in the deepest valley
You’re still God in the darkest night

© 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)

Father, use this book to open my eyes to Your presence in my life – during the good times and the bad. Give me a heavenly perspective that lets me see You in ALL of my circumstances, not just the ones that I enjoy. You are a good God – all the time. Not just when things are going well. You’re still God in the darkest night. Amen

Ken Miller
Grow Pastor & Minister to Men


E-Commerce Marketing Manager (Haggar Dallas TX)

Electronic Commerce Marketing Manager
Description: Responsible for topline sales and marketing on the Haggar B2C E-Commerce site. Produce online advertising. Determine website content and design. Analyze customer preferences and online sales. Collaborate with web, multimedia, or art design staffs to create multimedia web sites that conform to brand and company visual format. Conduct financial modeling for online marketing programs or website revenue forecasting. Collect and analyze sales data, using web traffic metrics such as page visits, transaction size, link popularity, click-through rates, and cost-per clicks. Conduct online marketing initiatives such as paid ad placement, affiliate programs, sponsorship programs, email promotions, and viral marketing campaigns on social media websites. Optimize web site exposure by analyzing search engine patterns to direct online placement of keywords or other content. Collaborate with other marketing staff to integrate and complement marketing strategies across multiple sales channels. Communicate and collaborate with merchants, webmasters, bloggers, or online editors to place sales-oriented hyperlinks in high-traffic locations. Conduct market research analysis to identify electronic commerce trends, market opportunities, or competitor performance. Coordinate sales or other promotional strategies with merchandising, operations, or inventory control staff to ensure product catalogs are current and accurate. Participate in the development of online marketing strategy. Propose online or multiple-sales-channel campaigns to marketing executives. Assist in the development of online transactional and security policies. Assist in the evaluation and negotiation of contracts with vendors and online partners. Implement online customer service processes to ensure positive and consistent user experiences. Resolve product availability problems in collaboration with customer service staff. Other marketing duties and projects as required.
Qualifications: · 3 to 7 years related experience
· Bachelor’s Degree (four year college or university)
· Microsoft Office Suite Proficient, HTML, Web Design and Web Analytic software

Location: Corporate Office
Dallas, TX
Application Process: YOU MUST COMPLETE AN APPLICATION AFTER logging-in/creating an account in order to apply for a position. PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTION WHEN COMPLETING THE APPLICATION PROCESS. Your application will not be accepted/processed unless ALL required fields are completed.

Policy Statement: Haggar offers competitive salaries and excellent benefits. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, with a smoke-free work environment. Responses to interviewed candidates only.


things to buy as soon as i get the money!!!

at the moment i have a good amount of money from my 18th birthday, but i’m spending it all on a tattoo at the end of the month.  the details of that are in a post i wrote a week of so back.  so yea, i need a job.

lime crime makeup

mac cosmetics

mac pencil, flat, and fluffy brushes

clinique translucent powder and all about the eyes

clavicle piercings

hair coloring appointment in middletown

christian louboutin platform pumps

anything i want on aforementioned discounted designer sales websites (last post)

chanel illuminating face primer

BH cosmetics 120 pallette

urban decay book of shadows

mac glitter

pigment-pressing mini-spoons, medium, tins, and magnetic palette

distillers hoodie

donnie darko skeleton costume

printmaking materials

hair extensions

nail polish design minis

betsey johnson jewelry

tiffany & co. silver bow earrings

hello kitty jewelry iphone case


new iPhone (coming out around June)

J. Crew feather hair clip

new pair of uggs

new perfume

l.a.m.b. platform pumps

sequins, glitter, beads, cheap stockings, etc. for fashionable diy

juicy couture outfit for my silky terrier, Molly

cosmetic lenses

CDs and movies in iPhone notes lists


environmentally-friendly devices for everyday use (i.e. iPhone charger, 1/2 toilet flusher, etc.)

donate moeny to charity of choice

anything from metropark

turquoise ray-bans

‘Monster’ tattoo for lady gaga

gregg araki films <3

onesie pjs

a haircut for sydney

glass case and/or stand for my Jessica Rabbit big-fig/statue

a record player

the pixies’ vinyl records

a stereo or iHome that plays CDs and connects easily to iPods

HD camcorder or flip

the perfect nude lipstick

essie and/or lippmann nail polish

BioShock 2

liquid black leggings

a decent camera

a decent makeup case

hello kitty collectable figures

a hairless cat


a new non-suede handbag

sugar shoes and/or ed hardy sneakers

more tripp skinny jeans

a cute umbrella

burberry scarf

aerie for nike sneakers

another hello kitty sigg bottle

subwoofers for my car


Sunday, February 7, 2010


I’m finally back again. I know, I’ve been gone for a really long time. I have been attacked by tons of drama that I couldn’t escape from. Anyway, that’s not important. All we have to talk about now is how I am back.

