Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy, beautiful and sad week

this week was great and sucked at the same time.

I took monday and tuesday off since it was älskling’s last week in Stockholm before leaving for Africa next weekend.

We did a lot for the appartement. And i finally got my eyes checked and got some lents !!

Then we made some Mojitos in our tiny kitchen !!!

Then on wednesday we went to the south of Sweden.

Kristianstad first for a student fair and then Lund on friday for a presentation about French Higher Education (pretty cool & stressful).

We took the train home on friday night and enjoyed the sunny saturday eating kannelbullar and drinking hot chocolate by the sea !!!

Tonight älskling left. he will be back in June. I’m so sad. I’m watching Friends, drinking tea and eating chocolates. Not helping.


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