Your job focus may be technical, but you can’t completely escape the burden of writing tasks: e-mails, status reports, performance evaluations, RFPs, and system documentation, to name just a few possibilities. If your writing experience has been limited, you could probably stand to brush up on those skills — especially if you’re a manager or aspiring to become one.
In a previous installment, we reviewed some of the fundamental rules of good business writing. Here are a few more:
Well that title may sound a little out of place at first read but Architects are all time interviewing and selecting people for their organizations and projects. Now what is the difference between a HR recruiter and an Architect selecting people? Well there is a hell of a difference! While the HR guy might focus on soft skills, attitude and general likeability and cost-to-company factors of the person being interviewed, the architect has a different stick for measuring the worth of the candidate. This is the context of this blog and will be expanded further.
Recruiting Challenges
The job market is more volatile and in flux than ever and there is a serious shortage of skilled IT resources world over. Really good people with matching skill sets that required for projects are difficult to find and the whole process is time consuming and error prone. Hundreds of recruiters or head hunters are on constant lookout for any body that even remotely matches the skill set requirements. Even though a die-hard recruiter may get some people onboard, there is no guarantee that the person will hang around long enough. There is always another one showing him the better carrot! It is simple driven by the demand-supply equations in the marketplace. This often results in compromises on the candidate quality and ultimately the quality of the projects being delivered on the IT scenarios.
Architect as a Technical Recruiter.
Most often in many organizations the technical interview rounds are conducted by Architects or technical project managers and by technical leads in reverse order. The idea is to filter out the most unlikely candidate before he reaches the technical leaders and saves their valuable time.
The Interview Principles
A well prepared candidate shows focus, confidence and smooth interaction with the absence of doodling and verbal mitigation. Similarly a well prepared and organized architect shows equal poise, finesse and composure conducting the interview without appearing jerky, rude or condescending to the candidate. Both the candidate and the architect should finish the process with good afterthoughts.
Technical Roles, Positions, Designations and Responsibilities
Every architect should be clear about the role or position for which he is recruiting. This is absolutely important since it is very easy to get carried away and ask the wrong questions to the candidate who might be stumped with nervousness and may give the wrong picture at the end. Below are some of the roles that may needed to be performed.
Developer/Sr Developer
Technical Lead
Project Lead
Business Domain Analyst/Expert
Application Architect
Technical Architect
Enterprise Architect
The lower rungs of the roles/positions ) Developer through Enterprise Architect) calls for a more focused technology specific knowledge and expertise ranging from individual focused skill set to team mentoring, leadership and evangelistic skills that are applicable across domains of technologies, platforms and industries.
Described below is a general approach in selecting candidates that is built upon my experience hiring candidates for all positions mentioned above.
Candidate Functional Analysis
Let us focus on the candidate’s general skill types. Overall a candidate may match a purely technical , purely managerial or a techno managerial function. Further he or she may be a research and development oriented, academic, operational ( project delivery oriented).
Candidate Credibility Analysis
While it is nearly impossible to judge a candidate in the usually short time of the interview process, still an attempt can be made to ascertain the credibility factors.
Foremost in this effort would be the competence. The candidate has to prove his competence through the answers for the questions posed to him or her. The quality of the answers, often give the clue to the content (knowledge or expertise) whether it is hallow or solid. Sometimes the correctness of the answer may not be that significant compared to the approach. For e.g. Knowing by easy recall some obscure method of an equally obscure class deep in the API of a programming language may not signify an expertise but a particular approach to solve a problem might reflect competence, maturity and experience.
Secondly it is the character aspect. Character signifies honesty and in-your-face simplicity and attitude that is real and that comes forth naturally to him or her when you talk to a candidate. There is no dual sense. no beating around the bush and no playing games.
Thirdly it is composure aspect. How the candidate is mentally, emotionally composed in handling abrupt and unpredictable influences and events that affect to his overall psyche and personae. Candidates that display high composure are usually easy going, cool tempered and rational and are likely to handle themselves well in any eventuality instead of creating a scene or a mess.
Next on the list is the High-energy. Candidates who repeatedly are achievers, high-performers are seldom 9 to 5 employees who mind only office or home one at a time at a give time. They are often people with chaos around except that the constant chaos results in a positive outcome each time every time. They often display leadership and a certain self max-ing that energizes the team around them to perform and achieve.
The last but not the least is likeability. How an employee is liked and accepted by his peers, subordinates, superiors is often the significant factor in that employee’s appraisal and growth.
In the next post we will look at the inter-personal aspects, candidate enrollment, vision, expectations and other aspects that are significant in the process of technical recruitment.
Yep, I figured I’d channel my newfound auto knowledge into the building of sailboat engines. Look at me now, world! I’ll be masterminding this s*** blindfolded before the day’s out.
Or, I wish, I soooooooooo wish… Actually I had to tour a sailboat factory for some freelance work involving the S.C. manufacturing industry. Basically I’m telling a story: How to Build a Better Boat Factory. Subtitle: Methodologies and Improvements Used to Facilitate Greater Productivity, Safety and Quality. So, yep, please head on down to your Barnes & Noble and snap that one up.
But truth be told, it was an informative experience. I’ve never seen boats in the process of assembly, and it’s impressive stuff. Noah never had it this good. Trust me, you won’t really appreciate a 55-footer ’til you stand right beside in dry storage. That’s what she said.
I haven’t even logged on to my account in so long, so heres a brief update for now.
So last time I had just had my tounge pierced, I no longer have my little piercing because a month later it got all nasty and infected and had to go to A&E. It was removed and healed but now I really miss it so i’ll probably have it redone at some point.
I finished my degree in photography, I got a third class honours and i’m glad it’s over. I took part in the degree exhibition which was fun, I exhibited my OCD project. I then moved in with my boyfriend, got a job, got fired and now I have another job.
Woop woop! Anyway i’ll try and update this more often but I thought a quick one is better than nothing at all haha x
J.K Gayle has entered the feminine language conversation, writing a series of posts. The first tackles how Jesus described himself in the gospels with reference to women; the second featured Clarence Jordan’s translations of the same passages, and the third collects some references within the tradition that were new to me, but more importantly, looks at the “de-feminising” effect of translation into Greek from Hebrew of a lot of Jesus imagery. There’s some bits and pieces I want to reproduce here, basically because I’d like to be able to access them easily.
Leviticus 14:10, Isaiah 53:7 and 2 Samuel 12:2-3 all reference the sacrificial lamb as a ewe-lamb. Christ’s title as ‘Lamb of God’ is a feminine one.
Links for uses of feminine language in Augustine: Homily 3 on the 1st Letter of John, and from Sermon 369:
Whoso knows that he is born, let him hear that he is an infant; let him eagerly cling to the breasts of his mother, and he grows apace. Now his mother is the Church; and her breasts are the two Testaments of the Divine Scriptures. Hence let him suck the milk of all the things that as signs of spiritual truths were done in time for our eternal salvation, that being nourished and strengthened, he may attain to the eating of solid meat, which is, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 Our milk is Christ in His humility; our meat, the selfsame Christ equal with the Father. With milk He nourishes you, that He may feed you with bread: for with the heart spiritually to touch Christ is to know that He is equal with the Father.
Our savior, born of the Father apart from any day…. Go on being filled with wonder; the one who bore him is both mother and virgin; the one she bore is both speechless infant and Word. Rightly did the heavens speak…. Give suck, mother, to our food; five suck to the bread that came down from heaven (Jn 6:58), and was placed in a manger…. Give your breast to the one who made you such that he might be made in you, who both gave you the gift of fertility when he was conceived, and did not deprive you of the honor of virginity when he was born; who before he was born chose for himself both the womb from which he would be born and the day on which he would be born.
Links to the prayers of St. Anselm and Julian of Norwich.
Thanks for your involvement, J.K.! I really appreciate your input – you’ve taught me a lot in these posts.
1Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!
2I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. 3Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Thanks for Their Gifts
10I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
14Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles. 15Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; 16for even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need. 17Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account. 18I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. 19And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
20To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Final Greetings
21Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send greetings. 22All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household. 23The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
Joshua is a asleep on the couch, the girls are asleep in our bedroom. John Darnielle is singing in the corner and the rain has just lifted it’s hand from the afternoon. I can see the sun is on the horizon, making it’s way for a visit, this is all Saturday afternoon wonderful.
