Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's make a hobby out of this!

In the next few months (3 to be exact), I’m going to be taking the biggest step of my life so far. I will be graduating from high school and going into college and life will be getting very real for me. I want to be able to share this experience and let people know what it’s like to grow up right now and the struggles and/or successes I run into in the next few years. I’m taking it upon myself to keep a journal, a chronicle, of the life everyone has gone or is going through and those who will see it in the near future.

Side note: Okay, honesty… What the HELL is with these photo sharing websites?! I look for pictures of the future and I get ninjas and ferris wheels? Does anyone know any good websites for some stock pics good for throwing up in this bloggity blogs?

Anyways… Me, future, college, WORK! I have to get a job eventually too. That should be a doozy. On a more serious note, I think many people get the wrong impression about my generation. We’re not the lazy, drug addicted, puss of a species people we’re made out to be. I’m going to set the record straight, and show a little piece of what I go through everyday, just for fun :D

[Via http://brodeurblog.wordpress.com]

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