Today we were not assigned any work in office……our boss wants us to take a respite as we had toiled last month without one……..But guess what!!!! We are supposed to utilize this time by reading for the certificate (Yeah! We are supposed to write an exam that too before March, 2010 end ). Ridiculous!! I am feeling like back to college sans fun. I am not averse to studying but reading that too for tech certificate…..yaaak……..
My day is full of ennui…….I am feeling drowsy……unfortunately there is no dormitory in our office…..…tried many ways to kill time and boredom but to no avail……..However, I look forward to this evening as I have been apprised of my sister’s arrival…….
I might have lots of fun with her……chatting, cooking, eating, going on shopping spree, chit-chat, watching movies………loads of loads of fun…….may be my day is bored but who knows I might end up enjoying my evening like heaven……….see!! that’s why always be positive………
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