Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'll Get There...I Think


I have ultimately made a decision… a final decision. An extreme rarity among my brainwaves. I called Cypher, the director of the NY Circus Arts Academy in New York City and placed myself in a 4 day trial training class to see if I would be a good candidate for the 2 year professional training program majoring in aerial circus arts.

I have been working for great employers at a beautiful hotel in a beautiful location. I just fell into the job about 6 years ago. It was originally supposed to be temporary, just a way to relieve that ‘live a normal life’ itch I had since high school… I’ve been living a normal life since 2001.

I am now 26, and still making $400 a week. Quite comfortable in the little life I’ve created with my great husband. We rent an offbeat little cottage, pay our bills on time and have plans to have an actual wedding sometime soon, once we can scrounge the money together. He’s in construction and almost chopped his thumb off a couple days ago. Ugh! I really wish he didn’t have to work at all; all I want to do is stay home all day, snuggle on our 2nd hand, blue wingback couch and watch Laurel & Hardy until we fall asleep. This is pretty much what we do now when I get home from work at 11pm. During the day I open the craft shop that some of the creative hotel employees and I have put together. The shop doesn’t make much money but at least it’s a creative outlet. To get back to my creative roots, I have dabbled in community theatre and won first place for voice in the local talent shows for both 2008 & 2009 that I have participated. I’m pretty proud to have made front page of the local papers quite often for my vocal happenings.

I have had many different aspirations and good intentions for my career, but I haven’t been able to get to the point of moving. Something always got in the way of the first step. Either money or time or surgery (I had my gallbladder out in May ‘09) or another branch idea off of the first idea, etc, etc, etc…. This time I am going to actually commit to changing my life….you may be thinking: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s what everyone says and then months pass without anything happening.” I say the same thing all the time to my mother when she says she’s going to lose 20 pounds starting next week. Then 2 & 5 & 8 months roll by.

I have committed myself so that if I veer off it, I will completely embarrass myself if I don’t go through with it. I have told everyone I know what I’m going to do. Building it up so much that now I have to at least try my very best.

And so I will…I will.

Tomorrow I have to work from 8am-noon, with a break from noon-3pm, then back to work from 3-11pm. In that break time and all my break times I will be training myself to be as prepared for this week trial as possible. I have not worked out in quite a while so there will be hurting, and tears…I think more frustration than anything.

Wish me luck and check back tomorrow for aching bones & shin splints.


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