Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day One, Week One

So today was my first day at the new job – and I gotta say I think it went pretty well. Still lots of little odds and ends to get figured out – but I guess that’s too be expected. The toughest part of first days I find is meeting like a billion people, and feeling like you don’t remember any of their names. The department I work in at the new job is HUGE in comparison to my last job – so I’m hoping I’ll learn over time.

After work I decided to hit the gym, I ran a quick 2.5 miles on the treadmill in about 27 minutes, and then hurried home to catch The Bachelor . I’m 97% sure I know who he picks (I’ve heard rumors) and suffice to say, I’m not happy with his choice. Stupid Jake.

ANNND apparently Kate Gosselin is on DWTS – umm, yah – I knew we’d never get rid of her. Also – Gotta say, having a Pussycat Doll on the show seems a TAD unfair.

In other news, this weekend was a blast – it was so lovely to see my family. I loved every minute of it. Makes me miss them so much more.

When they arrived on Friday – Ryan was working for the day, so I took them out for lunch at a bar & grill called The Amsterdam Rhino nearby, then we wandered around 17th avenue a bit and bought a necessity ….

Mmmm… RED VELVET. <3

My mom and brother were pretty pooped on Friday night from all their Olympic travels, so we stayed in and watched the games on TV, accompanied by wine and homemade Ryan risotto. My mom loved it as much as I did. It was so nice of the boy to whip up his specialty for my family. It turned out to be a pretty exciting night for Canada. We won a boatload of medals …. yeeeaaah.

Saturday morning we slept in a bit and then went out to Smitty’s for breakfast – I had a feta and portobello omelette *I felt like this was one of the better options on the menu health-wise*. Then we headed over to tour around my new place of employment as my mom wanted to check it out. We came home and spent most of the afternoon – which had sunny +8 temperatures – walking around downtown, through Kensington and by the river. I gotta say it was really hard to not join in with all the runners on the river paths on such a gorgeous day. I guarantee the next time a chinook hits – I’ll be out there – such beautiful scenery. Later in the day my brother and Ryan headed out to the Saddledome to watch a Calgary Hitmen game (minor league hockey) – I think they had a blast. Meanwhile, my mom and I did what we do best – SHOP – and eat (sushi to be exact). We had a lovely time and now I can say that I am the proud new owner of …..

Behold The Infamous Power Suit.

Thanks Mom & Dad

Sadly, my mom and brother flew out at 7 am on Sunday (take a guess at what ungodly hour we had to get up at for that one…) because they wanted to make it home in time to watch the final Canada vs. USA hockey team. Canadians … we plan our vacations around hockey games … its entirely normal, lol.

OMG… was that game sooo worth it though – I don’t even watch hockey but that was INSANE. Best Game I’ve Ever Seen. Hands Down. When Crosby scored the winning goal – Ryan actually muted the television and I could hear cars honking and people cheering in the apartments all around us. It was madness. I like to say that this is probably the closest thing to what would happen if Toronto won the Stanley Cup. My dad and Ryan however, did not appreciate the sarcasm.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend, and I’m sooo looking forward to my first week on the job. I’ll promise I’ll keep blog updates as frequent as I can, despite the fact my schedule is going to be a tad busier from now on.

Enjoy your Monday everyone.

[Via http://learningtolivelean.wordpress.com]

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