May Your grace rest in our hearts, and may we, like James¹, remember the goodness of your mercy towards Job in his patience to see your face. Lord we are thankful for Your goodness in our life, and your restoration² in our youth.
I’m so sick. I called my parents yesterday to tell them my fever was up to 101.5 last night, and though it’s down right now, my dad had the nerve to call me this morning and ask about my job search. This is the same job search I’ve been telling him I started a month and a half ago, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: I lied. So today, while I do nothing but lay in bed with a huge bottle of gatorade, I begin Step 1 of my job search, well, kind of step 0.5 because this step doesn’t actually involve looking for jobs.
Step 0.5:
Update resume and portfolio
Update my profiles on websites I’m signed up for
Take down inappropriate pictures/tweets (if there are any).
In the meanwhile the summer is doing its business as usual. Every once in a while summer rains break up the predominantly hot days and so now and then a cool sea breeze full of oxygen makes you go light in your head. Clear thinking, peculiarly enough, is not happening for the most of us since spring. Successes taste different. The smells of friendship, love, danger and risk are in the air.
A lot of us come back from more beautiful and warm places. Places where things like passion, temperament and love have a complete different meaning and significance. Places where we might never come back again, and where we adapted our behaviour there to that knowledge. With our return stories come back with us. Stories of large and small dimensions. Strong and weak stories, but also stories that deserve several pages in a novel…
And me? I went to Serbia. And no, I did not behave like I would never see the place again. Many, many more times I will visit this place. I will find a way to stay there more than in any other place on our beautiful little globe. Which reminds me of a particular moment…
It was an early Saturday morning. Most Belgrade rooftops were complimented by an orange glow. It must have been the sixth time that holiday I saw the sun rise and, I assure you, it was not because I woke up that early. That morning I was walking back from bringing a special girl home after an odd night’s out.
Temperatures did not drop below 28 degrees Celsius the past week, not even at night. This particular morning however, a perfect temperature was surrounding my skin. While I was making up my mind whether I was feeling, hearing or smelling happiness, my heart told me this was the place it calls home. A shiver ran down my spine.
Walking and then stopping at a corner to look up once more, I realized I still had to find my friend before we could both drop into coma on our beds. A quote passed my mind: “No matter how you shake and dance, the last few drops land on your pants”.
Simply brilliant. I didn’t remember where I heard it though. I decided to pee against the corner I was standing at. When you have to go, you have to go. Shaking and dancing I looked up my friend’s name in my phone. Joe. Joe Srbija. Joe’s Bitch. Yes… that’s how her number was saved in my phone. Why I couldn’t call him on his phone was a wild guess for me. Nevertheless I pressed the green button. She picked up the phone and I told her I’d be there in a few.
Trying to catch a sniff of pljeskavice while passing Loki I saw them at a distance standing outside. I waved. They waved back. As I came closer I asked them how it was. She looked at me a little suspicious and told me she was sure I already knew what happened.
‘I do. But did you have fun? Did it feel good?’ I asked. It did. I asked her if she wanted a last kiss, at which she replied positively. I moved my lips to hers. She turned her head away. Clearly she did not appreciate the joke. As she leaned over to kiss my friend I noticed her right breast showed a bit of nipple sticking out above her top.
‘I’ll call you tomorrow,’ he said. He didn’t, but he assured me she had his e-mail address.
While we were searching for a taxi, Joe told me all about his little adventure. The blowjob ranked in his top five. And the top five did not mean by five different girls, the blowjob ranked in the top five of times. He especially liked it because she was a highly educated girl.
‘Girls who can do it like that in the Netherlands are usually pretty dirty, uneducated type of girls, or just disciplined but still a little dumb’, he claimed.
‘With this one you can at least talk before, after and in between.’
It all took place in the entrance hall of her building, as she was afraid to wake up her roommate. Joe liked the setting. ‘The old communist entrance hall’, as he referred to it, was ranked top notch in his book. However, in between the action her roommate came in. While both laughing about the image of my friend trying to (as fast a he could) get his tool back in the swimming pants he wore that night, we walked up towards the Kalemegdan citadel in search of a taxi there. Still none around. The roommate, as the story goes, was laughing really hard, while Joe’s girl, I believe her name was Tanja, got pretty angry. Why didn’t she let her know she wasn’t home? What could have been if they had access to her bedroom?
I didn’t care… I had something different on my mind. All I could think about was the girl I just brought home and her enchanting pit black hair…
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Hindi ko linya ang trabaho ko ngayon. Noong natanggap ako sa trabaho na ito, ang nasa isip ko lamang ay magresign. Noong magsisimula na ang review ko para sa board exam, nagresign ako pero hindi natuloy. Noong unang beses na na-evaluate ako, nasa isip ko last na na evaluation ko yun (gusto ko lang naman na maging regular noon dahil gusto kong magkalibreng jacket). Noong ikalawang evaluation, sinabi ko hindi na ako aabot sa ikatlong evaluation na gagawin after 6 months. At ngayon, natapos na ang ikatlong evaluation ko.
Nakakatawa dahil hanggang ngayon nandito pa rin ako na kung tutuusin, unang tungtong ko pa lang sa opisinang ito, resignation na ang nasa isip ko.
Sign Number 1: Mga 2 weeks or 3 weeks ago, nanaginip ako na nagresign o natigbak ako sa work ko. hindi ko na maalala talaga kung ano yung nangayari sa panaginip, basta tungkol sa pag-alis ko sa trabaho ko ngayon yung tema.
Sign Number 2: Nakwento ko na ito sa past post ko. Nahirang akong Best in Attendance awardee noong nakaraang buwan ng Agosto. Noong buwan ng Hulyo, nasambit ko sa aking katrabaho na kapag nakuha ko yung award na “Best in Attendance” magreresign na ako kasi most unlikely na makukuha ko siya. Pero nakuha ko. Pagkakataon nga naman.
Enter the “Looking for Sign Number 3″ drama.
Last week, sinabi ng TL ko na kakausapin niya ako. Syempre tinanong ko kung bakit, ang sagot niya, may violation daw ako. Sabi ko sa sarili ko (with matching ngiti habang nag-iisa) eto na ata ang sign number 3, magkakaroon ako malamang ng dreaded IR (incidence report) kapag may violation ako. Pag nagkataon, resign na ang drama ko. False alarm pala, evaluation ko lang pala yung dahilan kung bakit ako kakausapin ng TL namin. Sadya lang siyang mapagbiro at mapagpa-kaba.
Restday ko ng Tuesday at Wednesday at nasa probinsya ako. Kakapasok ko lang ngayong graveyard shift ng Thursday. May kaguluhan na pala sa opisina, hindi ko pa alam. Bonggang-bonggang tanggalan ng mga tenured employees (3 kagad sa department namin ang naapektuhan at 3 ko pang kakilala sa ibang department), nadissolve ang isang department, dissolved ang team na kinabibilangan ko, nilipat sa ibang department ang iba kong ka-team at inilipat namang ang iba sa kabilang team sa department namin kabilang na ako. Wala akong kaalam-alam dahil patay ang telepono ko at hindi ko chinacharge. Kung hindi pa nagtext si Aubu sa kuya ko, hindi ko malalaman. Hindi na nga ako naka-attend sa meeting tungkol sa mga changes na ito kanina dahil late ko na nabalitaan. At ang tumatak sa utak ko na tinext ni Aubu; “E2 n b ang last sign na cnsbi mu? hehe”.
Totoo ba ang signs? Naniniwala ba talaga ako dito o gusto ko lang talaga siyang paniwalaan? Isang sandigan sa mga desisyon na hindi magawa kaya sa signs na lang umaasa. Isang kathang-isip na nagpasalin-salin sa henerasyon.
Madalas naman, tayo ang nagse-set ng signs, tayo ang nag-iinterpret at tayo rin ang gumagawa ng aksyon tungkol dito. Kapag pabor sa gusto natin, susundin natin. Kapag hindi natin trip ang lumabas na sign, iisipin natin na hindi pa iyon ang sign na hinihintay natin at patuloy na maghihintay sa sign na hiniling natin.