So here is the latest news on me. I’m not currently at Ventura College right now. I’m not enrolled in any classes. It’s great but at the same time it’s not. Why? Well, it’s great that I have all of this time in my hands now – not really true – but then again I feel like I’m just wasting my life by not being in school. Like I mentioned too, I don’t really have much time because I have a job now. Woo! Yes, you can find jobs in this kind of economy. You just have to try really hard and don’t give up. On top of that, I have to use the money I earn and pay rent. Yes, it’s all true. I’m not living in my house anymore either. My mother kicked me out, gave me the option to come back to the house under all of her rules that I found were unfair considering the fact that I am an adult now and decided to stay out. Now I’m free as ever: a workaholic who pays rent with nothing else to do, but just that.

Yes, we have a lot of catching up to do. Let me start by saying, “How about you? How has your life been while I was gone? Better I bet.”


Memorable Fight Club Quotes

Lou: [Lou hits Tyler in the face] Do you hear me now?
Tyler Durden: No, I didn’t quite catch that, Lou.
[Lou hits Tyler again]
Tyler Durden: Still not getting it.
[Lou hits Tyler a few more times]
Tyler Durden: Ok, I got it. Shit, I lost it.
[Lou continues to beat up Tyler]

Tyler Durden: Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We are God’s unwanted children? So be it!

Tyler Durden: Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.

Tyler Durden: It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.

Tyler Durden: You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakis. You’re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

Narrator: If I did have a tumor, I’d name it Marla.

Narrator: Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They’re single-serving friends.

Richard Chesler: [Reading a piece of paper] The first rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club?
Narrator: [Voice-over] I’m half asleep again; I must’ve left the original in the copy machine.
Richard Chesler: The second rule of Fight Club – is this yours?
Narrator: Huh?
Richard Chesler: Pretend you’re me, make a managerial decision: you find this, what would you do?
Narrator: [pauses] Well, I gotta tell you: I’d be very, very careful who you talk to about that, because the person who wrote that… is dangerous.
[Gets up from the chair]
Narrator: [Talking slowly] And this button-down, Oxford-cloth psycho might just snap, and then stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers. This might be someone you’ve known for years. Someone very, very close to you.
Narrator: [Voice-over] Tyler’s words coming out of my mouth.
[Snatches the piece of paper from boss' hands]
Narrator: [Voice-over] And I used to be such a nice guy.
Narrator: Or maybe you shouldn’t bring me every little piece of trash you happen to pick up.
[Phone rings]
Narrator: [Into phone] Compliance and Liability…?
Marla Singer: My tit’s gonna rot off.
Narrator: [to boss] Would you excuse me? I need to take this.

Narrator: You’re insane.
Tyler Durden: No, you’re insane.

Narrator: It’s just, when you buy furniture, you tell yourself, that’s it. That’s the last sofa I’m gonna need. Whatever else happens, I’ve got that sofa problem handled.

Tyler Durden: [the Narrator is trying to disarm a car bomb of nitroglycerin] You don’t know which wire to pull.
Narrator: I know everything you do, so if you know I know.
Tyler Durden: Or maybe, since I knew you’d know I spent all days thinking about the wrong wires.

Narrator: “Everything is a copy, of a copy of a copy”

Tyler Durden: Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.


We Place People's New Website Geared Towards Job Seekers

We Place People, one of the nation’s top premiere search and management consulting firms with over 20 years experience, is proud to announce the launch of our two new websites.

We developed an updated fresh new look and enhanced web content.  Our two new sites reflect our commitment to differentiate ourselves from other search firms and to assist you with all of your search needs whether you are a candidate looking for your next GREAT career, or a client looking for your next GREAT talent!

  • Our main website is and truly focuses on our unique differentiators and our commitment to partnering with each of our clients and exceeding their expectations by focusing not only on submitting candidates who meet the desired qualifications and skill set, but are a “fit” to the organization based on in-depth behavioral and situational interviews to determine the “best of the best” to move forward.
  • Our secondary website is geared towards candidates and assisting with their job search and serves as a supplemental informational resource to our main website.  Here we post our top 20 job openings as well as other value added career resources.  
  • You may also follow We Place People on Twitter at

Do you or your organization have a job you need assistance in filling?  We Place People would be glad to share our information with you and begin identifying top talent for your organization.  You may reach out to us at

We look forward to forming a GREAT partnership!  Thanks for taking time out to learn more about We Place People! 


