Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Midwestern girl moves to the East Coast

I moved to the East Coast after my husband was accepted to Medical School and have lived here for the past 3 years. Moving from the Midwest was very hard for me. When you think of Wisconsin, you most likely think of cheese, cows, and farmers. When I think of Wisconsin, I think of friends, family, and polite people – all of which I felt I had given up when I left. I told myself, it was only four years and I would make the best of it while I was here. So I packed my things and moved to Pennsylvania.

Before this point, my husband and I were doing long distance for a year and half. And yes, it can be done! I stayed back in Wisconsin, working and planning our wedding, while he completed his first year as a Medical student. Looking back, it was a great idea; he could fully study and I was busy planning the wedding. I wanted us to be  fully committed before I moved and it really did make the heart grow fonder.

The first job I had here was not a great experience. I went home and cried every night. Not only was I homesick, but I hated the job I was at. Four months into it, I couldn’t take it anymore. I am not one to give up and I really tried hard to make it work, but I hit a breaking point. I sent an email to the other racquet club I interviewed at earlier and hoped for the best. To my surprise, they still wanted me and two weeks later I had a new job.

So the New Year came and so did my new attitude. Not only was I happy, but I loved my new job. I am still there to this day. It was amazing how I started opening my eyes and enjoying the city more. I was finally able to accept my new surroundings. For me, it is so important to love what you do and be passionate about it, no matter what it is. I still miss home every once in awhile, but this place is really starting to grow on me.

[Via http://tennispro2010.wordpress.com]

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