Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Job... First day

First days ant anything can be pretty awkward but I hate first days at new jobs almost as much as I hate first days of school which was also today… But I’m only taking 2 online classes so it hardly counts.

Anyways. new job first days are even more awkward when you can’t get ahold of your boss to find out what time your supposed to come in and when you do come in the employee in charge of training you pretty much gives you a run down of all the things about your boss that are hard to deal with. But really what I hate most about first days is just being the new kid and everyone else is all already freinds and stuff so you’re jus tlike the awkward one. And there are two engaged girls working there which can get real annoying if they never stop talking baout being in love..

However I did learn this. Carlos Boozer… you know Utah Jazz star? Brings his family to my place of employment… and apparently his kids are the brattiest ones there and will lie to them if you ask them if their dad plays basketball they will lie to you. That my friends is hilarious.

Also… my boss is a hugger. She hugged me on my first day there!!! WHO DOES THAT?

[Via http://twocrazygirls.wordpress.com]

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