New Years is a holiday with a heck-of-a lot of hype. All these incredible expectations for new beginnings, a take-your-breath-away kiss when the clock ticks twelve, the strength to not eat chocolate for a year. Puh-leeze. No pressure of that sort should be on one day. habits take 21 days to break/build I hear and I doubt that the dropping a sparkly ball is the magic potion to allow you to now achieve your dreams. Am I New Years scrooge? No way. I just think that this holiday is an excuse to vow with false hope all the things you didn’t have strength to do in the previous year. How about, instead of crashing on January 13th with unfulfilled resolutions…we take the time to acknowledge all the great happenings in the year and then gain an appreciation for the future year and all the possibilities that are within reach.
Im not preaching. I just don’t really think I’ve ever met someone whose life has been changed by wishing upon a ball in Times Square. The ball drops. You drop the ball. Resolutions die. I was pondering what I wanted to accomplish in the year of twenty-ten and where I wanted to be this time next year when it hit me…I think it is far more appropriate to point out all the incredible things that happened to me in 2009. It has been one of the best years of my life (strong statement, but I totally believe it) and it would be a shame to only focus on the days to come without giving thanks for the days behind me.
{ and how bout some of my favorite photos from 2009 }
February. The month of my birth. I had a stand-out birthday celebration at the crazy can-can down in the underground of Pike Place Market. Although it was a fantastic birthday, that’s not where my arrow is pointing. I spent it with 14 girls. I have absolutely been blessed with incredible women in my life. Great friends and a set of extended sisters that make me a better person. I love them and they will join me in 2010, even if some have moved away.
May. A trip to the hot-lands. I flew down to meet up with my family in Arizona. They relocated to another land. A land of cactuses and blistering hot asphalt. It’s not the pool-side relaxation that made this a favorite but the fact that when seeing your family becomes sparse…the moments become far more precious. Time with family is a favorite, despite any sarcastic comment I make about Spokane or leaving Seattle.
June. I hung out at Safeco Field for a few hours wearing a gown. This is also known as my graduation celebration from Seattle Pacific University. I completed my education, although I have not stopped taking in life lessons and learning my strengths and skills since then and arguably a far better experience than any I know. 4 years there gave me so much. For that I will always be grateful.
June. a pretty memorable trip to the Seattle Aquarium. my sister took off malachi’s sweatshirt and it said, “Finally, I’m a big brother.” Meaning, she was with child. A pretty good graduation surpsise. Better her, than me. (: She is due in February (my month!)…I showed her on HERE a few days ago.
July-August. Aside from the fact that I was living at work. I had a fantastic care-free, no homework, slurpie sippin summer and spent time under the sun. First summer of true freedom, meeting new friends, and spending plenty of time with the girls. Loved it.
August – 29th. I was given – on lend – my first Digital SLR Canon camera. Oh how I didn’t even know that this lend would change my career. Future. Passion. A great gift. One I wont forget.
September. The month that LITERALLY changed my life. A month alone. abroad. awake in my senses and ability to see new beauty. I embraced friends I never thought I would see again in a land I never thought I would get to. Sweden. I sat with new friends, champagne, and no worries under a sparkling Eiffel Tower. Seriously a scene people dream of. Unforgettable. I walked city streets that you see in movies. I learned how to invest in people, take-in the unplanned routed spontaneity each day brought, and was refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated. Sounds all-together incredible, and it was. I will always hold this trip close to my heart and as one of my favorite memories.
October 2nd to be exact. I sent out this tweet: “ i CANNOT believe @QuinnPina is ENGAGED! …and I’m all the way in London. I need someone to celebrate & scream with! “That’s right, my first girlfriend, sister, best friend got engaged. A very memorable moment as I read her note to me while on a London couch. And also a memorable engagement shoot HERE.
November 20th. A month I came to the stark realization that my career was definitely in photography. I posted THIS POST that was more a diary entry than a blog write-up and since then hundreds of people have read my the confessions…so i better live up to em. In that very fact, I am completely blown away and blessed by what this blog has brought to me. I had no idea that 6 months ago when I created it, that it would bring so much encouragement, random emails, messages and words of affirmation, future business, and become a sounding board for me to release thoughts, passion….and then somehow inspiring some others to go after their dream career, goals, and see the beauty in everyday things. Sounds like a silly thing – ita a blog – a virtual diary, but really…it has been a big blessing in 2009. Since June, 14,000 people have flipped through this site…which is crazy but keeps me writing and coming up with new things to talk about. please, i never want to become stale.
All of these rolled into one pretty much sums up my most prized lesson learned from 2009…the biggest blessings have come from an absolute unexpected place. And that goes for far more than what I have seen through my lens. Relationships. Meetings. Jobs opportunities. 2009 has been absolutely a life-changing year. I couldn’t be more excited for the year of 2010.
Good things are on their way. That, I am sure of.
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