Saturday, January 2, 2010

Too Close For Comfort

And that’s not in reference to Emma Butt last time I worked!

In fact, she could have come closer and I never would have complained. We had great fun together doing a bukkake shoot to start the night. Then she did something I don’t think has ever been done before with a Mars bar. I doubt it’ll ever be done again. She left us speechless… (except for a ‘thank God he wasn’t diabetic!’)

But what is too close for comfort is my pics on the club website being un-blurred for this month. Not least because my fiance’s dad has already looked at the site once lately, and may just pop back to have a look again. I am sure they will say, ‘well, now you’ve got movies online, what’s the problem?’

But the problem is I showed a group of people at a party this week the movie and half of them wouldn’t believe that it really was me who was that porn star there… where as photos on a club website with dates that coincide with the dates I have to find excuse after excuse to be away from home for really won’t help. Especially because the club locates me to exactly the city I tell my parents I’m off out clubbing with friends in.

So I’ve texted the managers asking them to act asap to go back to the blurred pics. But at the rate that the website gets updated, I now have quite a few days to worry about. Not good.


The owner has just texted me very apologetically saying that he’ll sort it asap. I know what his ‘asap’ is like, but it’s better than nothing.


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