Naisip ko tuloy na state of mind lang ang signs. Gawa-gawa ng mga taong walang makapitan. Pag-asa ng taong takot. Paniniwala ng mga taong indecisive. Ka-kornihan ng mga hopeless romantic. Kaadikan ng taong walang magawa sa buhay.
Pero kahit ganon, gusto ko siyang paniwalaan. Gusto kong makita ang 3rd and last sign.
Ayon sa Serendipity: Is the absence of sign a sign?
things in life are going pretty well right now. there is a possibility for it all crashing down, but until then, here’s a list of things i’m happy about and thankful for:
1) first trader joe’s check is officially deposited into bank account. *relief*
2) gossip girl and glee. ESPECIALLY glee. i seem to have a natural affinity for tv shows beginning with ‘g’ (let us not forget the continuing obsession with gilmore girls…)
3) TWO amazing interviews for what is essentially my (post-sem entry-level) dream job (in minnesota). faith-based advocacy at the minnesota legislature? a salary that means i can pay off my loans and live somewhere and eat and even maybe get a haircut AND from time to time go out to eat? a job that utilizes my degree and is intellectually and spiritually stimulating? damn. I’LL TAKE IT. (now can you just offer it to me? please?)
4) dinner with other post-sem unionites tuesday night. a huge breath of crisp, fresh, lovely air, omfg. conversation included: poor lost coco the cocker spaniel, suburban epicopal churches, evaluation of minneapolis, the gay nineties, young ministers in the tc, missing (and not-so-much missing) union… it sounds maybe just like a normal evening with friends. but to me, it felt like this:
Data Coordinator (temp to perm position) – Atlanta, GA
Exciting opportunity!
Job Purpose:
Work with the Education Leadership Group and education specialist in each Division to maximize use of Tessitura software, manage education database, track report and analyze education data, set policy that ensures the long term accuracy, efficiency and retrievability of recorded data. Coordinates the collection, storage and retrieval of education program activity data. Submits accurate and complete reports for funders, program managers as needed.
Essential Duties/Responsibilities:
Supervise the input of data in the Tessitura database for Education Initiatives; provide support to other users in Division education departments.
Implement database policy and procedures for users. Articulate database requirements to staff.
Train Education department Tessitura users in appropriate data entry and maintenance procedures.
Responsible for maintaining the integrity of the database through consistent coding and data entry practices.
Work with Information Services and technical support specialists for table maintenance and template design. Resolve any programming errors and work on reports for our application of Tessitura.
Responsible for developing checks and balances to ensure data integrity, and for the streamlining and continued progressive usage of Tessitura for tracking education records.
Works with education program team to develop projects and track specific data in Tessitura, and assist Tessitura users as needed with complex queries, data entry, reports, custom Crystal reports, exports or any other Tessitura task.
Responsible for consistent system improvements to maximize the use of Tessitura’s capabilities and tools.
Run queries and provide data for use in contract, grant and internal proposals and reports.
Documents all systems and processes used to collect, maintain and report on education activity.
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required.
Skills and Abilities:
Advanced computer proficiency in databases, SQL including optional modules, global changes, security and overall administration.
Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, and Outlook.Working knowledge of other data formats and programs including CSV, tab-delimited, Microsoft Access, and Crystal Reports.
Proven analytical skills, reporting experience, and with ability to analyze trends and draw conclusions.
Excellent organization and management skills.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to handle multiple responsibilities in a calm and efficient manner; high level of self-direction, self-motivation, and ability to set goals and priorities.
Ability to interpret a variety of instructions in both verbal and written format.
Skilled in establishing and maintaining effective and cooperative work relationships.
For immediate consideration for the Data Coordinator opportunity, send your resume and salary requirements to the attention of Terri Jones via email –
This blog is about me and my life. You may not me be interested. That’s okay, you don’t have to read it. Have a happy day anyway (:
I have a new motto:
Daily Quote: ‘If you are good at something, never do it for free’. – ‘The Joker’ from Batman The dark Knight
And it proves to work really well. I am saving money to buy a guitar. I have applied for a job, for which the interview should be coming week. Untill then, I am trying to find new ways of making money, and this motto helps. I am quite good at writing, and my fellow classmates have noticed. I always get great marks for any writing assignment, and people have always joked about paying me for them. This has now become reality. I got payed 12 bucks to write 2 stories, and that took me about an hour.
Second important thing when saving, is not spending any money. If you don’t spend, you save, and that is what we are doing here.
Another great way of making money (at my school at least) is lending money. People need money or want money to buy a coke or a sandwich, and they lend it from me. I ask a little more back per day it takes for them to give me back my money. With forgetful people, this changes 2 buck into 5 bucks in 2 weeks time. The great thing is, that you don’t have to do ANYTHING at all. You can take as many loans at the same time, untill your clients go bankrupt. It’s a pocket-size America.
This is actually the first blog I have really made about my own life. Okay, perhaps my second. I will make this a new category, called lifeblogs. I hope you like it. It is very different from what I usually do, but I find it nice to share my everyday experiences as well.
She’s trying to get a job. Even if it is with the WoW team, she’s trying to get in the industry, something I’d like to do myself once I finish school. I think all of us know where she’s coming from in some way shape or form, and hope she gets what she seeks. At the very least we have to admire the dedication.
Edit: Ahem, I believe the author is a female… *twiddles thumbs and whistles innocently*
A recent post by The Trench Warrior and the subsequent comments have made me think about this. In fact one of my co-workers had a discussion about how the mentally ill are treated in the health care setting.
Many times, people who suffer from a pervasive mental illness get treated less then compassionately by nurses and possibly even some doctors. There is no tolerance for their strange behaviors. And God forbid if they haven’t been compliant with their psych meds in addition to having a medical issue!
The interesting thing is that if a person comes in for uncontrolled diabetes, or coronary artery disease in the setting of morbid obesity, smokers who have COPD, etc. there tends not to be the angry, bitter reaction. Those are conditions that are negatively impacted by a patient’s social setting, much like someone with mental illness.
If you are diabetic and have no insurance or bad insurance it can be exceedingly difficult to get your medications and testing supplies. Guess what? The same is true if you’re mentally ill.
If you’re poor and live in a bad neighborhood, it’s going to be difficult for you to afford fresh fruits and vegetables (or have a store close enough that actually sells that type of item) and your neighborhood may not be safe enough for you to walk for exercise. And, health clubs, forget about it! And guess what, you’re probably more likely to be obese and have the problems associated with it. The mentally ill don’t have a community that supports them (typically), and that negatively affects their outcomes.
I’m not sure that I can come up with an equivalency for a smoker with COPD and the mentally ill. Fellow social workers, feel free to help me out in the comments.
Anyway…my point? My co-worker and I were laughing ruefully, thinking, “What would those unsympathetic health care professionals say if we walked into the obese by-pass patient and said ‘Hey you fat bastard, you need to put down the chips and get your ass off the couch!’?” Unfortunately a few would probably praise our intervention. But, there would be others that would be horrified at our lack of compassion for and understanding of the patient’s medical issues. It’s just too bad that they can’t see their lack of compassion towards the mentally ill is really the same thing.
I dag tegnede mit hjerte mønstre på et stykke papir, så jeg ved nu at jeg lever. Endda uden at have ondt nogen steder.
Jeg fik også taget blodprøver til tjek af blodsukker og kolesterol. På mandag skal jeg til en samtale med en læge før jeg skal begynde på noget motion af en slags. Det ser jeg frem til at komme i gang med. De næste fire måneder skal jeg to gange om ugen til træning i en times tid ad gangen.
Da jeg var på vej fra hospitalet til bussen kom jeg forbi en cykelhandler. Nu har jeg købt cykel. Helt ny. Med cykelkurv. Og dynamo i nav-lygter. Og 7 indvendige gear. Og godkendt lås. Jeg købte så en anden godkendt lås. U med en tværpind, så jeg kan låse den fast til noget nagelfast. Jeg kom forbi en Silvan på vej hjem, så jeg købte også tre hængelåse og en tre meters 6 mm stålkæde, som skal gennem hjulene og stellet og rundt om noget nagelfast. Så cyklen bliver låst tre gange. Tag dén, cykeltyv. I dit fjæs, dér!
