Thursday, March 18, 2010

Big Big News

Hello dear blog readers,

Yesterday I had a very, very eventful day. (I’ll tell you what I did throughout the day to build anticipation) The day started out with a nice 3 mile run. It was beautiful outside and Hunter was definitely lovin’ it. After we got home, I did arms an abs. Really fun, really important to tell you all (sarcasm). — (It’s important to note that since you may not even know me - you, in turn, may not know my sense of humor. And therefore when you read my days events, you probably think I’m just plain weird. Here’s a hint – it’s not at all riddled with sarcasm. (again, that was sarcasm))

Anyyyways, I spent the afternoon cleaning, doing laundry… yadda yadda. Then I babysat… yeah yeah. AND FINALLY Alex came home. :) We spent some time together and played with the pup before we headed out. We stopped by our normal watering hole and enjoyed some St. Patrick’s Day festivities. It’s really so nice to have him home, but unfortunately it’s short-lived. He’ll be leaving again for two weeks on Sunday. Erg. (I didn’t have my camera last night.. so I don’t have any pictures to post.. sorry!)

So on to the important news. It’s breaking news really, so you are privileged to know! As we were getting in the truck to leave… my cell phone rang. The number wasn’t a person I had stored in my phone. (and for all you people waiting for a job offer/interview you know how important these calls are). So I answered. ANNNNNND it was the company I interviewed with last week. AND guess what?!?!? They want to offer me a position! Woo Woo! It’s still pending while the finish up my background investigation. Assuming that it all goes well — I’ll be starting on April 5th! Yeeeeah! (I don’t want to tell you the company just yet, I’m still afraid I’ll jinx it — but for a hint I’ll be working for an investment firm)

So that’s it. Of course I did other things yesterday, like eat. However, with the breaking news I’m giving you now – it just doesn’t seem right to spoil it with a ham and turkey sandwich.

ADIOS (for now)


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