Thursday, February 11, 2010

they echo me in circles

remember how i said i was going to start

my “lose 30lbs in 30 days” last saturday?

well i unintentionally lied

mostly because my evil parents bought me

and amazing chocolate cake from olive garden

the night of my birthday

and i have had a piece of it every night since then

and remember how yesterday

i was so excited cuz my work pants seemed baggy?

well apparently my stomach

took that as a green light

to pig out today

i ate a chicken caesar wrap with mac n cheese at work

then two pieces of pizza at groundswell

and just now a pack of ramen noodles

with a piece of the chocolate cake for dessert

oink oink oink

so i will be trying to start over next monday

and maybe i’ll be successful this time

this week is going to be about getting my boxes ridden

i’m going to have to keep a couple tho

cuz my room is no where near enough to contain it all

no matter what my mother says

groundswell is always awkward for me

i don’t know anyone there really

and where the kids are concerned

i don’t have any interest in knowing them

because i’m a year away from passing my teens

and i just don’t feel like trying to act younger

to make a couple of friends

that i’ll only see once or twice a month

tonight garret was supposed to lead

but he canceled last minute

due to a cold

and brandon who replaced him

is still getting over a cold

and tonight while i was waiting for my ride

my throat suddenly had a stabbing pain

and i’ve been a littly phlegm-y

the last couple of days

i can NOT get sick

you wanna know something

randomly weird??

my hoodie has 3 bottom parts

of snappers on the side of the zipper

but no tops

so nothing to snap in to

why are they there?

i got to meet an NFL football player today

apparently he owns our restaurant

can’t remember his last name

or the team he’s on

but i still met an NFL football player

and poor bettis was sooooo nervous

but everything went well as i told him it would

i’m opening tomorrow

which makes me sleepy to think about

the checklist:

put soda fountains together

start first two batches of tea

(if whoever opens the kitchen

remembers to turn on the tea urns)

put down rubber mats

put down carpet mats

put down high chairs

put down dining chairs

put together lemonade machine

fill up flatware soap tub

fill up sanitizer bucket

start second batch of two teas

put out lemon slices

check sugar caddies

wipe down dirty tables

sweeten tea

turn on lights

open doors


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