Men faktisk begyndte dagen med en læge-aftale. Socialrådgiveren sagde jo at jeg havde en depression, hvilket jeg jo mener er helt i skoven. Stress og depression er altså ikke det samme, men hvis hun kan smøre min sygdom af på en depression og en lidt turbulent fortid med skilsmisse og spontan abort, så slipper hun jo for at forholde sig til at der er noget galt i organisationen. Men jeg fik 4 point i alt. For at have en tvivlsom depression skal man op på 13 point. Så hun kan bare slappe heeeelt af. Blandemaskine.
I morgen skal jeg til Køge for at skrive opgave og siden til øen min. Jeg kommer nok hjem igen lørdag, men lidt har også ret.
PhindMe Mobile ( and its products such as Everywhereigo ( enables brands, businesses, marketing agencies and others to create mobile web sites and applications for all types of phones. Their content tools give designers the ability to create image-rich designs for phones that support it, and basic sites for others. The tools integrate all types of social media, as well as text message marketing, mobile landing pages, registration forms, maps and more. PhindMe is located in Drexel University’s Baiada Center at 3225 Arch Street, an incubator that provides great experience for students who are interested in starting their own business and working with other start ups.
The Details:
Candidate will support the design and development of demo and production mobile web sites and desktop web sites. This will include the design and layout of the site, and the coding of the CSS and HTML using PhindMe’s tools. The candidate will also be involved in the design of print materials, logo creation, online tutorials and more. Past co-ops have walked away with a number of great additions to their portfolio and an understanding of HTML, CSS, Social Media, and Mobile Web Apps. You will also be integrated into a young and energetic startup with exposure to many other business elements.
Skills Required:
• You have a track record of meeting and exceeding your goals
• Computer skills required: Photoshop, Illustrator, Powerpoint, Word, Excel
• Preferred Computer skills: CSS, HTML
• You have a strong interest in technology
What We Offer:
• Fast moving and fun work environment
• Education and skill development: CSS, HTML, mobile web apps, and marketing through mobile devices
• Direct access to founders and c-level executives
• Exposure to many areas of entrepreneurial business
• Support in building your resume and portfolio with important experiences for your future
The position is unfortunately unpaid, but is compensated by the experiences and next-generation skills you will receive while executing real-world deliverables.
Applicants should send resumes to
I just saw the 1 hour season primiere of House a while ago. It was well… I’m not sure, I need to see more episodes before I can decide whether or not I like it. I’m torn both ways, on one hand I was kinda upset on how I didn’t get much back story to how he ended up where he is. While on the other hand, I’m still glad I can identify with someone to help me feel a little bit more normal.
Anyway, I have a job orientation tomorrow so I hope that goes well. Btw, check out my pic below, I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.
Well today has been the day for shitty sad tv shows.
First Belle died on Home and Away. I, I kid you not, was almost crying. I got all teary eyed and sniffly but stopped short of actually crying. It was just lucky that it wasn’t actually all that sad the way she died. I mean yes, it was sad, but it wasn’t as dramatic as I thought it would have been.
Then on ER it was about the chief’s son dying, and this other little girl almost dying. And it was just pure aw. I didn’t cry though. I just felt sad.
I know, you’re probably thinking, cmon it’s just a tv show. But the fact of the matter is, that while it is just a tv show, that type of stuff is happening all the time in reality, to people you don’t know, and even people you do. It’s hard not to develop a connection, no, bond is the word I’m looking for, a bond with a tv show character, if you’re regularly watching that show, because you see them go through the good and the bad, you get angry when they do stupid stuff and happy when they do something they should’ve done 10 episodes ago. Okay, when I say you, it probably only applies to me. Haha I should really stop watching so much shit tv.
I find that I don’t usually cry in movies. Unless it is really sad. Wait no, I cried in Cinderalla Story for some reason. And that one with Hilary Duff. And the animated one about the bear. And King Kong. And Homeward Bound. Okay. So maybe I do cry in movies. What was my point? I’m not sure… And with books, especially the ones which create such an atmosphere that you feel like you are there in the story, watching all of the events unfold, books especially, because you create the sound of their voice and the image of their expressions and actions in your mind, can be real tearjerkers I’ve found.
The point of this post was lost sometime ago when I realised I needed to write on my dad’s birthday card and make a voucher. We bought him a car stereo and my gift to him is helping him to install it.
I need to go to sleep now. Getting up early tomorrow.
Poor blog is suffering from my busy life at the moment. I promise a decent post in the near future!! *huggles blog*
team meeting at Hell Pizza tomorrow. should find out lots of stuff re: employment.
am going to purchase percussion type instruments, including finger cymbals, for my gypsy character to play at st wolfgangs. and for me OOC to amuse myself with.. xD
Tomorrow, or I guess considering it’s past midnight it’s today, I go back to work. I feel like I haven’t gotten a break since Sunday, September 13th. This is insane! I worked Monday-Thursday last week 11-7:30PM, Friday I volunteered in the Cancer Center from 9-1PM then worked 4-8PM, Saturday I babysat from 6:30PM-9:30PM, and Sunday I babysat from 2-7PM. I have barely even had time to breathe. Wish me luck, dear readers. I’ll need it this week if I’m going to stay awake on the job.
Avalla-Distributor of Nutrimetics USA ~~ Avalla – the sole Distributor of Nutrimetics products in the USA, based in Houston, Tx. offers a dynamic multi level direct selling opportunity through one-on-one facials and pampering spa demonstrations, salons, fitness centers, weight loss centers or other businesses.
Nutrimetics by Avalla Products ~ The Nutrimetics by Avalla products are all natural, pure, safe, effective, long lasting and affordable without mineral oil, petroleum, alcohol, irritants/fragrance, chemicals, coal tar or shoe polish and CRUELTY FREE for the last 50 yrs. Hypoallergenic, full product range for all skin types – there are 7 skin care lines for dry skin, oily skin, problem skin, senstive skin, anti-aging line, apricot for teenage skin and a green tea skin care line. It is the #1 cosmetics company in Australia, New Zealand, #2 in France and expanding in the USA and Canada. It offers the world’s premier(50 yr old) botanical line of skin care, makeup, anti-aging and wellness products for the whole family.
The latest products include a weight loss liquid supplement taken before bed called Trim (coming in November 2009) Trim Pops (lollipops to reduce cravings) and aloe pomegranate concentrated liquid supplement. Other wellness products currently available include zeolife (a zeolite volcanic mineral in a vegetable based capsule that works as a sponge in the body to attract free radicals that cause illness and diseases to naturally remove them to boost immune system, increase energy and stamina, reduces digestive problems, improves muscle and joint disorders, helps prostate and diabetes problems), TriVB – a sublinqual vitamin loaded with the important B vitamins necessary to reduce illnesses like anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and more. Rooibos tea from the South African Red Bush contains minerals and antioxidants to ease digestion, insomnia, mild depression, nervous tension and also fights free radicals. One teabag makes 8 cups of tea!
The Avalla/Nutrimetics Business Opportunity ~ Determine your own schedule, income, bonuses, commissions, free trips, gifts, recogntion, fun and friendships to create the lifestyle you dream of with the Avalla Opportunity Plan unrivaled in our industry! Earn 10-40% of sales as an Avalla/Nutrimetics consultant, become a Distributor to earn 40% of sales – our opportunity plan makes each level achievable with consistency and taking ACTION ! YOU determine what you want from your home business and you can get help to achieve YOUR goals whether it’s to add an additional $500/month working 2-3 hrs/day for 2-3days a week or full time to replace a lost income. You won’t be pushed into doing anything you don’t want to do – it’s your business and you make the rules. The more you sell, the more you earn. Earn enough to get your own products free or earn more for the additional income. Begin to share the opportunity if you want to become a leader to earn residual income for the future and retirement. Weekly conference calls from the President, emails and as much training as you need/want. Our President , Pam Dean even goes to cities across North America to assist consultants and distributors with training.
