Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy 2010!

Well, what can I say.   A LOT has changed since I last posted.  I now live in Novi, Michigan and begin my new career on Monday working for Hormel Foods in Detroit.  Yes my friends, this means that I’ve graduated college, moved to another state, changed time zones, and have to begin a full time job on Monday.  Talk about a lot changing huh? But yes, I did get the job and I couldn’t be more excited. 2010 will definitely be a new, different, and great one!

This week my mom drove out with me to get me settled here.  I could haven’t made this move without her helping me this week, my sister helping me with everything this week and calming me down from stressing, and my dad for helping with all of the moving and budget truck problems, and who could forget my brother who continued to remind me of the one thing that I don’t want to hear about. Ha.  I couldn’t have done it without any of them.

My internet is now set up at my new apartment and I’m so happy.  Now I can update everyone on my life.  I will post pics of my new apartment this weekend.  I hope everyone is ready for a wonderful new year!


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