Monday, January 18, 2010

Mishmash Monday


I had an interview last week that I totally thought I did awesome at. She said they would be making a decision for 2nd interviews on Friday and that I would hear from her. She never called. Bummer. I’ll call her tomorrow though to find out where I went wrong. That’s the first time I’ve walked out of an interview wanting a job 110%. Bummer. I’m hoping that she hadn’t made a decision on Friday, but today is a holiday for some people, so I have to suffer until tomorrow.

Workouts and My Ankle:

I went to my first SacFit workout on Saturday. I spent all week wobble-boarding in preparation for the workout. I wasn’t going to run at all, but I did want to show up and introduce myself to my coaches. I planned on walking and that’s what I did. I walked for 2 miles at a good pace and my ankle felt OK. It was tired, but that was it.

But I didn’t plan on the extra walking I did — from the car, to the car, taking down Christmas decorations, etc. So by the end of Saturday, my ankle was not feeling at all good. I took it easy on Sunday, but it was still iffy. Today it is much better, but I want to take it easy. My plan to take my first run in on Saturday – I might have to put that off for some more time.

I need to start getting creative with my workouts. I’ve been lax for far too long. I can ride my bike. I can do my yoga. I know I can do an upper body workout. Not sure how I’ll do with a lower body workout, but I should at least give it a try.

I could also try to figure out how to use my new KB and / or my new medicine ball. Both of with I got for Christmas from my awesome sister and both of which are still in their packaging.

Also for Christmas, I bought myself one of those Iron Gym Workout Bars that you hang in a doorway and do pull-ups with. It might be a good idea to unwrap that little bit of goodness too.


I wrote on Friday that I would do better at my food over the weekend. While I wasn’t perfect, I certainly didn’t go crazy. I’m sure my calories for both days were under 2000. Today is much better – it will definitely be under 1500. And for the rest of the week too.

My House:

Ugh. It’s in a shambles right now. I just now got my Christmas decorations put away – I blame the ankle. LOL. The tree though is still in the giant bag sitting in the living room. Hopefully hubby takes care of hanging it up in the garage today. I didn’t ask him to though. Hoping he takes that upon himself. Although I won’t be surprised if it’s still sitting where I left it. He has a bad habit of only doing his stuff — cleaning his office, doing his laundry.

I need to put about 3 loads of dishes in the dishwasher in order to get caught up. I need to fold all my laundry. It’s just sitting in a pile right now.

We all need to clean the family room and living room — and run a broom though it. Damn fake tree spread needles all over the place. I thought that was the bonus part of having a fake tree?


I’ve been thinking of making the change to WordPress. I like the idea of make certain posts private (password protected) but keeping the whole of the blog public. Input from those who made the change?


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