Startup Cost ~ $29 to Join includes literature, 5 product catalogues, 5 sales brochures, order book, 4 point training manual and materials, free 2 month personal webpage to assist your online store marketing, Avalla logo pin and more. Choose the products you want for demo/yourself for 40% off on your 1st order. Just around $100 gets you started, tax deductible as business expenses.
For more information or questions contact:
Cindy Sarbak RN BSN
Skin Care Specialist/Distributor
Avalla ~ sole Distributor of Nutrimetics in the USA and Canada or
one of the biggest realizations that i took away from my job search, negative as it may sound, is “people are freakin’ RUDE!” i was stood up for not one, but two phone interviews with the same company (not to mention that this same place also “forgot” to confirm an in-person interview…), and was asked by one employer “why are you looking for a job?” i mean, REALLY?
but perhaps the worst offense – and it happens all too often these days – is essentially getting the silent treatment from a company you’ve taken the time out of your day (and money out of your pocket!) to interview with..and in some cases, more than once! plus, with e-mail, it’s even easier for hiring managers to simply ignore your requests for updates on the hiring process. yes, it’s awful, and the way i see it, completely unacceptable. but on the bright side, you don’t want to work for jerks anyways, do you? and like the title says, there’s a whole lot of them out there. so, what do you do? kill ‘em (more accurately, annoy them!) with kindness. if you don’t get a response to your thank you e-mail after an interview, send another a week later. and the week after that, just being sweet as pie and expressing your continued interest in the job. at the very least, you’ll gain the satisfaction of knowing that you were persistent – and probably bugged the heck out of the grouch that couldn’t give you the simple courtesy of a yes or no answer.
I will try to explain as well as I can what this job implies and you’ll see after this letter whether or not to apply for the job. Personally, I think it was both good and bad but I’ll concentrate on what you want to know.
First, you can’t expect to get this job and just do adventure sports for free. It’s much more than that! You have to be ready for a lot of paperwork. My first day at the job, I had no chance to do anything else besides paperwork.
Iimproving your English is the most you’ll get out of this job. You’ll have to help people of different nationalities and I found it not only useful but satisfying as well to explain different things to people from all over the world. My English really started to improve!
I also had to organize a presentation for some important English visitors. It was a really challenging and useful experience. I learned a lot from preparing it and showing it to them on both my language and my presentation skills.
So, you’re probably thinking “But what about sports?”. Well my friend, it seems that you won’t be able to do so much sports but don’t worry, after 3 weeks I got to go canoeing!
Life is getting a lot more interesting! I got a phone call this morning and it was from a friend of mine who found out about a job opening in a law office. I have an interview tomorrow! I am so excited. I am really ready to be a member of the working class, even if it is only part-time.
The town that the law office is in is an ideal place to work. It’s a college town and the office is in the downtown proper area. It’s actually a few blocks from my old stomping ground when I was first in college.
The practice is a criminal defense practice. It’s not an area that I have thought of actually working in, but it is one that interests me. In fact, it’s the area that first piqued my interest in the law field.
So there you have it, my latest and most interesting update. I will post again soon, hopefully with a title of WordPress’s newest employed blogger!
I meet my little kid Friday. (I’ll be helping someone data collect for their child until I get my own.)
I’m nervous as hell.
Otherwise, things are moving along swimmingly. I have lots of things to do. I look forward to this part of our lives being over so much. This will all be over one day. One day. (It echoes in my head like an empty cave… “one day… one day… one dayyyyy”) Shit, man. I have become so much stronger because of this ordeal; I’m starting to see it now. This is going to make everything in my life from here on out easy as pie.
RVNL Career Jobs | | Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Recruitment 2009
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited publishes job vacancy notification for Technical Executives as well Dy General Managers. There is also walkin interview for Technical Assistant. Click the link below to Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Recruitment Notice Sept 2009 and download the application forms: Read More From Orginal Site
Another song reference… The Rasmus’ ‘First Day of my Life‘.
Today marks five months since I started my internship at UNEP. And it also marks the end of my internship. I go back to school next week. And it has been an interesting 5 months. The weird thing is, I still feel like I did the first day I came here… Like all the while I’ve been here is one gigantic circle… I have come full circle.
I ahve met some interesting people, from all sorts of places, Siaya, Mexico, Ireland, just over there in Parklands, Machakos, Canada and all sorts of other places…
I was horribly awkward to begin with. This was an internship, not a real job. But that didn’t make it any easier to do. First, I imposed a dress code upon myself. Shirts and ties. So much so that it was generally assumed that that’s what they expected me to wear… Then there was the fact that despite being an environmental job, it just involved sitting at a computer all day, typing away, tagging documents to make a pretty decent output site for environmental assessment documents. And test-driving an eLearning system for the environment as well. Good stuff.
With time, I settled in, I learned the names of the guys in the office, and we even went out for lunch and *kinda* got drunk on day 1… There was wine, it had to be finished. That was quite a welcome.
On to the serious stuff, that was done with trepidation first. While I was jazzed to get my job description and having something to do, having just witnessed a strike from the inside that effectively ended my higher education, for a while at least, there was the sheer mass of unknown that came with this internship, like how I was to work right across the corridor from my mother, and how I was in a position of responsibility unlike any i have held before, a regular day job. So with the newness came the neophobia, the fear of all things new. But slowly, like concrete, I settled. And it felt… right. Like I was made for this gig…
So I left for 3 or so weeks to go back to school to do exams, and it was weird. Like I had worked, and I had found something I was good at. School was supposed to be the great unifier between what I want to achieve and what I have. Like my skills are what will put food on the table. but somewhere along the way, I realized I had found something I was good at, making a bit of money from it, and I realized I actually quite detested being in school. people I can’t relate with, a course that makes sense some times, other times it just contradicts itself, and other times it’s just plain boring. i get bored very easily. I need constant stimulation. And I found that school provides very little of that. So I got into other things, to challenge myself and get the gears in the old brain turning.
So I finally found something that gets me stimulated and thinking and using my brain, and now I have to say goodbye to it, as I go back to school… Alas, you can’t have it all, it seems. So it’s back to the books, back to the grind.
I shall miss this place.
I went back to the Taguig gig (refer to previous post) to finish my written exam. Lo and behold, I saw a familiar name on the building’s guard’s log book. When I stepped inside the room, there she was!
Turned out that she also applied for the writer position. She had gone there ahead of me and it looked like she already snagged the job. She was saying something about contract signing. Anyway, I was happy because it won’t be that difficult to adjust to my new job should I get in and decide to work there because I already have one friend.
Regarding the tests, I took some IQ tests, yanno, the typical verbal reasoning test. Argh, the only part where I messed up was the (surprise, surprise) arithmetic! I had to solve complex arithmetic under 5 minutes! Toward the end of the time limit I was already guessing the answer but I still left 10 questions hanging when the time limit popped on my face. Before the online exam, I got interviewed by The essay part was somehow hard, because of the time limit, not the topic. But I know I did well, so there… I hope I become a The Fort resident soon.
Tomorrow, I plan to file my 2-day absence as sick leaves. I hope the HR would buy my “I was under the weather” alibi. Haha.
Maybe you should kill yourself. What good are you, really? What have you done worth doing? What important thing are you likely to do? If you are ever going to do anything important there would have been signs of it by now. Can you draw? Are you interested in science? Are you better than anybody else at anything? No? Well, then you are of no practical value. What the other kinds of value?
Are you funny? Sometimes you can improve morale, or make people temporarily happy. This is a gift, kind of like a super-power. If you find that you can make people feel good then you are important. Take an antidepressant. If you find that nobody really likes you, or even knows who you are, you might want to consider if that beam in the attic is strong enough to hold your weight.
Are you hot? If people want to have sex with you then you have appeal. Again this is another example of making people feel good. With-hold the sex and they will fantasize, thus making sex with you into a magical and wonderful experience. You can get all kinds of shit just based on the fact that people want you. You are giving somebody something to long after which is like giving them a goal, a purpose in life. This, too is like a super-power. Your average person has never known what it is to be wanted, desperately.
