Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ugh... Truck Day

I hate working on Truck Days. When we get shipment in, the assholes that pack it put the biggest/heaviest boxes (i.e. grills, 50lb. planters, etc.) at the back of the truck and by the time we have hundreds of boxes already piled up in the backroom, we have no room to carry the big boxes, much less store them. Ugh. I am just not looking forward to tomorrow.

Last week we had over 500 boxes, which is a good bit for our store. I’m hoping we don’t have a lot tomorrow, but we have a sale coming up next week, so I’m assuming it will be quite a bit instead.

And I know I’m young and all, but I always hurt myself on Truck Days. I either hurt my back lifting heavy objects, cut myself with the boxcutters, or slice my finger open on cardboard. It’s just not a good day. And since I’m young and able, I definitely have to work these days.

There’s only girls that work at the store, so there’s usually 4 of us working the truck: 2 in the truck taking the boxes down and putting them on the belt, my manager scans each box in, and then it’s up to me to pick them up and put them in their correct spots. Only there isn’t a designated area for each spot (example: housewares, bedding, lawn and garden, crystal, pets, kid toys, electronics, gadgets, etc, etc etc….) and I always forget where I put what and get in trouble for fucking the boxes up. Because after box 200, I have trouble remembering where I’ve already put what.

I just needed to vent for a second. Sorry.

[Via http://tracy310.wordpress.com]

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