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just Where The Stimulus or TARP Funds Are Not Going ... Your Library!

Not to your local Library Branch or School Library reports:

Federal Library Funding Frozen, as Expected, in President’s Budget

Geesh, why help unemployed Americans with research on job skills or in finding jobs? You know one of the first resource expenditures daily is the newspaper and magazines that may have to be cut. What about internet services for those who have no computers or computer access due to job loss and tightening of their belt? What about childrens’ programs?

Chief Officers of State Library Agencies or COSLA are not amused in this “State Librarians ‘Deeply Disappointed’ by President Obama’s Freeze on Library Funding” press release.

According to Stimulus Watch 2.0 using the keyword – LIBRARY the results of 2009 plans for just the 50 (without specifics) returned show little to no implementation. Where is the money and jobs just on this Library search for 2009 let alone 2010 and 2011? hmm?


In Search Of A Green Hard Hat

Had a very productive meeting with the local Veterans Affairs rep this week; we discussed topics as diverse as my enrollment in a LEED or LEED-like certification-prep course, the recent completion of my application for VA Health benefits, and my job as a Paraeducator. If you live in Weld County, CO and are a veteran – or if Kristi Cronin is indicative of VA reps everywhere – you need to schedule an appointment.

I had prepared for our meeting by reviewing the types of certification available. The LEED certification looked interesting, but mostly because of the LEED AP (Tier II) specialization in neighborhood development. A brief introduction to each type of certification follows:

Green Industry Expertise Certificates Certification Where Used Notes More Info LEED Associate Primarily new construction Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design USGBC LEED Overview LEED AP Specialized experience LEED Accredited Professional GBCI LEED AP Credentials BPI Certified Professional Existing buildings Building Performance Institute BPI Overview RESNET HERS Rater Home efficiency Residential Energy Services Network Intro to RESNET

During our meeting Kristi pointed out that it would be exceedingly difficult to find a job with only a LEED certification and no experience, and that finding an entry-level position with either BPI or RESNET would be much easier. For this reason, she said, I likely wouldn’t get any funding for LEED training. I could, however, get funding for a course that would net both of the other certificates at the same time — pretty fancy!

Goes On the Head

The $2200 tuition would be largely covered by federal grant money and I would be required to pay for a text book, a clipboard, and a hard hat. That last one caught me a little off guard. After we parted I jumped online and searched for a recycled or re-used hard hat (seems appropiate given the work I’d do inside of it, no?) but I didn’t have much luck. My mom  - bless her heart – told me that the DirecTV installation guy left his hard hat behind and that she would ship it to me. I’m grateful for the offer, but I don’t know anything about its history so it might not be safe, regulation-wise. The leading contender for my inspection hat is the industrially-named MK2 from UK company Their products are all made from at least 25% recycled material; I’d prefer to find a domestic producer but hats available in the U.S. are made of 0% post-consumer (aka “100% virgin”) material. It could be that there is a significant difference between the UK’s EN397 Safety standard and the U.S.’s Z89.1 standard, but otherwise it seems like recycling & reforming HDPE is an idea ready to catch on. That million-dollar idea is on the house, btw.

So, what to do with any of these certifications? To answer that I went to a link Kristi gave me: It should be no surprise that the Energy Auditor occupation caught my eye; this starts the path that most likely prepares me for a career in government working on energy policy. I have that end-goal in front of me quite a lot, and I think that is why the hard hat caught me unprepared: I wasn’t expecting one to lead to the other. Dues’re can be funny that way.

Miscellanea: Two interesting finds while researching this article include making a flower pot from and green hard hat-wearing activists from


New Perspective

Wednesday through today have been … different.  I got a job offer early Wednesday.  So I have been inventorying and signing papers rather than job searching.  Also, my perspective has changed.  Before I oscillated between feelings of hopelessness (“I’ll never get a job”) to feelings of doubting optimism (“God has a plan for me eventually“) to unfounded/vague optimism (“It’ll all work out”).  Now, there is an end to my joblessness and I feel different.

Now that I have some certainly about the future, I feel better than when I felt like I wasn’t moving forward on anything.  I felt like I was stuck in a very small town of five thousand for almost indefinitely.  I have lived here since I was four.  After going to college in Seattle, which I absolutely loved, I had to return to this town in June 2009.  Now, 7 months later, I’m leaving.