Are you abnormally stupid? This means that you will be of value to people with agendas. If you can work, you can be exploited, if you can vote, you can be manipulated, if you have working orifices you can be used for pleasure. The dumber you are the more useful you are, the way cows are useful for meat.
Are you prone to violence? Then, like a Pit-Bull, you can be trained to serve the state with your brutal proclivity. Most people are timid and unwilling to risk being hurt. This puts you at an advantage as well as provides you with a skill they lack.
Everybody else, all the mediocre people striving to prove themselves worthy by working hard at jobs they don’t particularly enjoy, who are only attractive to other people with limited options because their options are limited, who are smart enough to be fearful but not smart enough to know exactly what they should be afraid of, they need to kill themselves. You all should at least consider it.
We hear about protests and walks held all over the world to demand equal rights for women. The point to ponder over here is “rights equal to what?”. A logical answer that we hear is “rights equal to men” or that “men and women should have equal rights”. From this one thing is clear that women all over the world demand rights equal to men.
Here in Pakistan women are demanding equality in opportunity and representation in parliament, jobs etc etc. But when we say “equal rights for men and women” we also mean that men should have rights equal to women. Instead of going on a higher level to see if equal rights are being practiced lets keeps this discussion to what we see and experience in everyday life.
Scenario 1
A bank. Long queue. All men. And suddenly the door opens and a woman enters. Passing by the queue as if it was never there, she goes straight to the counter. The guy at the counter acts the same way and ignoring the long queue that has been there for hours he takes the bills from the lady and returns her the receipt. The people in the queue keep protesting but the guy at the counter calmly replies
“khatoon hain” (she was a woman)
Where did the equal rights and the demand for them go all of a sudden?! What about the people in the queue that have been standing there for hours? Wasn’t it their right to pay the bills first?
The same biased attitude is seen at all counters.
Scenario 2
Economics class in a university. The same old boring lecture being delivered by the teacher with full enthusiasm. As usual the students busy in their own stuff. The teacher notices a student teasing the other and the other punching him back. He screams at them and kicks them both out of the class. Five minutes later two girls of the same class discussing their crushes and giggling. The teacher ignores once. Twice. Thrice. And then…!!!
“beta, aise nai karain buri baat, shukriya!” (please don’t do this, thank you!)
Why?! Weren’t they supposed to be kicked out too for disturbing the class?! Where did the equal rights go?!
The same biased attitude can be observed at the start of the class when students come late.
Why do you think a teacher that treats both the genders equally is hated by women? Because these teachers don’t treat them like VIPs.
Scenario 3
A “Noori” concert. A hardcore fan hears of it and calls the given phone number to inquire about the tickets. The guy at the other end gives all the details and in the end states “this concert is only for GIRLS and couples”.
Wtf!!! “This concert is only for couples” is fair but where did the GIRLS come in from?! Are they some superior creature that a guy can’t enter the arena without being accompanied by one of them?!
Where did the equal rights go?!
The above three examples are only three of the many examples where men face injustice daily. Equal rights have to be established in daily life before being implemented on the level that women demand.
Do you see the catch here? Zip it where the women are being treated as VIPs and go out in protest wherever there is a chance to grab a little more of the favors.
I am sure you all have seen these “equal rights” protests. What do you see?
Women coming straight from beauty parlors to protest? Wearing those branded shades and arriving in driver driven cars? Carrying those 30k cell phones and afterwards going to Marriott to celebrate the success of the protest? What rights are they talking about? The right to leave their children alone at home while they go about attending these social gatherings labeled as “protests”? The right to leave their husbands at the mercy of servants for lunch?
I am sure a lot of you are thinking about the rights that women are deprived of. Let me state some of them for you.
1. Right to do work and earn willingly.
2. Right to education.
3. Right to go out with friends.
4. Right to be treated equally at the workplace.
5. Right to be not teased and followed.
These usually are the main demands in these protests, right?
The first three points are anyone’s private family problems. There are women and girls who study, who work and who go out with friends. If there is a restriction on your leaving home, discuss it at your place. Why road when you have your dad or brother at home to discuss these problems with? Do u go out protesting about your arguments at home? No!
The fourth point is pretty valid. But there is a reason for it. Can women stay at the office after their routine office hours? Can they stay at the office for night duties? No. So care is taken and they are assigned the jobs that they can afford to perform. The same reason goes for all the practical jobs which have a lower percentage of women.
Point five is also valid. There always are good and bad people in the society. Doing of one person can’t be put on all. But the major reason for it in my opinion is as follows. Simple. The more unique the thing, the more it attracts attention. The more women try to hide from the society, the more the society will chase them. Why is “Cinepax” the center of attention of the twin cities? Because it is the only cinema in 400 km radius! Get it?
Yet there are women who do jobs, then come home to serve their families. They themselves teach their children. They themselves do all the household chores. They manage all the grocery and even go to market to get them. Yet we don’t hear them talk about “being deprived of rights”. We just hear them talking about “doing their duties”. They don’t fancy going out for those social gathering labeled as “equality of rights protests”. They would rather spend time with their families and keep the family together. These women include my mom and your mom. These are the women who deserve a break. These are the women who deserve the right to be assisted. These are the women that truly deserve to be the recipients of all the rights and respect in the world.
I am sure many of you will disagree with the article. Your comments are welcome.
Wie gehe ich eine Bewerbung an? Anbei einige Tipps:
1. Zunächst sich die Frage stellen: Warum bewerbe ich mich überhaupt auf diese Position? Entspricht sie meinen Fähigkeiten und Neigungen?
2. Viel Informationen über den potentiellen Arbeitgeber einholen (z.B. über das Internet). Dies hilft, die Stelle besser einzuschätzen, und es macht sich gut im Bewerbungsgespräch.
3. Schnell reagieren. Erst darüber nachdenken, ob diese Stelle einen wirklich anspricht, dann aber entschlossen handeln und den Bewerbungsprozess starten. Auf Rückfragen schnell reagieren.
4. Im Kopfe durchgehen: Warum sollen die mich einstellen? Was habe ich zu bieten? Die Situation aus dem Blickwinkel des Arbeitgebers zu betrachten hilft oft, gute Antworten zu finden.
5. Kurz fassen und auf den Punkt kommen. Lebensläufe werden oft in sehr kurzer Zeit “gescreent”, wenn die Information sehr unübersichtlich ist und sich über Seiten erstreckt, kann man hier schon aussortiert werden.
6. Formelle Aspekte beachten. Welche Informationen sind gefragt? Welche Unterlagen werden verlangt? Aus dem Auswahlverfahren herauszufallen, weil die Bewerbung schon unvollständig ist, ist ein vermeidbarer Fehler.
Übrigens sollte man auch bei einer Bewerbung über das Internet nicht allzu formlos vorgehen.
7. Auf Qualität der Unterlagen achten. Gerade bei einer schriftlichen Bewerbung darauf achten, dass die Qualität von Ausdrucken, Kopien und Fotos gut sind. Der erste Eindruck zählt!
8. Nachfassen. Wenn man nach einer Woche nichts gehört hat, darf man durchaus mal nachfragen, wie der Stand hinsichtlich der Bewerbung ist. Es ist eher eine Bekundung von Interesse, und kann helfen, dass man positiv auffällt.
9. Wenn eine Absage erfolgt: Auch hier gilt: Nachfassen. Manchmal kann man das Blatt noch umdrehen, z.B. weil ein anderer Bewerber kurzfristig abgesagt hat, oder weil etwas übersehen wurde. In jedem Fall darf man nach dem genauen Grund der Absage fragen, etwa mit dem Hinweis darauf, dass man es in Zukunft besser machen will. Aber immer freundlich bleiben!
10. Wenn es nicht gleich klappt…Initiativbewerbung! Öffentlich ausgeschriebene Stellen erreichen 1000nde oder gar 10.000nde von interessierten Bewerbern. Es wird dann immer einen geben, der besser qualifiziert ist, über besserere Erfahrungen verfügt, usw. Wer eine Initiativbewerbung startet, d.h. unaufgefordert bei einem Unternehmen vorstellig wird, hat den großen Vorteil, dass er gleich jegliche Konkurrenz ausgeblendet hat.
