Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Really??? Seriously?? Me, FIRED????

Day one. Ground Zero. I went to work today totally oblivious to the fact that tonight I would be filing for unemployment for the first time ever in my thirty some odd….err did i say thirty??? gosh it’s GOT to be twenty something???…anyways….something odd years anyway…..Me….ME…..the hardest worker you’ll ever meet, filing for unemployment?

Yep, and not for a performance issue either, there’s the kicker….there was no performance issue they could find…..hey word to the wise never tell your New Boss and your even Newer Boss’s Boss…”No”……whoda thunk?

So I thought…gee, what would any sophisticated single gal do??? Cry? Shop? (not well advised for the unemployed really…lack of income…??)….DRINK!! Ta DA! ok so three lovely Margarita’s from Chillis and still no, bummed and still unemployed. ok…..I can do this I say…..why not blog about life on the job less side?

In our economy I surely ain’t the only one out there, although probably the only one with such cute bags..tee hee…but I digress….

I decided, why not blog my adventures into job hunting land? The search for the new job? The job that fits the sophisticated gal I am???

come join me, the jobless gal on my search for life, liberty and the pursuit of paychecks! It’s sure to be a heck of a ride… ;)

[Via http://girlwithoutajob.wordpress.com]

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