Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day (Gimmick For the Masses?)

Normally I do not find myself writing about such mundane topics as this; especially Valentines Day. I normally do no care about dying flowers, cheap teddy bears and boys who claim they love me. There is way to much drama involved in dating, relationships, and yes the day everyone dreads-valentines day. So have I ever had an awesome cliché V-Day? Sure I have, when I was 16 years old, of course I still believed in the sanctity of marriage then as well;  naive notion if you ask me. Nothing is sacred anymore, people are to side tracked with networking and technology. I digress.

The true pessimists say V-Day is for the retail market, nothing but another day to spend needless wads of cash on items that never last through the next major fight. The true romantics say that Valentines Day is a special day reserved just for people who love each other to show how much they mean to one another. Well if that is the case, why do we need a certain day to show love? Is society so messed up and so ADD that we actually had to reserve a day just to let our partners know how much we care? Am I the only one who sees a flaw here?

Some of us choose to be single. Women in particular want to stay mono in the world so they will have more opportunities. If we aren’t tied down we can travel and work anywhere we want without ridicule of starting a family. We can concentrate on those things in life that will make us happy and in turn will aid us when we DO decide to settle down one day. Of course, recent events tried to usher me in the opposite direction but with a swift kick to the face I remembered why I was on the single path to begin with. I wanted to concentrate on my schooling and career; simple as that. So here is my question, why should those of us who choose to do what we believe is right; staying single that is, have to be made to feel like spinsters on V-Day?

We are looked at with pity as if we have some unknown disease that’s catching. With todays standards, is being single such a bad idea? It’s not like we have to start a family at fourteen years old and have sixteen kids so we will have people to plow the fields for us. As I mentioned earlier, the sanctity of marriage no longer exists in this world, so why should Valentines Day stereotypes? Why dispose of some traditions and leave others? If we are going to abolish everything good in the world, we may as well do it right eh?

(I had to stick this in here for you true pessimists)

Anyway, that is my rant about V-Day aka ‘Single’s awareness Day’. I will leave you with this, have fun!

(This will NEVER happen…PS: You may have to watch this video on youtube as the encoding is disabled, just click play and follow link)


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