LV70 : 1 in Shark Wave (1)
LV71: 2 in Shark Wave (3), 1 in Sparks (1)
LV72: 3 in Shark Wave (6)
LV73: 3 in Shark Wave (9)
LV74: 3 in Shark Wave (12)
LV75: 3 in Shark Wave (15)
LV76: 3 in Shark Wave (18)
LV77: 3 in Shark Wave (21)
LV78: 3 in Critical Shot (3)
LV79: 3 in Critical Shot (6)
LV80: 3 in Critical Shot (9)
LV81: 3 in Critical Shot (12)
LV82: 3 in Critical Shot (15)
LV83: 3 in Critical Shot (18)
LV84: 2 in Critical Shot (Maxed), 1 in Sparks (2)
LV85: 3 in Sparks (5)
LV86: 3 in Sparks (8)
LV87: 3 in Sparks (11)
LV88: 3 in Sparks (14)
LV89: 3 in Sparks (17)
LV90: 3 in Sparks (Maxed)
LV91: 3 in Shark Wave (24)
LV92: 3 in Shark Wave (27)
LV93: 3 in Shark Wave (Maxed)
LVs 94-99: Save 3SP (18)
LV100: 20 in Barrage (Maxed), 1 in Knuckle Booster (12)
LV101: 3 in Knuckle Booster (15)
LV102: 3 in Knuckle Booster (18)
LV103: 2 in Knuckle Booster (Maxed), 1 in Transform (1)
LV104: 3 in Transform (4)
LV105: 3 in Transform (7)
LV106: 3 in Transform (Maxed)
LVs 107-109: Save 3SP (9)
LV110: 11 in Wind Booster (11), 1 in Energy Drain (1)
LV111: 3 in Energy Drain (4)
LV112: 3 in Energy Drain (7)
LV113: 3 in Energy Drain (10)
LV114: 3 in Energy Drain (13)
LV115: 3 in Energy Drain (16)
LV116: 3 in Energy Drain (19)
LV117: 1 in Energy Drain (Maxed), 2 in Shockwave (2)
LV118: 3 in Shockwave (5)
LV119: 3 in Shockwave (8)
LV120: 3 in Shockwave (11)
This build is simple, everything is maxed but Wind Booster and Shockwave (Shockwave is useless on Strikers), 11 Wind Booster gives the +2 attack bonus, Shockwave won’t help because at this level your main attacks should be Shark Wave (which takes over the job of what Shockwave and Dragon Strike would do for a Viper) and Barrage, also Transform can be maxed at level 91-93 instead of Shark Wave (which means swapping them around and pushing everything 1SP foward into the next level).
Hmm, what do these grandfather clocks (and three others not pictured) have in common? Give up? They were all dismantled by me — and my partner in time.
We traveled to Savannah over the weekend (a little recon work, ya know ) to pick up the display pieces following a Badcock furniture trade show. We were on clock duty, Ridgeway grandfather clock duty. I took apart the chimes and pendulum. My pal Brad McQueen hoisted the clocks and stuffed them back into their boxes.
Who’s Brad McQueen, you say? The same guy who got me this gig. Yep, great friend. But please, check the technique…
That's the patented Brad McQueen bear hug.
And wanna guess how we were paid? With this:
Yes, for my labor, I am being paid in clocks now. And to be exact, it’s an Everest waterfall floor clock. I could feed you some blustery, writerly baloney on the product, but Ridgeway does a much better job than I could ever muster:
“If you long to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the Everest waterfall floor clock is your perfect solution. Gently cascading water shimmers as it flows down the natural slate tiles and over a bed of river stones, offering the peace and tranquility of a fresh mountain spring. An Aged Bronze finish complements the slate tiles, creating a timepiece that is as beautiful as it is unique. The suspended slate dial, features carved hour markers and tapered black hands. To further enhance the experience, water flow is adjustable and a bottom mounted halogen light illuminates the fountain for added ambiance.”
Also: IT’S FOR SALE!!! Normally, a handsome piece such as the EVEREST WATERFALL FLOOR CLOCK retails for $1200 (seriously, look it up). But we’re willing to let it go for $700.
That’s right, we’re slashing prices at!!! So act now, this offer won’t last long (I hope)!!!*
*Yes, this is a genuine offer. Please contact me for additional details.
Job 13:7 Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him?
What is remarkable when we start thinking about the things we find in this book, is the shear variety of topics that arise. This book is uniquely made up of the words of a variety of people – and of God. It is all about words, all about discussion and debate. It is all about opinion, viewpoints and beliefs. Yet isn’t this exactly what life is so made of, the interaction between human beings. However, when it comes to Christians, we find a unique characteristic arising – a willingness, if not responsibility to speak on God’s behalf. What a responsibility we find ourselves with, therefore, as we speak into the world as His representatives. Let’s see how this arises here.
Job has just been speaking about the sovereignty of God. He knows that all that is happening is of God; it is no accident. So he continues, “My eyes have seen all this, my ears have heard and understood it.” (13:1). It’s all right, he seems to be saying, I understand what is going on, and then he adds what he said at the beginning of chapter 12, “What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you.” (v.2). In other words, you’re not the only ones who know these things. I am aware of God’s greatness and how He moves (implied by previous verses). But he has a desire: “But I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case with God.” (v.3), i.e. but I want to talk to God about all this, I want to chew over all that is going on. That’s where he has got to and we’ll see in the next study, the confidence he has in God to be able to want to do this.
But then he turns on them, the three friends. He expected something better from them. He is disappointed by their responses to him: “You, however, smear me with lies; you are worthless physicians, all of you!” (v.4). It’s like he says, “Sorry guys, but you haven’t been speaking the truth about me. You’ve been making me out to be a big sinner – and I’m not! I needed help and comfort and all you did is judge and blame me. What a bunch of awful soul doctors you are!” Now that’s pretty challenging. I wonder if people think that of us. Do people in ‘pain’ feel anguish and look for comfort but just find judgmental words? Do they feel put down, demeaned and inferior? Jesus is a staggeringly good example of someone who got alongside people who needed God’s love and help, and didn’t judge them. That’s why the tax collectors and ‘sinners’ came to him. If he had been a judgmental Pharisee they wouldn’t have gone near him. Do people know us as judgmental or loving, caring and accepting? Do people go away from us feeling loved and blessed, or bruised and beaten?
What does this leave Job feeling about what has happened so far? “If only you would be altogether silent! For you, that would be wisdom.” (v.5). He’s saying that because what they said had been wrong and had put him down and left him feeling even more miserable, they would have been better off remaining silent. Yet, he still wants them to understand, he still wants to try to contribute something worthwhile to this fiasco: “Hear now my argument; listen to the plea of my lips.” (v.6) I want to have a say in all this, he says, I want to add some more into what I’ve already said, and when I think about how you’ve spoken I don’t think I could do any worse (implied by what follows). “Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him? Will you show him partiality? Will you argue the case for God?” (v.7,8). Look, he is saying, you have put yourselves forward as those who speak for God but what you have said has not been right. The Message version puts it well here: “are you going to keep on lying ‘to do God a service’? to make up stories ‘to get him off the hook’?” Look, he implies, I know I haven’t done wrong but you are saying God is punishing me and you also say God only punishes people who do wrong. You are not representing Him well!
Then he has another thought and wonders how they would feel if they came under God’s spotlight: “Would it turn out well if he examined you? Could you deceive him as you might deceive men?” (v.9). How well would you do if He questioned you? Would you try to deceive Him and make out that you were trying to speak on His behalf? I think you would be in trouble: “He would surely rebuke you if you secretly showed partiality.” (v.10). If you let your bias against me show, I think you’d find He wouldn’t keep quiet about that! I think you’d be in trouble in His incredible presence: “Would not his splendor terrify you? Would not the dread of him fall on you?” (v.11). I think, he goes on, in God’s presence all your words would be seen to leave nothing but dust at the end of them and all your strong words would appear as weak as clay: “Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay.” (v.12)
As we’ve said, this is a serious challenge to think about the quality of what we say as God’s representatives, and the way we say things. A good prophet in the new covenant knows that even words of correction come with a gentleness that looks to bring change through grace. None of us is on such strong ground that we can blast others with their failures. The new covenant is all about love and restoration, not condemnation. Check it out. How do people feel about how you ‘handle’ them? Do they get drawn to God’s love? Do they feel blessed? Are your words, words of graciousness? Let’s seek to be Jesus to them in this way.
