Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting Weight program (again)

Current Weight: 287.5

Short term goal: 258.8

Target: 165

… yes that is a long way to go, but as the saying says “the longest journey starts with one step” You know… now that I type that, that is kind of a funny quote. Of course the longest journey starts with one step, every journey starts with a step (or tail switch or wing flap for our swimmers and flyers)… this is like the advice that you’ll find what you’re looking for in the last place… you always do, because you stop looking… at least I assume you stop looking… maybe you have multiple items you are looking for, so the search continues… however at that point, isn’t it a new search??

Regardless, this seems as good of a time as any to try a weight loss regiment again…. the most appropriate reason is I’m working on cooking more… if I’m going to learn new cooking skills and recipes, I might as well learn healthy ones to eat. Also, since I’ll be cooking more, thats less eating out, less difficulty measuring portions, and less temptation to splurge. If I have to cook most of my food, that means everything requires effort, and if I get used to that, I think it’ll help me with portion control, because I’ll want me cooking effort to last as long as possible…

It also just seems like now is a good time for changes in general… most things are pretty stable… or I have recovery options. I switched positions at my job twice this year which meant there was a lot of change… but i’ve been in the current position for about 6 months now, so I think the rate of ‘organizational’ change is decreasing… I’m hoping to do some change of my own but I think I’m past the worst of new-in-the-job overwhelmedness…. or maybe thats the holiday restfulness talking. No relationship changes in the upcoming future, so that helps too… the last time I was on a good weight loss grove, it seemed to shake up around the same time I moved in with husband.

So, now that I think the world is done changing on me, its time for me to change myself… or maybe even the world too?

Hello World!!


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