Sunday, January 24, 2010

D-Day with Misplaced Identity

Right. So, tomorrow I’m going to another city for the interview. I’m making the whole thing look like a vacation. In fact I’ve actually turned it into a vacation.   I love staying in hotels and watching lots and lots of tv. I’ve asked OV(old version) to go along with me. OV lives in another city, so it’ll be nice meeting him too. Though I’m not sure about that. I’m more of a loner. But me and OV get along really well, as we suffer from similar madness.

I’m a little worried about not being worried about the interview. The interview looks part of the vacation too. I don’t know if that’s a good thing.

I’m unreasonably confident about getting the job, I’m going to be horribly disappointed if I make a mess of it. I should work on being a little less confident and more prepared.


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