Even though I didn’t enjoy living here that much, I am going to miss it.  You cannot live someplace very long before forming connections with the community and church.  That is true for me and I am the shiest that I know.  Any severance hurts even when most of my high school friends have left Burns.  ”Parting is such sweet sorrow.”

The future is not completely certain though.  This job has many stages.  The first is 5 weeks of classroom training, which I have non-employee status and a stipend.  There is a chance that I won’t advance to the actual job and have to pay back the stipend.  I almost didn’t sign the papers quickly enough when I was waiting for them to answer how large that chance is.  Then I got an email that there was one slot left so I signed right away.  I am definitely do well in training so that that is not a possibility.

Also, the position is in Pierre, South Dakota.  This is quite an adventure estimating relocation costs and the trip itself will be quite an adventure.  All of this is new to me, so there is quite the learning curve.  I can manage though.

As a Christian, I am supposed to focus on the invisible and eternal, rather than the temporary.  I don’t think anyone can do this “focusing” all that well.  I have felt hopelessness in other situations including my group software project.  I don’t think I cannot stop focusing on the temporary; I am human after all.  If I focus on circumstances, then I am prone to oscillations in hopelessness.  The platitudes did get me through it though (“keep pushing on.  I’m sure God has a plain for you”).  This depended on the person saying the platitude though.  With some people the same words sounds almost mocking.

The last couple weeks, my church has Sunday school on leaning on the promises of God.  The last week, the message centered around Psalms 27:13 “I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”  Have I despaired?  No, but I believe that I was depressed several times during my job search.  (Not as much as Freshman year of college but that is a different story.)  I do know that my happiness and carefreeness now will evaporate into hopelessness once again sometime if I am still reliant on circumstances.  I have slept the last couple nights without waking up in the middle of the night like I usually do, which is probably a coincidence.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Job Link Deletion

Oh, what an interesting week.  As you may recall from earlier posts, we’re struggling financially.  My husband’s six months of unemployment last year sunk us and, even though he is working now (thank God!), we’re unable to play catch up or even make ends meet.  To top it off, things keep breaking.  Since mid-December, we’ve had two vehicles die, completely die, and another one that keeps needing a fix.  This past weekend the car’s heater went out…the week before that the wheel bearings needed replacing.  Something…I can’t remember what, needed fixing before that.  $200-$500 a pop, of course.  Most graciously (and probably miraculously), God restored our twice broken furnace…at least we’re warm.  We can’t get anywhere (for the car is always in the shop), but we are warm.

On Monday I started combing job boards.  With a fast sinking ship, one needs to find a new way to bail or go under.  I’m willing and ready and found some places to submit my resumĂ©.  As I pray, though, I keep hearing “No, do not look for work”.  Well, that just doesn’t jive with what our closely tracked income and expenses is saying…that just doesn’t make a lick of sense. Does God want me to sit back and not pay some lenders?  Does He want us to lose the house or make it improbable that Charlie and Emily will to go to college next year?  I mean REALLY!!!

So, earlier this week, while home alone without a car/unable to go anywhere I prayed fervently asking for a clear answer, one I couldn’t second guess.  “Shall I work?” was my question.  I’ve been known to ask God to speak through a coin flip before and did so again. This time I went for two out of three flips.  What did I get? Two tails in a row clearly said ”no”.  Later that day, I sat down with my husband, Rich, and we talked about the “question” and I posited to him flipping a coin for an answer (without telling him of my coin flipping earlier in the day).  He warned me that I needed to be able to surrender to whatever God said through the flip…that I had to be willing to live with the ramifications of the answer.  Eagerly, and almost assuming I’d get a “yes”, we watched as the coin spun in the air, was caught and flipped on the back of my hand.  Two tails in a row, not a head in sight.  We got a “no”, a clear answer…one we couldn’t second guess. It even solidified the answer I got earlier in the day…God was making it clear, He doesn’t want me working. In response I sunk into the couch, deflated, flabbergasted and almost sick.  We didn’t say much after that, not much to say…the links related to job openings remains tucked in the draft folder of my email…somehow I cannot, just yet, delete them.  I’m obeying, but clinging to my way out of this too…not pretty, but there it is.

