Thursday, February 25, 2010


The start of Lent kicked off my church’s plan to read together through the Bible in a year.  It’s been great to have random conversations with friends about the readings, knowing that we’re all studying the same thing.

The plan started with Psalm 119, but then moved into the book of Job.  Job is a man who went through more suffering than most of us could begin to bear.  I have so many thoughts and questions surrounding these passages, but it’s also been surprisingly encouraging to read.  (Hopefully I’ll share more in-depth thoughts along these lines, but I’ll save those for a future post.)

To further participate in the reading plan, my photo group this semester has a standing assignment to create a photo that reflects what we are getting out of each week’s reading. And this week for me has centered around sorrow – seeing Job experience it, being reminded of my own experiences with it, and thinking through causes and effects of it.

I could see the shot I wanted in my mind, so I set up what lighting I could find around my house and shot self portraits to capture that sense of sorrow.  It took about an hour and countless times back and forth between playing photographer and subject, but in the end I was happy to have pushed through resistance.  Here are two of my favorite resulting images.  Do they speak sorrow to you?


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