Thursday, February 18, 2010

9-5 blues

Seeing as no one reads this, I don’t feel so bad for never posting.

At the moment, I’m really just using this blog to procrastinate. I have no deep thoughts, I have no agenda right now. This will most likely just be a poorly written rant session about the stuff I usually write about in here.

So– here’s how things are currently:  So-And-So left for a far away land, and I’m very much okay with this because I’m genuinely happy for S0-And-So.

I have also been accepted to divinity school. Iliff School of Theology. Denver, CO, here I come! Maybe– still waiting on the others.

My current job has really made me second guess my calling. My introverted nature that has been very much brought to the forefront by this position has made me wonder if ministry may not be the right route for me. However: When I started this current job, I was nervous. I was never completely sure if this was what I should do for the year or not. My intuitions were spot-on. I’m making it through, it’s a good experience, but my GOD, was this not the right route for me…

Despite these past 7 months making me second guess myself and my future, ultimately I have no real apprehension about going to divinity school. It has not been something my anxiety has been able to take over or control. And so, this leaves me confident that my calling from my God is true and good, and this is my path in life.

I look forward to this personal struggle being the subject of a sermon some day.

Until that day, I will get through the last 5 months of this job, I will read and read and read, I will finish The Wire and then begin The Sopranos, and then I will begin my journey to ordained ministry.


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