Yesterday, I swear I heard God say to do my Beth Moore Bible study…that He had a word in it for me.  I was plenty behind (I missed class this week, as the car was in the shop) and had a truckload of time, so I sat down and dug in.  And there it was, clear as a bell a ringing in my ear.  In Moore’s study on the book of Daniel, she has participants turn to 1 Peter 5: 6.  The verse leapt off the page and spoke directly to my heart:

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

So, there it is, the final word and, of course, God gets the final word.  So, I submit, watch and wait.  I bow and beg.  I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder if, I wonder when.  I cannot see, but then again, I’ve surrendered to One who can see and whose Hand is mighty.  I guess that is enough. I guess it is time to delete those job posting links…



Big things are happening a la maison TJK! The other day I was super fed up with work and checked in with an old colleague of mine from New York who had gone to a competitor of our old company a year or two ago. A while back he had offered to set me up for coffee with a partner in their DC office just to chat about the DC market and stuff for our field. But then I get an email yesterday from the partner…he wants me to come down to their office and meet with him and another partner on Monday afternoon. Somehow, I think that casual coffee just turned into an informal interview. YIKES! And WHOA! My friend is really happy at this company…much happier than he was at our old company. I miss my old field. It’s a really specific and small field with only a handful of companies who really operate in it. My old company was the top of the field. Let’s put it this way, one of their last major cases was a near $20 billion deal. It’s been hard trying to find a company that competes with them. This other company only has about 50 or so employees as opposed to the thousands of my old company. But instead of trying to grow in every possible direction like my old company, this one has stayed true to its core legacy business. I hope I don’t blow this meeting on Monday!

But on to more big news….TT is moving in within the next two weeks. That’s right. I’m going to have to live with a booooooooy. AH!

We’re supposed to get a major snow storm starting tomorrow late morning. The weatherman is predicting 12-20 inches. Knowing how crazy people around here at the mere mention of snow, I hit the grocery store last night to avoid the crazy milk/toilet paper buying people tonight. I had no food in the house and I didn’t want to get stuck in the house this weekend without anything to eat! We have plenty of firewood, marshmellos (how do you spell that??), food, wine and dog food. Bring on the snow!


New Year Still Is A Time Of Uncertainty For Economy

New Year Still Is A Time Of Uncertainty For Economy Copyright (c) 2010 Barbara Wulf MC, ACC, CPCC
Beckon Call Coach It’s a new year. It’s a new decade, yet job seekers must continue to vigilant and persevere in an economy that has a slow recovery.

The holidays are over. It is a new month, a new year and a new decade. January provides us with a clean slate and a fresh start. There is a newness of where we are heading or what we could be about. What could we accomplish in 2010?

The month of January takes its name from Janus, the Roman god of gates and doorways. He is depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. He looks left and right. He views what is in the past and what is in the future. Both perspectives are valuable. We learn from our past. We look back and realize the past is where we gained experience, memories and wisdom. We can look to the past and view our accomplishments and failures. It becomes our personal and professional history, our life archive. Perhaps our memory or recall can fade, but not the events or circumstances.

As we look back on the first decade of the new millennium, we realize in many ways it was a dud and disappointment. We witnessed the World Trade Towers being toppled with senseless terrorism. We closed the decade with the toppling of the global economy that resulted in high unemployment and massive job loss for young and old, skilled and unskilled.

The opposite direction is about the future…looking forward. What does the future hold? I don’t have a crystal ball, but if I did, I would say the future image looks unclear. Generally, economists are not optimistic about economic growth for the next 1-2 years and predict further decline. Housing remains flat. The auto industry is still in peril and the banking industry remains at risk. How does that impact our remaining labor force and job seekers waiting in the wings? For me personally, how does that news impact my niece who graduated from college in December, while her father continues a job search after 27 years with his former employer? Yes, these times could make Janus’ head spin.

Focus on the future. This calls for “Plan B” thinking. Do you have one? You should, we all should. Do not assume you are safe. With your current employer, work harder, work smarter, shine your shoes and ask how you can assist. If you are at risk or currently unemployed, update your resume, expand your job search (geographically and professionally) and network, network, network. Research potential employers and ask for an informational meeting. Be prepared. This is a good time to invest in yourself and repackage yourself. Take classes, update your skills and perhaps, retool your professional goals.

I used to work with at-risk students and now, there are at-risk employees. With an at-risk economy, you might be impacted. The economy remains fragile and unsteady, so be vigilant.