Indiferent daca lucrezi sau nu in vanzari trebuie sa iti dai seama de importanta vanzarii!
Daca nu esti novice in asta si ai mai citit una doua carti de vanzari o sa observi ca cei care le-au scris iti spun tot timpul ca trebuie sa fii nascut pentru asta si ca nu o poti face foarte bine daca nu ai cumva in ADN’ul tau si ceva gene SALES. Numai ca pe masura ce ajungi sa te documentezi in acest domeniu iti dai seama ca oricine o poate face si ca nu e decat o chestiune de exercitiu. Si pentru ca nu poti sa iti testezi mereu clientii ca sa vezi ce abordare te prinde cel mai bine, pentru ca risti sa ramai fara nici un ban, o sa va invat un truc folosit de toti marii vanzatori ai secolului 21.
Dar mai intai o sa va rog sa va ganditi la cele mai pline zile din copilaria voastra.Si cand spun copilarie nu ma refer la liceu si nici macar la zilele din scoala generala, ma refer la zilele din gradinita, cand va alergati prin curtea gradinitei, cand inventati jocuri care va amuzau mai mult decat desenele la televizor, cand intrati in pielea personajului fara absolut nici un fel de retinere,cand erati cine voiati voi sa fiti. Daca ai uitat complet zilele acelea nu ai nici o sansa in vanzari (eu as zice ca nu ai nici o sansa nicaieri) pentru ca trebuie sa iti aduci aminte cum e sa te joci si sa castigi.
E foarte important sa stii sentimentul de castig!Odata ce ai prins “gustul” acestui sentiment o sa iti dai seama ca nu se poate fara.Cei care au vazut filmul “the secret” stiu despre ce vorbesc.E foarte important sa gandesti pozitiv, dar in acelasi timp sa iti dai seama de realitatea din jurul tau.
Trebuie sa vinzi non stop! “Bine, bine da nu ziceai mai devreme ca nu iti permiti luxul de a pierde clientii pana cand reusesti tu sa gasesti cea mai ok modalitate de a vinde?” Pai nu tre sa vinzi produse tot timpul, nici macar servicii, trebuie doar sa vinzi idei.
Se spune ca lumea nu cumpara produse ci cumpara trairi, sentimente….Asta e foarte bine pentru ca inseamna ca tre sa faci cumparatorul sa se simta bine alaturi de tine si ai incheiat deal-ul.D’asta cand vine vorba de retail(adica vanzarile de haine) se aleg de cele mai multe ori persoanele care au un aspect fizic placut, d’asta in telemarketing raman cei cu o voce suava…pentru ca ei au cele mai mari sanse sa creeze starea de bine cumparatorului.
Acum stati si ganditi-va cum putem exersa vanzarea ideilor…pai simplu:) trebuie sa fii Gica Contra.Acesta e un exercitiu pe care eu sugerez sa fie facut cu bun simt si pe o perioada relativ scurta de timp.Esti in grupul tau de prieteni si se discuta sa mergeti la film sau in bar. Sa spunem ca grupul este 50-50, tot ce trebuie sa faci este ca cauti persoana cu cel mai mare debit verbal din grupul opus si sa o convingi ca filmul este cea mai buna alegere pe care poate sa o faca.Esti cu prietena, tu vrei la KFC ea vrea la Spring, trebuie sa o convingi ca mancarea de la spring nu e buna si ca cea mai sanatoasa si hranitoare mancare este la KFC….Sau esti la munca si fiind vineri ai intarziat, tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa iti convingi seful ca nu a fost vina ta, si ca au fost forte care te depasesc care te-au impiedicat sa ajungi la timp la servici.Lista poate continua pana la nesfarsit, ideea care trebuie inteleasa este ca trebuie mereu sa vinzi! trebuie sa iti convigi apropiatii ca ceea ce zici tu e corect si ca este spre binele lor daca te asculta.Nu vreau sa incepem cu tehnici de manipulare atat de devreme, dar da…acestia sunt primii pasi in a reusi in vanzari.O sa ajungeti sa vindeti mai mult decat tot departamentul fara absolut nici un fel de efort, pentru ca in mintea voastra, este puternic intiparita ideea ca a convinge un client sa cumpere x produs este la fel de usor cu a-i spune unui prieten sa iti cumpere un pachet de servetele…
Va las cu o particica dintr-un film premiat la CANNES….Este interesant de observat cum se leaga un raport intre 2 persoane si mai ales modul in care percep ceea ce ii inconjoara.Recomand filmul…e unul din acele filme pe care trebuie sa il vezi.
Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd. (Maharansco)
Employment Advertisement No. 6/2009
Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd., the State Transmission utility of Maharashtra and one of the largest transmission utilities in the State, invites applications from the dynamic, talented and professional persons for the following posts :
Application Fee : Candidates belonging to Open category shall furnish Demand Draft/ Pay Order of the value of Rs.600/- & Rs. 500/- ( as the case may be) and candidates from
Backward Class categories i.e. SC,ST and the candidates belonging to VJ(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), SBC & OBC who are coming under the concept of “Non Creamy Layer” shall furnish Demand Draft/Pay Order of Rs.300/- & Rs. 250/- ( as the case may be) payable to the “Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company, Ltd. Mumbai” (MSETCL) drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai. The demand draft/ pay order should have 6 months validity period..
How to Apply : Applications duly filled in with attested copies of certificates in support of age,qualifications & caste should be submitted to the Post Box No. 27675, Malad (East), Mumbai-400097 only by ordinary post so as to reach on or before 07/10/2009.
For more information and application form, please view
Maharastra State Power Generation Company Limited Invites Application for the post of Jr. Engineer and Sub Engineer
Advertisement No – 08/2009
Post Code
Name of the Post
VJ (A)
NT (B)
NT (C)
NT (D)
Spl. B.C
Junior Engineer
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Sub Engineer
Sub Engineer (Civil)
Qualification : Junior Engineer : Degree in Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation / Mechanical Engineering / Technology of University or Institute in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act. Or State Act. Or any other qualification recognized as equivalent there to. Junior Engineer (Civil) : Degree in Civil Engineering /Technology of a University or Institute in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto. Following disciplines also can be considered depending on specific requirement :- (1) Construction Engineering (2) Construction Technology (3) Structural Soil and Foundation Engineering (4) Construction Technology & Management (5) Construction Engineering & Management. Sub Engineer : Diploma in Electrical / Electronics / Electronics & Power / Electronics & Telecommunications /Instrumentation / Mechanical Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education of Govt. of Maharashtra or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto. Sub Engineer (Civil) : Diploma in Civil Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education of Government of Maharashtra or other qualification recognised as thereto Note-: Candidates Possessing Diploma in Engineering (i.e. Construction Engineering/ Construction Technology may also be considered depending on the specific requirement of such candidates.
Age Limit :
For Jr. Engineer : 35 Years
For Sub Engineer : 33 Years.
The written test will be conducted tentatively during the month of November / December 2009 at centers viz. (1) Mumbai (2) Nagpur (3) Aurangabad (4) Pune (5) Nashik.
Application Fee :
Candidates belonging to Open category shall furnish Demand Draft of six months validity and of the value of RS. 500/-(For post code 04 & 05) Rs.400 (For post code 06 & 07) and candidates from Backward Class categories i.e. SC, ST and the candidates belonging to VJ(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), SBC and OBC who are coming under the concept of “Non-Creamy Layer” shall furnish Demand Draft of Six months validity of Rs.250/- (for post code 04 & 05) and Rs. 200/- (For post code 06 & 07) payable to the “Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited Mumbai” drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai.
Candidates applying under Physically Handicapped Category need not to send Demand Draft, provided they should submit the Medical Certificate from appropriate authority.
How to Apply :
Applications duly filled in with attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualifications and caste should be submitted to the Post Box No 27662, Malad (East) post office, Mumbai 400097 Only by ordinary post so as to reach on or before 30/09/2009.