John F. Kennedy said, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

Barbara Wulf MS, ACC, CPCC, is a Certified Career/Life Coach
and writer helping people redesign their career paths by
supporting and inspiring them to stretch, seek, and achieve
work/life success. Barbara offers career assessments along
with resume/cover letter writing and interviewing strategies
for impact. Her free monthly e-zine, OWN IT, WORK IT, LIVE IT
offers tips for those in career transition and others who
strive for more life/career balance and fulfillment at:

Posted via email from Intuitive Living2


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Accenture Job Opportunity

Application Link-

Requisition #00082349

Title: Federal Training Specialist

Organization: Health & Public Service

Location: Clarendon, VA

The Health & Public Service operating group serves health organizations, government agencies, institutions and nonprofit organizations worldwide providing a broad range of consulting, technology, system integration and business processing services.

Job Description

Service Delivery professionals are responsible for providing service delivery across the breadth of offerings such as accounting, information technology, application development and maintenance, helpdesk services, procurement, learning and training, and human resources. The work that is performed by our delivery professionals may serve one or more clients concurrently and they may be located directly at a client site or within our global delivery network.

The Training Specialist will support training efforts surrounding major enhancements/upgrade to client’s Acquisition system, including:

  • Supporting training development and delivery efforts for designated functionalities
  • Support delivery of both live and recorded training, as needed
  • Conduct desk-side training, as needed
  • Create User Reference Materials and Quick Reference Guides (QRGs)
  • Support training delivery logistics including the scheduling of classrooms
  • Update existing Captivate based training lessons (CBT modules)

Basic Qualifications:

  • Active Top Secret/SCI security clearance
  • 1 year of experience with training design, development and delivery efforts
  • Bachelors Degree

Preferred Skills:

  • Experience with Computer Based Training/on-demand web based training applications (e.g., Centra, Adobe Captivate)
  • Knowledge of Federal Government Financial and/or Acquisition operations, policies, procedures
  • Understanding of Intelligence Community/ DIA and NSA
  • Advanced MS Office skills in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Professional Skills:

  • Strong Public Speaking and Business Writing Skills

Candidates who are currently employed by a client of Accenture or an affiliated Accenture business may not be eligible for consideration.

Applicants for employment in the U.S. must possess work authorization which does not require sponsorship by the employer for a visa.

These roles require US Citizenship due to Client Clearance requirements.

Accenture is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Marketing Manager EDU (Richardson TX)

Company Name: AMX
Job Title: Marketing Manager- Education
Location: Richardson, TX
Profession: Department Head or Executive
Job Description:
AMX hardware and software solutions simplify the way people interact with technology. With the increasing number of technologies and operating platforms at work and home, AMX solves the complexity of managing this technology with reliable, consistent and scalable systems. Our award-winning products span control and automation, switching, distributed audio and video, and technology management. They are implemented worldwide in conference rooms, homes, classrooms, network operation / command centers, hotels, entertainment venues, broadcast facilities, among others.


AMX is a worldwide leader in advanced control and automation technology for commercial and residential markets. The company’s hardware and software products simplify the way people interact with technology. This includes making it easier for system integrators to sell, program and install AMX products – ranging from touch panels, keypads and handheld remotes to customizable resource management tools – as well as making the overall AMX end-user experience intuitive and simple. Leveraging the power of automation technology, AMX is making the world a little less complicated. AMX was founded in 1982 and is a subsidiary of Duchossois Industries, Inc. For more information about the company, visit

Brief Overview:

Searching for a talented, results-producing Marketing professional with a proven record of creating marketing programs in a vertical or segment capacity. Expertise required in creating multifaceted marketing programs and the marketing tools to support them. Experience with a technical product in the Education marketplace is critical, as are project management and communications skills.

Essential Job Functions:

· Program Development– Create marketing programs targeted at Education decision makers that drive awareness and consideration of AMX products and help generate leads for Sales.

· Product and Solution Positioning – Develop clear messages about how AMX products solve problems for Education customers.

· Market and Competitive Analysis – Build a solid understanding of the marketplace for AMX products within the Education vertical.

· Trade Show Staffing – Manage AMX message and sponsorships at Education tradeshows. Effectively interact with customers and dealers at these shows and at other Sales/Marketing events.

· Project Management – Collaborate with the Sales and Marketing Communications organizations to determine program requirements and drive creation and delivery of Marketing deliverables.


· Experience creating marketing programs and materials

· Refined Writing skills

· Project management aptitude

· Ability to translate customer needs into product/solution benefits

· The presence required to interact with customers and dealers

· Technical aptitude

· Knowledge of Education Segment desired

· BA or BS degree in Business, Engineering, Communications or related field.

· 5+ years of experience

· Strong interpersonal skills
